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981 Weather Spells from Spell Casters

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981 Weather Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 981 Weather Spells
  1. Out With The Old, In With The New
  2. Fire Circle
  3. Lazy Bum Arsonists
  4. Fire Protection
  5. Lumos Solem
  6. Protection in the Snow
  7. Stop the Storm
  8. Bending Flame
  9. Flame Attratcter
  10. Storm of Purifying Rain

#951 - Out With The Old, In With The New

This spell utilizes the transformative powers of fire for personal change.
You may need:

  • Candle
  • Fire Proof Container
  • Paper
  • Pencil
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    You may need:

  • Candle
  • Fire Proof Container
  • Paper
  • Pencil
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    Relax. Light the candle. Sit down and write down ALL the things you want to change about yourself. Make sure they are things you truly wish to change. When you are done catch the paper on fire and when it first lights say to the paper:

    ''I BANISH THIS!''

    Place the paper in fire proof container and gaze into the burning flames. Say:

    ''Transformation I call to me,
    Blessed Fire answer my plea.
    Banish the old and bring in the new,
    Clear the way for what's healthy and true.''

    Keep saying it until the flames die down to nothing. Make a concerted effort to change your ways/habits/thoughts and fire will help you achieve success.

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    #952 - Fire Circle

    This spell utilizes the powerful protection of fire.
    You may need:

  • 8 Candles
  • Fire proof container
  • Piece of paper
  • Pencil
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    You may need:

  • 8 Candles
  • Fire proof container
  • Piece of paper
  • Pencil
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    Set up the 8 candles in a circle. One to the North, one to the North East and so on. Make the circle about a foot in diameter. Light the candles. Rip the paper into 9 pieces. Write your name on the first piece of paper. Place it in the center of the circle of candles. On the next 8 write "harm". Place each of the 8 by the candle on the outside of the circle. Now start at the top candle and take up the piece of paper that says "harm" on it.

    Catch it on fire and quickly put it in the fire proof container while saying this:"Fire burns and fire turns all evil and harm away from me.” Repeat this for each of the remaining 8 pieces of papers that say "harm" on them. When all papers have been burned, look at your name and say this three times with confidence: "Fires power and fires might. Protects me every day and night."

    Allow the candles to burn down to nothing and extinguish themselves. By the way, you can use birthday candles or smaller candles so the process will be quicker if you wish. (Note: Use only fireproof candle holders.) You now have a Fire Circle of protection around you!

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    #953 - Lazy Bum Arsonists

    Just don't feel like you can't finish a project or even start one? Fire can help.
    You may need:

  • Candle
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    You may need:

  • Candle
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    Light the candle and sit in front of it. Gaze at it for a few moments. Relax. Now recite this charm while gazing into the flame:

    ''Firey Spirits of action and change,
    Burn away my lazy ways,
    Light my will with your strong flames,
    Oh Firey Spirits of action and change.''

    Close your eyes and visualize the flame before you. Take a slow, deep breaths while visualizing a stream of fire come from the candle flame and into your lungs. Breathe this firey energy in, see it expanding throughout your body, burning away all blocks and unhealthy energy. Take two more slow, deep breaths and visualize the same thing. After you have done that, recite the charm again:

    ''Firey Spirits of action and change,
    Burn away my lazy ways,
    Light my will with your strong flames,
    Oh Firey Spirits of action and change.''

    Now visualize the actual candle flame floating toward you and entering into your stomach. See it burning there and then it expands to become a ball of fire. Say the charm once more:

    ''Firey Spirits of action and change,
    Burn away my lazy ways,
    Light my will with your strong flames,
    Oh Firey Spirits of action and change.''

    When finished, snuff the candle flame out and then revisualize the flame burning within.

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    #954 - Fire Protection

    A simple protection spell that requires concentration.
    You may need:

    You may need:

    Sit or stand before any fire. Look into the flames (or flame, if using a candle). Visualize the fire bathing you with glowing, protective light. The fire creates a flaming, shimmering sphere around you. If you wish, say the following or similar words:

    ''Craft the spell
    In the fire;
    Craft it well;
    Weave it higher.
    Weave it now
    Of shining flame;
    None shall come
    To hurt or maim.
    None shall pass
    This firey wall;
    None shall pass
    No, none at all.''

