7151 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Increase Magic Power
- Heal a loved One
- Wish spell?
- Invocation of the Witch
- Superior Fire Spell
- Koldunic Ritual
- Invocation to Freyr
- Enchanting an Object
- Drawing the Moon Ritual
- Drawing Down the Moon Ritual
#4741 - Increase Magic Power
First find your solid black surface. Must be smooth. Perform any prayers or other rites of protection and begin.
Draw the aquarian star in chalk on the black surface. (Be sure to draw the symbol in a single motion. Not multiple smaller motions) Then draw a circle around the star touching each point. (Should remind one of a pentagram)
Next place the five candles in a pentagon around the circle with the white candle at the point facing away from yourself. Light all of the candles and concentrate.
"Invoco deae Hecate,
Exaudi orationem meam det gratiam,
Ligatis anima mea ad fontem magicea,
Nunc et in perptuum,
Sic fiat."
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4742 - Heal a loved One
"For she/he is unhealthy,
Make her/him healthy.
Take away the ill and pain,
Make her/him feel power again.
Let her/him see and hear,
May she/he be able to feel once more."
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4743 - Wish spell?
#4744 - Invocation of the Witch
Gather yourself and chant three times:
"Blessed be, as I see,
the magick blaze through me.
with earth, Air, Fire and Water,
tied by Spirit, I call the elements,
and bless my path soon to behold.
With ancient words I call tonight,
and upon this hour, I call upon my witches power.
Within my words unleash my heart,
show my magick with a spark,
and soon I will see what is my destiny!
For its my will, so shall it be!"
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4745 - Superior Fire Spell
''Bed of Coals, Bed of Fire. Do as I say, and follow my desire. Burning eyes and eyes of lazer, Nuclear Hit and Inferno later. Searing Flame, Savannah Heat, Liquid Flame and Fire Stone. Rodgort's Invocation.''
#4746 - Koldunic Ritual
#4747 - Invocation to Freyr
Freyr, Son of Njrd, Join us. Freyr, Husband of Gerdr, Join us. Freyr, Brother of Freyja, Join us. Freyr, Father of kings, Join us. Freyr, Whose sword would fight for itself, Join us. Freyr, Who gave his sword for Gerdr, Join us. Freyr, Patron of married couples, Join us. Freyr, Most beautiful of Gods, Join us. Freyr, Whose tooth-gift was Alfheimr, Join us. Freyr, Master of Gullinbursti, Join us. Freyr, Owner of Skidbladnir, Join us. Freyr, Slayer of Beli, Join us. Freyr, Master of Frodi's Peace, Join us. Freyr, Who directs Man's good fortune, Join us. Freyr, Who brings fruitful seasons, Join us. Freyr, Your servant name calls you! Come to me NOW!
#4748 - Enchanting an Object
1. Place your chosen object in the palm of your preferred hand. I find a small object works best - for instance, I use a small green bead.
2. Clear your mind and concentrate on your object. Imagine your energies flowing down through your hand into your object.
3. Begin to chant slowly
"Spirits of the heavens, spirits of the seas
Spirits of fire and earth, listen to my plea
Enchant this object, so that it helps me
Harness the energies and listen to thee."
4. After a few minutes, your object should begin to glow faintly. When this happens, stop chanting and concentrate once again on your energies flowing into your object.
5. When the glow subsides, place it gently down onto a table. The object is now enchanted to help you perform Magick to your best ability. Some people may like to thread it onto something so that it can be worn, others may wish to just hold it when casting spells.
NB: If you are performing especially powerful spells, your object may begin to glow again.
