7150 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Dragon Companion
- Moon Kiss
- Healing for All
- Turn into a Dog
- Contact Loki
- Voice of Siren Spell
- Healing with Energy
- Protect
- Cancel Something
- Create Colloidal Silver
#2411 - Dragon Companion
Make sure you are in a quiet space on your own outside. Make sure you can see the moon. Sit cross legged and close your eyes, imagine your dragon, what it looks like, an element, a personality ect. Focus on your dragon, let calmness wash over you. Still focusing on you dragon, take a few deep breaths and say these words:
"Oh great moon, I call to thee,
Bring me my dragon, from an egg of (element),
A protector, A friend,
A bond with no bend,
I summon my dragon companion,
At the next moon, here it shall lay,
So Mote it be."
After saying go to sleep either there or where you're meant to sleep and your dragon should be where you tried the spell the next full moon. If you have true belief in magick and dragons then it should work, any spell works if you believe strongly enough.
Last edited on Sep 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2412 - Moon Kiss
On your pillow, draw a pentacle with your finger, and light the insence. Lay in bed and chant: "Oh Moon of light, guide me through the night. Without a fright, and may my dreams be bright."
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2413 - Healing for All
Say 3x: "As the moon is waxing, so do I draw in healing energy to (insert thing that needs healing. Either yourself or anyone else). If it is the will of the God and goddess, harming none, then so mote it be!" For a waning moon cast the bottom spell only.
Say 3x: as the moon is waning, so do I cast away harmful energies for (insert thing that needs healing). If it is the will of the God and goddess, harming none, then so mote it be!
Last edited on Sep 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2414 - Turn into a Dog
Say: "I would like to be a (dog breed) dog, with (colour) fur, my name will be (random name)." Then eat someof the food like a dog and drink some of the water like a dog.
Last edited on Oct 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2415 - Contact Loki
Hold the snake picture/drawing/figurine/toy. Say this spell 3x :
"Loki, Loki, hear me,
Loki, God Of Mischief,
What i would do,
To communicate with you,
If you be the fire let me be the wood,
If you be the ice let me be the water,
If you be the tiger let me be the wolf,
Loki, Loki, hear me,
i will to talk to you,
please, Loki, make it so."
Wait for 3 seconds. Wait for it to work. You may start hearing a voice when it's quiet, like if you're lying in bed trying to fall asleep, and eventually He'll only talk if you intend to talk to Him.
Last edited on Sep 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2416 - Voice of Siren Spell
Chant: "Muses goddess of song, hear my yell for help. I wish to sing like the sirens below, in the deep blue sea! Make my voice lead sailors to their deaths! This is what I wish, So Mote It Be!"
Last edited on Sep 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2417 - Healing with Energy
Visualize dark or negative energy flowing out of someone you want to heal or a wound on you. Dont absorb too much negative energy at once or it could overwhelm you and not want to leave, so after a little of absorbing disperse it by touching your hands to the ground and visualize the negative energy flowing out and into earth. After doing that a few times visualize a white or gold energy flowing into the person or wound you want to heal.
Last edited on Sep 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2418 - Protect
All you have to do is say: "The spell(s) I cast(ed) to (what the spell did, e.g make it rain) shall be protected forever, nobody shall be able to undo it."
Last edited on Sep 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2419 - Cancel Something
Write what's happening and the date it's happening on the piece of paper, drop it in the water so that it soaks and say "This event shall be canceled. I do not want it to happen." now take the paper out of the water and rip it once and bury it. Note: The event will happen, but you wont be there. Everyone else that's going to be there will be there but you.
Last edited on Sep 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2420 - Create Colloidal Silver
Be in a calm , serene environment. Put your water on a table or the floor in front of you. An earthy surface works best.
Visualize a silver light in your han d( your extrovert , left for women , right for men) keep it getting brighter and brighter for say, a few minutes, three to five. Place your hand above the water , around two centimeters, and realeas your silver into the water, reapeat this process a few times.
Take a tiny sip, if it tastes mentally and kind of sweat , you have made colloidal silver.
Last edited on Sep 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.