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7105 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7105 Spiritual Spells
7105 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7105 Spiritual Spells
  1. Defense Crystal
  2. Spirit Summoning Ritual Using Mirrors
  3. Seeing Ghosts
  4. Insomniac's Sleep Aid
  5. Conjuring Satan
  6. Get Sea Powers
  7. Tail
  8. Easy Sleep
  9. 3 Animal Transformation
  10. Half Demon With Blue Flames

#2421 - Defense Crystal

It's easy to do and works well for defense.
You may need:

  • A Clear Crystal
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    You may need:

  • A Clear Crystal
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    Sit in a criss-cross manner on the floor, rug, etc and place the crystal in your writing hand. Next, Close your eyes and clutch the crystal gently yet tight as you imagine a soldier with a sword and shield standing before you. Open your eyes and chat as follows:

    "Crystal clear
    Crystal bright
    Hear my chant
    Hear it right!

    Protect me now
    Protect me well

    Crystal Clear!
    Crystal Bright!
    Protect me forever
    Till the end of time!"

    Say it once and open your palm. You now have a defense crystal!

    Added to on Jul 11, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2422 - Spirit Summoning Ritual Using Mirrors

    Use this spell to see ghosts.
    You may need:

  • 2 mirrors of same size
  • White candles
  • Incense
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    You may need:

  • 2 mirrors of same size
  • White candles
  • Incense
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    This is one new trick that I learnt from a Japanese ghost hunter. . Now, both of the mirrors should be placed opposite to each other. Traditionally if situation permits, one mirror should be facing the northeast direction and the other facing the southwest. This ritual should ideally be performed at night or at dusk. For best results, you should also choose a real haunted place. Best if you also know the name of the spirits that haunt the place; the info can be obtained by doing a simple research. Somehow, my Japanese friends think the last rooms along hotel corridors are always haunted.

    When the mirrors are set up properly, a player who wishes to summon a ghost shall put his/her left palm onto the mirror facing southwest so that he/she is facing northeast. As with the Chinese, Japanese believe that northeast side belongs to ghost door (). The player should now continue to call out the name of the spirit after the candles are lit on both sides indicating that both doors to spirit realms are now opened.

    It is said that once the spirit doors are opened, one should see spirits coming out from the northeastern door heading towards the southeastern door. So in our case, the mirrors act as doors to spiritual world. Theoretically, as long as both candles are burning, the player is pretty safe because the candle lights act as beacons for spirits to travel.

    However, if one of the candle lights is extinguished; then whatever spirits that came out from the ghost door cannot pass through the other side. If this situation happens, then the player who stands in between the mirrors may be possessed by spirits and fainted or even becomes crazy.

    Of course, when everything goes smoothly, person in between the mirrors shall see many white shadows or hearing noises; he/she may feel something is rubbing his/her shoulders as if people are walking hastily passing through him/ her. Spectators of this game may see reflections of inexplicable moving objects appearing on the mirror. They may feel cold or hot or things in the place may topple or moved. If everyone stays calm, then no one shall be harmed.

    In order to end the conjuration, the candle at the northeastern corner should be extinguished first to stop spirits from coming out. As a precaution, some blessed salt should be prepared and also as space purification items after the ritual. As I heard, there are people became crazy and never recovered after playing this seemingly harmless game. So try with caution if you would, but best just to leave the ritual alone.

    Added to on Jul 11, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2423 - Seeing Ghosts

    Use this to contact ghosts.
    You may need:

  • Tub
  • Grave
  • Joss paper
  • White candles
  • Incense
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    You may need:

  • Tub
  • Grave
  • Joss paper
  • White candles
  • Incense
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    My Japanese friends would go all out in order to come into contact with ghosts. Some of their games may be harmful and dangerous when played alone. If one wishes to really experience with spiritual world, the best way is using water as a media. Below is the how-to:

    This game ideally played between midnight to 3am. It is best if the place is a known haunted place and there must be a container big enough to let an adult to lay in it. A bathtub will do, but a quiet pond or lake with clear water is best. Say that you have found a bathtub in a haunted hotel, and then fill the bathtub with water at midnight. The water level should be able to submerge yourself when lying flat in the bathtub face up.

    First, perform a simple conjuration, or just utter some sentences provoking spirits in the vicinity. You may say something like: "Come out! I am not afraid of you". After a few rounds of calling, take a deep breath and submerge yourself fully into the water. Keep yourself in the water as long as you can. After some time, you should be able to hear some whispering noises near your ears. If you open your eyes, you too shall see various shadows from under the water upwards. Do not panic at this point, for if you panic; the water may enter your lung and there is a danger of drowning.

    Another lesser dangerous method is the Chinese style of lying in a grave hole. First one must go to a graveyard and find an already dug out grave hole. It may be a new hole dug out for next day's funeral service; or it may be an old grave that was dug out for some reasons. Now, you should bring some joss papers (for door opening), a pair of white candles and some incense.

    At the grave hole, you should light the candles and incense and then throw some joss
    papers into the air. If the joss papers are blown away by the wind; then this is an indication that spirits are around. At this point, please do so and enter and lay flat in the grave hole with your face up. Relax and slowly you should hear some noise around the grave hole, if you are lucky, you may see some white figures hovering above the grave too.