Last edited on Apr 16, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4749 - Drawing the Moon Ritual
After the circle is cast, The High Priestess stands in front of the altar with her back to it. She holds the wand in her right hand and the scrounge in her left. She crosses her wrists and crosses the wand and scrounge above them while holding them close to her breast. The High Priest stands in front of her and says: "Diana, queen of night In all your beauty bright, Shine on us here, And with your silver beam Unlock the gates of dream; Rise bright and clear. On Earth and sky and sea, Your magic mystery Its spell shall cast, Wherever leaf may grow, Wherever tide may flow, Till all be past. O secret queen of power, At this enchanted hour We ask your boon. May fortune's favor fall Upon true witches all, O Lady Moon!" The High Priest kneels before the High Priestess and gives her the Five Fold Kiss; that is, he kisses her on both feet, both knees, womb, both beasts, and the lips, starting with the right of each pair. He says, as he does this: "Blessed be thy feet, that have brought thee in these ways. Blessed be thy knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar. Blessed be thy womb, without which we would not be. Blessed be thy breasts, formed in beauty. Blessed be thy lips, that shall utter the Sacred Names." For the kiss on the lips, they embrace, length to length, with their feet touching each others. When he reaches the womb, she spreads her arms wide, and the same after the kiss on the lips. The High Priest kneels again and invokes: "I invoke thee and call upon thee, Mighty Mother of us all, bringer of all fruitfulness; by seed and root, by bud and stem, by leaf and flower and fruit, by life and love do I invoke thee to descend upon the body of this, thy servant and priestess." During this invocation he touches her with his right forefinger on her right breast, left breast, and womb, repeats the set and finally the right breast. Still kneeling, he spreads his arms out and down, with the palms forward and says: "Hail Aradia! From the Amalthean Horn Pour forth thy store of love; I lowly bend Before thee, I adore thee to the end, With loving sacrifice thy shrine adore. Thy foot is to my lip (he kisses her right foot) my prayer up borne Upon the rising incense smoke; then spend Thine ancient love, O Mighty One, descend To aid me, who without thee am forlorn." The High Priest stands up and steps backwards. The High Priestess draws the Invoking Pentagram of Earth in the air with the wand and says: "Of the Mother darksome and divine Mine the scrounge, and mine the kiss; The five point star of love and bliss Here I charge you in this sign." The High Priestess should be in a trance now. This is a good time to do the Charge or the Witches' Creed. When the Charge or Creed is finished, the Goddess must be dismissed. It is bad magical practice not to do so. The High Priest faces the Priestess and says: "We thank you Our Lady for attending our rites. We bid you farewell till next we call you. Blessed Be."
#4750 - Drawing Down the Moon Ritual
After the circle is cast, The High Priestess stands in front of the altar with her back to it. She holds the wand in her right hand and the scrounge in her left. She crosses her wrists and crosses the wand and scrounge above them while holding them close to her breast. The High Priest stands in front of her and says: "Diana, queen of night In all your beauty bright, Shine on us here, And with your silver beam Unlock the gates of dream; Rise bright and clear. On Earth and sky and sea, Your magic mystery Its spell shall cast, Wherever leaf may grow, Wherever tide may flow, Till all be past. O secret queen of power, At this enchanted hour We ask your boon. May fortune's favor fall Upon true witches all, O Lady Moon!" The High Priest kneels before the High Priestess and gives her the Five Fold Kiss; that is, he kisses her on both feet, both knees, womb, both beasts, and the lips, starting with the right of each pair. He says, as he does this: "Blessed be thy feet, that have brought thee in these ways. Blessed be thy knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar. Blessed be thy womb, without which we would not be. Blessed be thy breasts, formed in beauty. Blessed be thy lips, that shall utter the Sacred Names." For the kiss on the lips, they embrace, length to length, with their feet touching each others. When he reaches the womb, she spreads her arms wide, and the same after the kiss on the lips. The High Priest kneels again and invokes: "I invoke thee and call upon thee, Mighty Mother of us all, bringer of all fruitfulness; by seed and root, by bud and stem, by leaf and flower and fruit, by life and love do I invoke thee to descend upon the body of this, thy servant and priestess." During this invocation he touches her with his right forefinger on her right breast, left breast, and womb, repeats the set and finally the right breast. Still kneeling, he spreads his arms out and down, with the palms forward and says: "Hail Aradia! From the Amalthean Horn Pour forth thy store of love; I lowly bend Before thee, I adore thee to the end, With loving sacrifice thy shrine adore. Thy foot is to my lip (he kisses her right foot) my prayer up borne Upon the rising incense smoke; then spend Thine ancient love, O Mighty One, descend To aid me, who without thee am forlorn." The High Priest stands up and steps backwards. The High Priestess draws the Invoking Pentagram of Earth in the air with the wand and says: "Of the Mother darksome and divine Mine the scrounge, and mine the kiss; The five point star of love and bliss Here I charge you in this sign." The High Priestess should be in a trance now. This is a good time to do the Charge or the Witches' Creed. When the Charge or Creed is finished, the Goddess must be dismissed. It is bad magical practice not to do so. The High Priest faces the Priestess and says: "We thank you Our Lady for attending our rites. We bid you farewell till next we call you. Blessed Be."