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1230 Trick Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 1230 Trick Spells
1230 Trick Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 1230 Trick Spells
  1. Stun Bolt
  2. Illusion of Fire
  3. Time Travel
  4. Hydrokinesis
  5. Electrokinesis
  6. Chronokineis
  7. Biokinesis
  8. Cyrokinesis
  9. Telekinesis Part 2
  10. Telekinesis Part 1

#1021 - Stun Bolt

Makes enemy tired and dizzy.
You may need:

  • Voice
  • Wand(optional)
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Wand(optional)
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    Point at enemy and say:

    "Expros momos."

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    Last edited on Aug 01, 2016
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    #1022 - Illusion of Fire

    Use this spell to create a fire illusion.
    You may need:

  • Red Candle
  • Paper
  • Pen
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    You may need:

  • Red Candle
  • Paper
  • Pen
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    Light the Red candle, write on the paper who who want to see the Fire. Burn the paper,
    as it is burning, chant:" Make them see what cannot be, flames that leap to make them flee. Make (him/her) hear what isn't there. (His/Her) deepest worries came to bear!"

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    #1023 - Time Travel

    time traveling forwards and back or to go back in history on forward to the future like seeing the titanic or seeing 2012.
    You may need:

  • A clock
  • determination
  • great amount of focus
  • destination
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    You may need:

  • A clock
  • determination
  • great amount of focus
  • destination
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    Time Travel
    Visual Exercise

    Step One
    Get comfortable and relax.

    Step Two
    Then close your eyes and visualize a clock face with the hour, minute, and second hands on it. the small hand on 10 and the long hand on 2.

    Step Three
    Once you have focused on the clock feel your energy blending with the clock. Then focus on the fact that there is the lineal time line behind the face of this clock.

    Step Four
    Then set the clock forwards or backwards to the time that you wish to visit with in the 24 hour period from where you are now.

    Step Five
    Then in your own time see your visual body walking through the clock face and into the lineal time line.

    Step Six
    When you arrive in that time period make a note of what you see and feel. If you go back in time and it is around a meal time that you would have had food or drink don't worry if you feel a tingling sensation in your physical body this is normal.

    Step Seven
    When you are ready to come back just reset the clock face to your time period and walk through the clock face again.

    To write down all you have learnt about that time period.

    Time Travel : Porthole Technique
    Destination: place you want to go
    Destination Date: day/month/year
    Subject: what you want to see

    Visual Exercise

    Step One
    Charge your physical body with energy.

    Step Two
    Then close your eyes and see your visual body standing in front of you.

    Step Three
    Then construct a porthole like you learnt in the section on portholes in front of your visual body.

    Step Four
    Then visualize that your energy is blending with your visual body.

    Step Five
    Next focus your mind on travelling to the destination at the top.

    Step Six
    Then see your visual body walking into the porthole.

    Step Seven
    Next see the porthole opening at the destination and see your visual body walking out of the porthole

    Step Eight
    Look around and take notes on what you see in that time period. Then when you are ready walk back into the porthole and back out into your time period.

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    #1024 - Hydrokinesis

    the ability to influence water
    You may need:

  • A bowl(glass works best)
  • A cork
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    You may need:

  • A bowl(glass works best)
  • A cork
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    While in meditation stage think of only the properties the associations and the real feel of water, take in the water be in water if need be, once fully completed time to move on.

    Place water in a bowl put in front of you, close your eyes get the real feeling of the water, feel every energy, molecule and atom of it, feel the waters energy and feel your energy mix your energy with water come as one with the water a master of water, place cork in water, wait for it to settle, after you mixed the energy of the water and you open your eyes and hold your hands over the bowl, your energy is the same as the waters, will the water to move like when you move your energy, for example when you visualize energy flowing through your hands when making a psi ball,with practice and deep concentration the water shall move anyway you want, now practice so you can make waves at the beach.

