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981 Weather Spells from Spell Casters

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981 Weather Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 981 Weather Spells
  1. Summon a tornado at your enemy
  2. rain song
  3. Control the fire element
  4. Spell to make it rain
  5. Simple Sun Spell
  6. Ignis Essence
  7. Candle of Darkness
  8. Alchemical Spark
  9. Fire of Rust
  10. Other world sight (Dream spell)
#41 - #50
#61 - #70
#81 - #90
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#61 - Summon a tornado at your enemy

The intent of the spell is to summon a tornado to someone.
You may need:

  • Voice
  • Concentration
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Concentration
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    Go outside on a windy day. Chant the words

    It's time for (name) to go, spawn a tornado let it grow. Shine on the powers of the beam, let me magic now be seen. Air unite, end this fight.

    Added to on Sep 10, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #62 - rain song

    sing this how ever you feel feels right. if you want to hum it you can. not sure if this will work for you, but it's worth a shot. you just need happy thoughts about the rain and a comfortable spot.
    You may need:

    You may need:


    sing "Rain falls down, down to the ground

    spirits rise, spirits sing, and they dance to the musical beat that rains" sing as many times as you want.

    Added to on Aug 30, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #63 - Control the fire element

    Learn to control fire with this spell
    You may need:

  • Yourself
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    You may need:

  • Yourself
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    Get into a mediative state; clearing your mind

    Now, imagine you are walking through a void, approaching a ball of fire. Put your hands in this fire

    You'll need to repeat this exercise a few times after the first one, but eventually you will get control over the element. It's worth te wait.

    Added to on Aug 20, 2018
    Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #64 - Spell to make it rain

    This is for practicing to connect with a storm. It may take a couple days to fully connect with a storm. I got the idea online to create a spell of my own, but keep in mind that I am not plagiarizing. Full credits to the Tea Witch Blog:
    You may need:

  • Your mind, 1 cup of chamomile or peppermint tea (optional), and a place where you can think straight
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    You may need:

  • Your mind, 1 cup of chamomile or peppermint tea (optional), and a place where you can think straight
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    This will work when there is a storm outside. You will need a focused mind for this ritual and spell. Be sure to be quick with this as well. Be sure you are filled with positive energy flowing through you. First, meditate. Clear your mind, think about the storm, and nothing else. Do this for 20 minutes, or until you feel the actual connection to the storm. Once you feel it, say this spell:

    Now that the sunny skies have cleared today,

    and rain and thunder have made their way,

    help us be connected.

    So mote it be.

    This spell can be said before or after the meditation. You can also revise it to say "Help us be more connected". Try it out!

    Added to on Aug 10, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #65 - Simple Sun Spell

    This is a spell what will make the sun appear. NO CANDLES or all the kids out there.
    You may need:

  • -Yourself
  • -Enhancers (Optional)
  • -Quiet
  • -Meditation (2 minutes)
  • -Belief
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    You may need:

  • -Yourself
  • -Enhancers (Optional)
  • -Quiet
  • -Meditation (2 minutes)
  • -Belief
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    Make sure that you are in a really quiet room with no interruptions. If it is quiet outside then it is your lucky day because that helps with a spell like this one. Before you do any of this meditate closest to nature for at least 2 minutes, this will help you find peace instead of thinking rain when this is a sun spell!

    Now sit down in a basic meditation position and visualize a really stormy day with clouds in the sky with a bunch of thunder and lightning! Then slowly imagine the thunder echoing down and the clouds turning from dark gray, to light gray, to white. Then imagine all the clouds parting away slowly but surely, and then visualize the sun slowly coming up getting brighter and brighter as it goes. Now I want you to say this chant three times!

    By the light of this world I say

    By the power of three,

    So Mote It Be!

    Ps: It should be light again in 10-20 minutes an mail me if it works!

    Added to on Aug 08, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #66 - Ignis Essence

    Powder that burns extremely hotly, so hot as to melt through steel. Take great care.
    You may need:

  • Aluminium powder.
  • Sulfur.
  • Magnesium powder.
  • Mortar and pestle.
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    You may need:

  • Aluminium powder.
  • Sulfur.
  • Magnesium powder.
  • Mortar and pestle.
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    Powder the sulfur.

    Mix the three powders together, visualize energy of fire and destruction flowing from you into the mix and say:

    • "Hereby, I call the lightning:
    • Fulgur Virtutem Denseo!
    • Hereby, I call the flame:
    • Essentia Miris Tragoediis!
    • Hereby, I call the metal:
    • Aes Potentiam Augere!
    • Thus, the primal fire I command:
    • Partum Ignis Primum!"