    People believe that those are spirits visiting their 'new neighbors'. For best result, it is best if you can lie in a real coffin wearing the traditional Chinese funeral clothing! That is, if you are really brave enough

    Added to on Jul 11, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2424 - Insomniac's Sleep Aid

    If you've got trouble falling asleep, let Trin guide you through this simple spell!
    You may need:

  • Bed
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    You may need:

  • Bed
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    Lay in bed and relax. Whisper this lullaby:

    "Hush, hush, the pendulum swings,
    Close your eyes, enraptured by dreams"

    This may be enough, but additional verses could include:

    "Vines will carry out your thoughts,
    Growing, twisting, miles are lost.
    Lilies bloom outside your door,
    Knowing, breathing, tears no more."

    Add as many verses as you want, make up your own.

    Added to on Jul 10, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2425 - Conjuring Satan

    The below Satan conjuring ritual is said to be
    originated from Syria and it has only been used
    for several times. It is said that if the amount of
    summoning reaches a total of 666, then this
    world would become unrest as if burning
    inferno… When I get this ritual, it had already been used
    for 25 times, and just to substantiate this claim;
    the place where this ritual originated is now in
    crisis and perhaps only the God can end this
    manmade disaster… On second thought, the
    Judgment Day may be just around the corner.
    You may need:

  • three black candle
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    You may need:

  • three black candle
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    When I get this ritual, it had already been used
    for 25 times, and just to substantiate this claim;
    the place where this ritual originated is now in
    crisis and perhaps only the God can end this
    manmade disaster… On second thought, the
    Judgment Day may be just around the corner.
    Warning: Continue only if you agree that I may not be held responsible for any damages, real or perceived, that occur either directly or indirectly as a result from your usage of this information and do in protective circle for safety!
    this ritual MUST be performed at night in a place
    of sin or a place with strong negative energy. One should use three black candles to represent
    the unholy trinity and some commonly rejected
    stuff such as menstruation blood and sperm and
    other things rejected by standard religions. Now at the prescribed time and at the
    designated place, the person should recite the
    below mantra written in the original language of
    man before the fall at Babel: ECK’ NON SIET FA GUJIDA LAYETU EJ SIN TISR WER VUI’ CO SUET After that, the candle should be blown out, and the following is read: HUR GIN YU FET RUE GINTILI GIYATA DEI GUR, GIYATA DEI BURL You should feel surrounding temperature gradually turns cold and there should be a
    presence in the vicinity. Please do not disrespect
    this entity (I don’t have to tell you what it is) and
    certainly don’t waste its time! Ask what you will
    and immediately leave the place for good! It is very important as NOT to visit the area for
    more than one month or so because if the entity
    meets the conjurer for a second time, he/she
    shall be having extremely bad luck for a long
    time! Finally, let me remind you that there is “NO FREE
    LUNCH” in this world, there is always a price to
    pay for FREE stuffs!

    Added to on Jul 10, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2426 - Get Sea Powers

    This spell can aid you in getting sea powers.
    You may need:

  • Glass
  • Water
  • Bracelet (anything as long as it can be worn)
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    You may need:

  • Glass
  • Water
  • Bracelet (anything as long as it can be worn)
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    While you are wearing your bracelet or piece of jewelry, hold up a glass of water and chant: "God of the sea come please help me. I want to keep my feet but have powers (name your power(s). I want to be like you so help me please."

    Added to on Jul 10, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2427 - Tail

    How to grow a tail in 5 minutes.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say this 5x: "I wish for a tail of a (creature) to have as my own. I can move it, flick it, and control it. This is my will so mote it be!"

    Added to on Jul 09, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 03, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2428 - Easy Sleep

    This spell helps you to fall asleep.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    As you get into bed, say this spell outloud or in your mind:

    "Bring me quiet
    Bring my peace
    Ease my dreams
    Nightmares cease"

    Added to on Jul 09, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2429 - 3 Animal Transformation

    Turns you into 3 animals of your choice in 10 days.
    You may need:

  • 3 pieces of printer paper
  • Black pen
  • Yarn of your favorite color, or paper of your favorite color
  • Something that relates to animals (charm, feather, jewelry, etc.)
  • Place to bury something
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    You may need:

  • 3 pieces of printer paper
  • Black pen
  • Yarn of your favorite color, or paper of your favorite color
  • Something that relates to animals (charm, feather, jewelry, etc.)
  • Place to bury something
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    On the first piece of paper, draw a picture of the first and largest animal. Draw it as realisticly as you can. If you are having trouble you can find an online tutorial. Draw it with only black pen and nothing else. Don't color it, but have an idea of what color it is.

    On the second piece, draw the mid-sized animal, and follow the same guide lines as above. On the third piece, draw your smallest animal, follow the guide lines above. Now, put them in a pile with the largest animal on the bottom, and smallest on top. Fold them in half and write the following on the paper.

    "(Largest animal's name), (medium animal's name), (smallest animal's name) all hide inside of me, let them out so I can see. Please all gods I ask of thee, set them loose and set me free. Let me shift to them as I wish, and please accept my humble gift. In three days time I will feel the effect of this spell, in seven days I will shift at will. Please oh please listen to me, grant me this wish and set us free! So mote it be"

    Now fold it again so it makes a square and draw a pentagram, put your animal object on the paper and fold it in half. Wrap it in your yarn so only the edge of the paper shows, or fold your colored paper around it so your offering won't fall out.

    Now, bury it in a place it won't be disturbed, if there is no dirt nearby, cover it in rocks so you can't see it at all. Then say "Gods I ask of thee, set me free!"

    Added to on Jul 09, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2430 - Half Demon With Blue Flames

    This spell can change you into a half demon.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Chant this 2x: "I wish to have the power to change in to a half demon when ever I want. I will be able to make blue flames appear. So mote it be"

    Added to on Jul 09, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7105 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters