7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Spirit Mirror
- Birds Connection
- Invoke the Elements
- My mermaid spell
- Dragon Breath Exercise
- Shape Shifting
- Draconic Wand
- Calling Of Lucifer
- Stop Nightmares
- The Conjuration of Archangel Gabriel
#5461 - Spirit Mirror
Pour the water into the plate until it spills out the sides. Look into the water and focus on your reflection. Tap your finger in the middle of the plate, making a ripple in the water. Close your eyes and do this again. You should visualize the ripple in your mind. When it fades away you will see a white aura, which is your spirit.
Last edited on Nov 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5462 - Birds Connection
For this spell you need to be in a room alone with the bird and your bird must sit still. You must close your eyes and imagine part of mind coming out of your body. Then you open your eyes and focus on the bird.
Imagine an aura moving slowly into the birds head. Then close your eyes and you should see what the bird sees.
I tryed this with other animals it it only seems to work with a bird.
Last edited on Nov 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5463 - Invoke the Elements
Go outside during the day and chant: "Elements, I ask of you: come to my command. Earth, wind, fire and sea - please be unto me". Visualize the elements becoming part of you one by one. Say, "Please come to me as soon as I cast from my hand".
Last edited on Nov 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5464 - My mermaid spell
1st get a bowl.Then some seashells(small or large)
get some purfume(Smells like the ocean.)and last a blue scented candle.
Then some salt and water.
2nd get some water and pour into bowl half-way.Then Put alot of salt and dump it in.Ok so now get the candle and place in the middle.(DO NOT LIGHT)You will see later.Get some kind of spoon and mix around gently.While spraying alot of purfume onto it.Lastly you will see that its a blue ish tint and put a sprinkle of sand in it and seashells.
2.The spell
Go and write down this on paper.
Oh please,Great gentle mermaids and merman of the deep.Lisen close.I wish to what you are.A (Mermaid or merman).I beg you.I do.I belive. I would love to have the coler/Colers of( Tail coler ex.Neon green and black.Etc.) And wish that this ( neclace , braclet,Etc) Will be on me forever!And my power will be (Fire,Wind etc.)Also my loyal companion of the deep will be(Water animal)
Please.I will not hurt but only love.
Then put somewere near the tub will it will not get wet but readable.So keep your legs togather and it.Then get out and dry off.Medatate alone.When you are think only abount being one of them.Wake up then grab the potion and rub it all over your legs.
3.Im not sure what the sideaffecs are.You will turn next full moon
#5465 - Dragon Breath Exercise
After meditation, exhale completely and comfortably. During your semi-slow inhale, envision tiny orbs of energy gathering toward your mouth (or nose). Feel yourself drawing them into your own energy. Once you have filled your lungs, exhale at leasure, but visualize a pillar of smoke (or whatever you like) bellowing from your mouth: this pillar takes form as a serpent-like dragon, as thick and long as you can manage in a reasonable exhale. This can be used for many things, be sure to ground the energy once you are done.
Last edited on May 24, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5466 - Shape Shifting
Lay down and think of your breathing and feel your self in utter relaxation. Now think of a cat and feel your self slip out of your body. Try not to control the happenings of the the other plane you are now in. Try doing this every day untill its not your imagination.
Last edited on Nov 27, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5467 - Draconic Wand
Make a fire and then take your branch and roll it in the ash. Then say "Draconis enchenal magihl gemon enhan" (pronounced drae con is, N chen nal, ma Jill, gem on, N Han). Then wave the wand through the fire 3 times.
Make a socket (with the knife) in the wood, and put your gem in (best in the handle) and coat the blood on the tip on the wand. Now say, "Enchenal draconis blodvel magihl" And you hold your new wand.
Last edited on May 24, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5468 - Calling Of Lucifer
Lay down the salt in a zigzag order.
Draw with the white chalk whatever reason you wish to draw Lucifer out along the lines of the salt.
Place the black candle across from the white chalk drawing and light the flame.
Then, spin the red thread a arround the candle till the end touches the flame.
Lastly whisper these words into the flame.
Oh, God of under
God Of time, do the souls trace with lice.
Of which this time I do combine, to hear the words
Hear my lies.
Lucifer, name of fear
Grant me a wish, one so I can hold dear.
From the unearthly runes, Elders talk.
Must I use what you've been called.
Mote it be granted.
Last edited on Nov 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5469 - Stop Nightmares
Light the candles, after you do that i sugest you to turn the lights out. Center yourself and work mainly on your breathing. Lay out all of the items and purify them with salt I always say " With this salt I invoke the goddess and god to purify these items" after you sprinkle the salt put you items in the bottle in the order I have listed in the ingredient list, while doing this say:
"I call upon the power of
The goddess and god to protect me
Rid me of these nightmares
Harm shall not come to your child
cleanse me of this worry.
I call upon the power of
Earth, Air, Fire, and water to protect
Lull me into peaceful sleep.
Good dreams should ever follow me
Blessed be"
After you say the spell blow one of the candles out and pour its wax into the bottle close the bottle and shake it and say "So my spell binds". After this put the bottle under your pillows and sleep peacefully.
Last edited on May 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5470 - The Conjuration of Archangel Gabriel
Start by applying the anise, orange, rose, or sage scents to yourself or the room you are working in (Incense or oils, though the real herbs anise, rose, or sage will do)
Sit in a chair or on the ground comfortably with your eyes closed. Your offering (Azurite, Citrine, Rutilated Quartz, Sapphire, ect) should be within your palms. How you interact with Gabriel now, is up to your personal self. If you are clairvoyant, you will see him within your mind's eye. If clairaudient, you will hear his commanding voice. Clairsentient, you will feel his masculine energies.