BlueCorridor's Profile

Member Info
Name: BlueCorridor
Birthday: Aug 20 1998
Location: SE Washington/NE Oregon
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Thu, 21 Jun 2018
Membership: Member

Personal Bio

My name is Olivia. I'm a 19 year old Shi'a theurgist. I'm transgender, queer, and very happily married. I fancy myself a lay theologian and plan on getting a formal education in the subject when I'm in an area where Christianity has less of a stranglehold on the local universities. Formerly a worshipper of Lilith and practitioner of "black magic", I'm willing to talk about it further but I'm kinda past that now. My (nonbinary) husband is pagan and I will not let religion get in the way of my opinion of you, please extend the same courtesy.

I'm not comfortable talking about my previous time here because I was a kid and did things I regret, but I was an active (and disagreeable) member from 2013-2016. In 2017 I more or less fell out about when I embraced my ancestral Judaism and later converted to Islam. I came back because I'm authoring a proper spellbook. My main focuses now are talismans, sigils, warding and astral travel. I'll probably add more information as time goes on and people ask questions.

"A person is either your brother in faith, or your equal in humanity." -Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib(as)