TastingRed's Profile

Member Info
Name: TastingRed
Birthday: Feb
Location: Always awake somewhere in a dream
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Thu, 20 Aug 2015
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
For so long I have been interested in magic of all sorts. Sadly it was a part of me I always kept hidden because I was scared that I would be made fun of. Ashamed of who I was for so long, I was unhappy until I finally accepted to myself that I believe in dreams and nature and love and kindness, and since then I have found so much more inner peace.
Even though I lack knowledge I don't lack curiosity, deepness of mind, and a burning passion to learn more. I would really love to learn more about dreams and lucid dreaming, seeing that since I was little I have always found significant meaning behind my most terrible nightmares and dreams. I love to have conversations with people and explore more of the universe as a whole with never ending array of questions and to find answers too. Not just about the Earth and what beauty lies here but what more could be found past the stars.
Much love, and peace.