    Repeat this simple yet effective spell every day when in need.

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    #955 - Lumos Solem

    This spell will make it sunny.
    You may need:

  • Wand
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    You may need:

  • Wand
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    When you want to be warm and make it sunny for your sad friends try this spell. Take your wand and point it straight up while you say " Lumos Solem".

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    #956 - Protection in the Snow

    Protection spell involving snow.
    You may need:

  • One peppercorn
  • A pinch of salt
  • Pinch of powdered ginger
  • Pinch of powdered cloves
  • A small pinch of red cotton cloth
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    You may need:

  • One peppercorn
  • A pinch of salt
  • Pinch of powdered ginger
  • Pinch of powdered cloves
  • A small pinch of red cotton cloth
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    Place the peppercorn in a bowl while saying "I charge you with protection". Place the salt in second, while saying "I charge you with stability". Now place the cayenne pepper in while saying, "I charge you with warmth". Next, place the ginger in while saying, "I charge you with protection". Do the same for the cloves.

    Mix the assembled spices and salt with your fingers, while visualizing yourself healthy and protected. Transfer the herbs to the center of the cloth squares. Fold it in half and then in half again. Sew up or tie the ends. Carry this with you during snowy seasons.

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    #957 - Stop the Storm

    If someone casts a storm spell, this would be very effective in stopping it.
    You may need:

  • Sword or wand
  • Silver or dark blue glitter
  • Frankincense
  • Water and air
  • Hematite
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    You may need:

  • Sword or wand
  • Silver or dark blue glitter
  • Frankincense
  • Water and air
  • Hematite
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    Take some frankincense and a hematite stone, place them on a pentacle you'vedrawn on the ground (with your sword or wand). Place the tool of your choice in the middle of the pentacle and while holding the stone in your hand say: "Morrigan goddess of the storm I ask for your help in every form, turn it back into the sea, absorb it into the rock into the tree, send this storm far from me. And if my Goddess does agree than manifest please make it be!"

    Then take the silver or deep blue glitter and sprinkle it around the perimeter of the pentacle and let some fall off of your hand into the wind. Leave the stone as an offering to the elements and the Goddess. Please Note : that if the storm does not come to your back yard it will go to someone else's, try not to deplete your land of anything it needs just for the sake of seeing if you can do it.

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    #958 - Bending Flame

    This spell will make a flame bend.
    You may need:

  • Your hand and a candle of your choosing
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    You may need:

  • Your hand and a candle of your choosing
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    First light the candle let it burn for about 10 seconds then hold your hand up to the sky but your hand must look like it's holding an invisible ball then say.OH! Energy of the sky come into my hand so that I may bend this flame.Then bring your hand down like you are going to throw a ball ( hand must be a few cm apart) the minute your hand is stretched out towards the flame keep your fingers stretched out straight.The flame should bend until you move your hand but don't make so much wind that the flame goes out just enough to bend the flame.

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    #959 - Flame Attratcter

    This spell can attract and repel flame.
    You may need:

  • Candle
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    You may need:

  • Candle
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    First you light the candle and let it burn for about 5 seconds. Then make a psi ball (get the energy from the sun) in your hands. Make the psi ball sway round in small motions or you could move your hand around the candle thrice anti clockwise then three or two waves clock wise.

    Say, "Oh! Might candle flame. I summon the energy in you to connect or join with mine, so that I may have power over you". Move your hand closer to the flame. The psi ball should repel the flame.

    I have noticed that due to lack of use this spell will be dispelled so I suggest doing this every once in a wile.

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    #960 - Storm of Purifying Rain

    Restore the luminous light of your aura and lift your spirit. If there is any well or lake around the rain will purify it temporarily.
    You may need:

  • two blue candles
  • seashells
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    You may need:

  • two blue candles
  • seashells
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    Make a pentagram out of the seashells with the point in the direction
    of the west. Put the lit candles on each side of the pentagram.

    Recite this chant three times:
    ''I conjure thee rain of light,
    to heal my wounds and replenish my sight.
    Pour the ocean from the sky,
    Pour your love on me and purify.
    End this time of sunny sunshine,
    Goddess pour on us your purity devine''.

    Wait for rain and let it fall on you or any charm you use alot to revive it to its full strength.

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    981 Weather Spells from Spell Casters