7150 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Get Superhero Powers
- Mana Reaver
- Lucid Dream Bag
- Holloween Protection
- Mind Reading
- Contact
- Blessing
- Basic Necromantic Meditation
- The Emotion Bubble
- Demon Banishing
#5281 - Get Superhero Powers
Get the match strike it and light the candle with the match and put the match out. Burn the picture and collect the ashes. Get the ashes and put them in the drink. Then chant "Great, great powers by the gods for me, give these great powers to me" then drink the drink. You should get the powers in a few days.
Last edited on Mar 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5282 - Mana Reaver
Note: it may not work the first time you need to practice alot and be experienced to be able to use it and its not a weapon it helps you become stronger but use it at your own risk cause it drains alot of your energy and will leave you tired at first.
#5283 - Lucid Dream Bag
#5284 - Holloween Protection
On this night oh hollows eve protect me now all evil leave.
On this night oh hollows eve protect me now all evil leave.
On this night oh hollows eve protect me now all evil leave.
#5285 - Mind Reading
Now chant 3X:
''Unlock my third eye,
Let me see where I am blind.
Allow me to read others minds
To tell the truth from the lies.''
Keep your third eye glowing. Remove your fingers and begin to meditate. Only focus on your third eye glowing. Meditate as long as you choose. Before you go to bed, meditate one last time. Get your third eye glowing again.
Im not saying this will let you read minds but it will help open your third eye
#5286 - Contact
If you want to contact any person or you want to make him/her do as want just write it on the paper. Fold it with positive emotions for him/her. Put this paper at your body's private part.For example near your breast for girls. Or if you have picture of that person and you want to contact with him/her. put it also at your body's private part by folding that picture. Keep it there all day and night for somedays.The person will surely contact you within shortest time depending on your emotions.
Last edited on Dec 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5287 - Blessing
Use your wand in one hand and light a candl with the other. Say, "Bless my house, bless my home. Please protect my family. Don't let the evil spirits in my house. Anyone here shall be protected".
Last edited on Dec 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5288 - Basic Necromantic Meditation
Place the black candles in a circle around you if you are using the candles ( candles GREATLY help while they are not required if your a beginner please use the candles). Light the candles clockwise, sit in the middle of the dark room
Close your eyes and meditate but instead of clearing your mind picture the spirit you are trying to contact, if it is no one in peritcular just picture random spirit. Meditate this way for about 15 minutes. Blow put the candles in counter clockwise order.
Last edited on Dec 27, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5289 - The Emotion Bubble
Steady your breathing and relax.
Then imagine a small bubble hovering in front of you, (You can close your eyes if it makes it easyer) Reach out and take the bubble in your strongest hand. Don't let the bubble go.
Ignore the bubble for a moment and focus your mind on whatever emotion or thought you want to lessen.
If you want to you can build on this emotion untill you don't think you could possibly ever feel it any stronger than you do. This way when you release it you can realy feel the effects. however it could also be harder to get rid of. (e.g Remember what made you realy angry, replay that moment, think about it, build on your anger. Realy put some venom into it!)
When you have done this, envisage all your emotion, or your bad thoughts flowing down your arm into your bubble, watch your bubble grow. Feel the emotion drain. Feel calmer put the bubble in your pocket, or somewhere safe untill you can get to a window or outside.
When you get to a window, or outside, take your bubble from where you have been keeping it and put it in the palm of your hand.
Take a deep breath and blow your troubles away in the bubble.
The more you do this spell the easyer it is. If you get self concious about 'playing' with an imaginary bubble, then do it when you are alone.
Now all you have to do is give it a go.
#5290 - Demon Banishing
Put the candles in front of you and take the stones and assemble them around the candles. Light the candles and chant: "Oh great Gods. I call upon thee to send these demons back to Hell. Make sure they no longer dwell in this place of love and joy. This is my wish, so mote it be".
Last edited on Dec 23, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.