    Now, you have the primal fire essence.

    Added to on Jul 30, 2018
    Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #67 - Candle of Darkness

    By following the following instructions while making a candle, you can attune it to evil. It will burn with flicks of violet color.
    You may need:

  • Whatever you need to make a candle.
  • Niter powder proportionally to the candle's length.
  • Evil thoughts.
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    You may need:

  • Whatever you need to make a candle.
  • Niter powder proportionally to the candle's length.
  • Evil thoughts.
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    Instead of just pouring stearin (at least, so do I usually) around the candle wick, pour it by layers near the wick, and put niter around the wick between the layers, each time saying:

    • "Within this niter my evil now lies,
    • Oh spirits, I look at it with my eyes,
    • When I light the candle, you shall come forth,
    • Bring evil from deep caves, the south and the north."

    Then encase the candle in stearin, so the imbued niter is trapped inside. Now, you have prepared the candle of darkness.

    Be careful, for when the spirits bring evil and pain to the candle, you may be affected and become somewhat ill.

    Added to on Jul 29, 2018
    Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #68 - Alchemical Spark

    This spell will conjure a bright spark. Take great care, as it can easily ignite wood.
    You may need:

  • A pinch of magnesium powder.
  • A pinch of manganese powder.
  • Some glue.
  • A small sheet of paper.
  • A black pen.
  • A flame of a candle or a lighter (for casting).
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    You may need:

  • A pinch of magnesium powder.
  • A pinch of manganese powder.
  • Some glue.
  • A small sheet of paper.
  • A black pen.
  • A flame of a candle or a lighter (for casting).
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    Inscribe the paper as to draw spirits of fire to it.

    Mix the powders while chanting:

    • "Metal, fire, magic mark,
    • Hear my will and make a spark!"

    Add glue to the mix and roll a ball; wrap it in the paper while the glue hadn't dried out yet. Chant:

    • "Water, plant, all world around.
    • The fire sleeps until it's doubled."

    Let the ball dry. Now you have prepared the alchemical component of the spell.

    When you want to cast it, light the ball on fire while chanting:

    • "Here I give the second fire.
    • Spark of flame is my desire!"

    Throw the ball before the spell activates. You should have a bright spark and a bit of fire.

    Added to on Jul 29, 2018
    Last edited on May 22, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #69 - Fire of Rust

    This spell will conjure a hot flame. Take great care, as it can easily ignite wood or melt some of the metals.
    You may need:

  • A pinch of iron rust.
  • A pinch of aluminium powder.
  • Some glue.
  • A small sheet of paper.
  • A black pen.
  • A flame of a candle or a lighter (for casting).
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    You may need:

  • A pinch of iron rust.
  • A pinch of aluminium powder.
  • Some glue.
  • A small sheet of paper.
  • A black pen.
  • A flame of a candle or a lighter (for casting).
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    Inscribe the paper with runes or other symbols that may draw spirits of fire to it.

    Mix rust and aluminium together; chant the following:

    • "Lightning, metal and desire,
    • Cure the rust and light the fire!"

    Add glue and start rolling a little ball from the mix.

    Before the glue dries out, wrap the ball with the paper; make sure the paper is glued to the ball and chant:

    • "Bound by water and vegetation,
    • The fire shall sleep until salvation!"

    Let the ball dry.

    Now, you can chant:

    • "I give you help as to awaken.
    • Now burn, the fire long forsaken!"

    While chanting, ignite the paper with the fire and throw it were you wish before the fire fully awakens. It doesn't last long, but it burns hotly.

    Added to on Jul 29, 2018
    Last edited on May 22, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #70 - Other world sight (Dream spell)

    were you get to see,feel,taste things in sleep and seems real. Note: its not a powerful spell anyone can do it if they believe.
    You may need:

  • Nothing only belief
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    You may need:

  • Nothing only belief
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    All you need to do is look at the night sky threw window are whatever outside doesent madder were at. Look at the stars and make a peace sign lefting your arm up with eyes closed. as you chant. "Stars,Stars tonight grant me this wish upon the gods hell and heaven, to enter this new world threw sleep. Bring me the star dust threw the eyes. so mote it be."

    thats all you need to say and idk what world you will go to it depends on you and you only.

    Added to on Jun 21, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    981 Weather Spells from Spell Casters