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Search Results for wish
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Ignitus67's Profile - Membership Area
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...I hope none of my words come across as arrogant or impudent. I I merely wish to learn as much as I can about magic and its wonders. May the Guardians look after you,.......
do any one! - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Do anyone just wish that they meet a friend just like them a friend that say your not crazy that they also experienced the same things? one! By: NatureusFeb 22, 2013--> Post # 1 Feb 22, 2013 Do anyone anyone just wish that they meet a friend just like them a.......
TwilightEon's Profile - Membership Area
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...And no, my profile picture isnt actually what I look like..though I wish wish it was. I admire gothic style and culture, so I definitely wouldnt mind looking like that. Partly why I selected it, I also love the color blue, and I wanted something more.......
Jadeduhaime's Profile - Membership Area
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...with recent events have just realized that this might be my calling. I I wish to practice white magick and make a difference in my personal life and in other lives as well for the better.......
Snowy_150's Profile - Membership Area
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...view Personal Bio I am new to magick but keen to learn all all about it. I wish to learn more about elemental magick(especially things inspired by water).So far i have learnt pendulum magick and crystal.......
imani.dior's Profile - Membership Area
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...maybe a small one) but thats for later! I AM IN A RELATIONSHIP( RELATIONSHIP( I do not wish to use this site as a dating site i am only looking for friendships with other practicers nothing more) Thanks for visiting.......
ShanJoy's Profile - Membership Area
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...manifestation, and gratitude. I seek to find others who do not wish to to fit into any type of traditional box. I am Christian, who also believes in and works with the angels, magick, and nature. Mother Mary and Mother Earth are both entities to whom I have much.......
Fork45's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile astral magic. I have been a believer for a very long time time and wish to learn as much as I.......
celesei's Profile - Membership Area
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...ever properly guess my age I assume. I will fully respect if you you do not wish to interact with me any further because of my age. I do have a background in Hellenic worship as well, but I do not incorporate it much into my magick practices. I do consider...
Freya's Eight
...A brief introduction to Norse Runes. In this article I will be sharing some knowledge of the Norse runes. The reason I like runes is that they are very physical. You can hold them for long periods, carry them in your pocket, and feed them with energy and oils, or magickal...
Vanityboy133's Profile - Membership Area
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...rights activist, and im 1/4 Roma (non-Roma call us Gypsies). If you wish wish to know more, then message me. Blessed Be,.......
Seeing Fae and Nature Spirits Part 1
 Some information on them and how to attract them Faeries/Nature Spirits, whatever you wish to call them are made up of energy. Just like a dead person is made up of energy. Therefore they are all of the same...lets say ''family''. All divine or magickal beings. So, lets get some things...
truecat's Profile - Membership Area
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...of magic, and respect that people have their right to believe what they they wish. whether its that magick doesnt exist or if its whats considered to be role play or fluffy or anything in between. If you want to message me with questions, or something, please state that when.......
shadowseer's Profile - Membership Area
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...these things. If you have any questions feel free to ask and if if its your wish to roleplay just dont expect anything from.......
darkangel99's Profile - Membership Area
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...a bit of black as well, but not anything TERRIBLE. pm me if if you wish. But, due to recent messages, id like to add if your not messaging me about anything about the site, or something decent, a.k.a, appropriate, i WILL NOT.......
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