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    #1025 - Electrokinesis

    Ability to control and produce electricity.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    First, stand up get relaxed, close your eyes then visualize electricity flowing in and out you see it shocking hear it snapping and cracking practice for 10 to 15 minutes a day, try to produce out of hand to shock people or mess up reception.

    Also you can lay in bed close your eyes and focus on a certain part of your body and visualize electricity you must see it hear it, also feel it, try to produce it out your finger tips sending sparks arching open your eyes.

    After you practiced the two steps above enough make a psi ball, then visualize electricity flowing into the ball wrapping around it, flowing through it.a sphere of electricity

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    #1026 - Chronokineis

    The ability to control time
    You may need:

  • A clock (one that ticks not a digital one)
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    You may need:

  • A clock (one that ticks not a digital one)
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    Place the clock in front of you now find your relaxing place, listen to he ticks of the clock measure the pauses, now think to yourself time is not real, it is something made from man.

    Now visualize that the clock's ticks are going slower or faster if it ticks slower or faster it worked, with enough practice you can be able to do this without a clock.

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    #1027 - Biokinesis

    The ability to rearrange or change genes or reprogram, if this skill is mastered you can become super human.
    You may need:

  • nothing
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    You may need:

  • nothing
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    First Meditate for about 30 minutes a day, once you've reached he state of relaxation it's time to move on,now visualize psi energy flowing through you, then create a needle of energy thin and sharp, now visualize your genes flowing through a tube.

    using will power think of the change of genes you want, focusing on that thought to send the needle piercing the tube of genes, visualize psi energy cover the hole see it fade to black and shimmering down fading (You will need to cover up the hole with the psi energy or you will permanently change a part of you.

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    #1028 - Cyrokinesis

    Cryokinesis is the ability to control the element of ice.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Cultivating water energy

    First, stand in position for ki breathing, close eyes and visualize your being surrounded by water, visualize that energy from the water is flowing into your body filling you up, once you think you've had enough it's time to move on.

    Lowering a room or area's temperature
    First: Meditate for a clear calm mind, then pick the room or area in which you would like the temperature but first check thermostat. Now stand in a comfortable position and close your eyes closed, visualize that your in a blizzard, see the snow flying and frost forming on the ground everything freezing. Gather the feel of this cold adapt to it, now visualize the temperature of the thermostat dropping lower, check thermostat see if it lowers.

    Ice ball
    Stand in a comfortable position, hold hands like holding a ki ball. You should hold your hands at your side near your hip. Visualize water flowing on top of your hands flowing into your hands swirling into a ball, then visualize it slowing freezing feel the coldness, hear it cracking, hands should feel cold.

    Ice blast
    Perform a Ice ball, then push the ball forward using ki blast, visualize the ball flying being absorbed by a enemy turning them to ice.

    Ice shield
    Visualize water flowing in you filling you. Visualize the water energy mixing with your ki and Dan Tien mixing together see it exploding out your body visualize it freezing have way forming a dome, fill it with water to make it stronger.

    Ice needles
    First visualize water filling packing in your arms, now visualize it freezing tense up and shoot the ice forward, use your ishi to send it out your palm and fingertips creating needles.

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    #1029 - Telekinesis Part 2

    Another article about using telekinesis.
    You may need:

  • An object
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    You may need:

  • An object
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    Set the object in front of you and focus on it. Make a tunnel between yourself and the object in your mind. Focus on nothing but yourself and the object, tuning the outside world out. Now visualize hands coming from the tunnel and pulling the object in whichever direction you want it to go. With enough focus, it should move.

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    #1030 - Telekinesis Part 1

    Some easy ways to practice telekinesis.
    You may need:

  • An object
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    You may need:

  • An object
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    Place the object in front of you and focus on the object. Close your eyes, visualize the object in your mind. Before you do anything with it, charge the object my visualizing energy flowing into it. Use the energy to push or pull the object, moving it in your mind. The more you practice, you should be able to eventually open your eyes and move the object with your focus.

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    1230 Trick Spells from Spell Casters