7150 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Grow Wings Spell (2018)
- Necromantic Psychic Protection
- Soul Anchoring
- To create a necromantic servitor
- Summon a tornado at your enemy
- Mischief
- Get rid of body flaws spell
- vampire spell/ritual/potion that may work
- Bind someone from harm
- Tea Drinker's Chant
#731 - Grow Wings Spell (2018)
What 2 Do:
say this spell 3 times
Wings shall grow from my back
So I can fly high
Throughout the sky
With the flowing wind
My wings shall be the color (the color you want)
and shall stretch out to (number) in length
My wings shall grow when I (word, motion, etc)
and shall fold into my back when I (word, motion, etc)
Please give me this
This is my long lasting wish
I want to soar as high as the breeze can take me
To soar and fly
Whenever and wherever I shall be
Grant me this in 1 week
So mote it be
For (word, motion, etc) you just pick whatever
you want for your wings to grow like waving your hand,
saying fly, etc
You just pick a number for how long you want your
wings to be
Side Effects:
Back aching, changing color, growing bumps, etc
Feeling lighter
Dreams of flying
Shoulderblades aching, growing bumps, etc
#732 - Necromantic Psychic Protection
Imagine the death essence, which is gray, surrounding you in the shape of a bubble. At the same time, visualizing that if anything touches the bubble or you they die.
Last edited on May 24, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#733 - Soul Anchoring
Hold your object of choice and imagine a line with a hook coming from your soul and connecting your soul to the object.
#734 - To create a necromantic servitor
Place the skull on your ritual altar facing you then light the black candle and imagine black light going into the flame as you imagine a face forming on the skull both at the same time then take your athame and cut your hand then drip your blood on the skull while imagining your blood bringing the spirit of the deceased persons skull back to life and being bound to your will.
#735 - Summon a tornado at your enemy
Go outside on a windy day. Chant the words
It's time for (name) to go, spawn a tornado let it grow. Shine on the powers of the beam, let me magic now be seen. Air unite, end this fight.
#736 - Mischief
Say once: Mischief is what I seek, Mischief is what I want.
Loki be so kind and grant me your power of Mischief.
If I misuse your power do me a favor and take i from me.
#737 - Get rid of body flaws spell
Say this as many times as you want to make it more powerful:Body flaws I hate you so.You need to go go go.So mote it be.
#738 - vampire spell/ritual/potion that may work
Put all of the ingredients in the bowl except for the blood, moon water, corpse water, crossroad dirt, graveyard dirt, bat's blood, and locks of hair from you and the enemy. Don't mix yet. Now say this while adding your own blood while cutting yourself to the bowl:
~~~ With this knife I cut my ( hand,arm,wrist,finger,ect ) to draw thy own blood from inside of me!~~~ Now cut yourself in the area you just said. Then say: ~~~ With this blood I add to me the vampire that's locked inside of me. I add this blood to this bowl that's right in front of me. I am now becoming what I was born to be!~~~ Add the blood to the bowl that's sitting in front of you. Then say: ~~~ With this blood from thy own enemy I take what's mine from inside of ( Enemy's full name ) whose powers have wrongfully been used to hurt me. They are weak and I am strong I take what lies they have made of me. With this blood I control thy own enemy. They can not run and they can not hide from the power and anger that they've caused me. I now bind them to the darkness that they have come from. I own their heart and I own their soul. Now I add this blood to the bowl in front of me.~~~ Add the blood to the bowl. Now, say: ~~~ With thy own locks of hair I add to this bowl in front of me I now am starting the vampire transformation that I ought to be. With thy own enemy's locks of hair I forbid thee to cause any hurt unto me.~~~ Add the locks to the bowl. Now if you have the bat's blood say: ~~~ With this bat's blood that I add to this bowl in front of me I ask of the vampires to come and transform me.~~~ Add the bat's blood now if you have it. Now say: ~~~ With this Moon Water that I've made for thee. Oh Goddess of Darkness infertile Queen please won't you hear and answer my plea? Oh Goddess Hecate come to me. Hecate the Goddess of Crossroads and Queen of Witchcraft I invoke thee to come to me and transform me into your ( Daughter or Son ) tonight. If you can not come to me then please send me one of your children to come and bite me, so that I can become a ( Vampiress or Vampire ) of the night like I was born to be.~~~ Add the Moon Water to the bowl. Now if you have corpse water say: ~~~ With this Corpse Water I thank the corpse for helping me become a undead immortal vampire that I am meant to be. Let the spirit of the dead enter into this magical Corpse Water and bid me welcome as a being of the night. I welcome the lost souls to come and surround me in their welcomeing darkened unholy imbrace.