Kestrel13's Profile

Member Info
Name: Kestrel13
Location: The Stars
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Wed, 06 Mar 2013
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I love walking in the rain(crazy right) along with looking at the stars. My main focus is energy work with crystals and I meditate as often as possible. I am constantly getting new crystals, herbs, and oils. I am in the study of Wicca and am always open to learn and grow.
May the stars shine with new hope for you
I enjoy the study of elemental magick and look forward to learning more about it. I find that if I set my mind to something than I am sure to get there. I have yet to try magick as I feel I need to learn before I can act.
I prefer to be called willow as that is my name and will always be just that.