~~~ If you have the Corpse Water add it to the bowl now. Now, say: ~~~ With this Crossroad dust and Graveyard dust I bring forth the spirits and lost souls of the dead to grant me thy praise and welcome as a new born vampire of the night. My transformation is almost complete, but I still have to write my name in blood and ink on a piece of paper that I have offered thee. Oh Goddess Hecate I thankth thee for loving and accepting me into your welcomeing arms thanks unto thee. Now, I thanks the spirits for helping me gain what's rightfully mine tonight. With this pen I write to the Goddess Hecate I write my name in full, I write my age, I write my gender, I write my place in which I live in full, I write my race in full, I write my hair color that I was born with, I write my true eye color, I write my ( Wiccan or Pegan name ) in full, I write my powers that I want as a vampire, I write my weight in pounds in full, I write my height I am right now, I write what I want to be ( Vampire ), I write three wishes that will be granted unto me as a vampire, I write what strengths and weakness make me as a new vampire, and I write my thanks to the spirits that have helped me. I sign my name in blood and in ink and I will never forget this night that changed me.~~~ Do all of that now while mixing the ingredients together. Then drink about four shollows of the mixture or drink almost half of the mixture if you like, but be warned that this much may just end up harming you greatly because of the blood, but be careful when using this high amount of the mixture. Don't forget to date the paper before signing in blood. Now after signing your name in blood draw a inverted pentagram on top of all of the words in blood from the mixture. Next, fold the paper as many times as you like and smear your blood and the mixture on top of the folded paper that doesn't have any words on that side if you can't then just smear it on top. You don't have to make a design with the smeared blood just smear it. Then, take the lighter and lite the paper on fire and let it sit on top of the mixture making sure it doesn't get too wet. Once the flame goes out on it's own stir the mixture again with the spoon. Next, dip two fingers into the mixture and lick it off your fingers making sure you get all of it off. Now, you drink one more sip of the mixture. Making sure to leave enough of the mixture to pour some on the ground where you are right now and pour some near your house. While leaving some to the Goddess and spirits as an offering. After, doing all of this then say: ~~~ Thank you Goddess and thank you spirits I bid you farewell and I bid thee part. Thank you all for doing your parts. By the power of three my will be done as tho wilt so mote it be! So mote it be!~~~
And you are now done. go home and sleep and email me the side effects if there are any. Email me after doing this spell/ritual/potion and tell me what happened. Tell me what I can do to make this spell/ritual/potion better. Please and thank you. Bless it be.
Last edited on Mar 07, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#739 - Bind someone from harm
you will need a lot of concentration for this spell so keep your head clear. light candle if you are using then wait at least a minute if you are not using one keep going.First, take the picture and concentrate on the person who you want to bind from doing harm. Then take the string or rope and start wrapping it around the picture. While doing this say the incantation:
"I bind you (person's name)
from doing harm against people, animals, nature
and against yourself. "
Repeat about 3 times or more each time feel the spell get stronger. When you're done with that, you can either tie the rope into a knot or you can keep it on there with the tape. Make sure to keep the picture in a safe place where it wont be moved or disturbed.if needed to put it in a small box and bury it.
#740 - Tea Drinker's Chant
Firstly, prepare your tea. While it is brewing, keep your mind calm and clear. Focus is important, as with any spell, so you want your mind as free as possible.
When your tea is finished (and still hot!), add any ingredients you enjoy (If you don't take anything in your tea or beverage, skip straight to the stirring step) Such as sugar, honey, mint candies, etc. As you add these ingredients, take soothing deep breaths as if meditating.
Now for the stirring, which is the most important bit. To bring something into your life, whether it be money, luck, or even friendship, you must stir clockwise. To banish something from your life, such as depression, anger, or bad luck, stir counterclockwise.
As you stir, bring an image to your mind of what you want brought to you or banished. Stare into the cup as you stir, focusing on the center of the swirling liquid.
Next, say the names of the things you want brought or banished, aloud or in your head, as you stir. Example:
To bring luck, love, happiness and fortune, you would say; "Bring Luck, love, happiness and fortune into my life"
To banish sadness, anger, hate and misfortune, you would say; "Banish sadness, anger, hate and misfortune from my life"
Once you've finished chanting, however many times you feel necessary, drink your beverage and continue your time as you normally would.