7128 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Necklace Protection
- Whirlwind Charm
- Activating Your Powers
- Sentinel and Radiant Guards
- Spell to Invoke Water
- Summon Your Demon Within
- Forgetfulness of Mind
- Very Simple Happiness Potion
- Become a Fairy
- Love Potion
#1461 - Necklace Protection
Take off your necklace and then hold the important part (Like for an example mine has a butterfly wing on it) in your palm. First imagine a white bubble going around your necklace, after imagining that imagine a white bubble going around you, then you and your necklace. After say this:
"With this necklace everything shall have no effect on me. No spell will hurt me. When I put this necklace on exactly what I just said will happen."
Put the necklace on
Side Affects:
If doing it in pitch black and at night:
sleepy and/or lightheaded
If doing it in light and during day:
Last edited on Jan 16, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1462 - Whirlwind Charm
( The Incantation is came from the latin word ''Aer'' which means ''Air'' and the latin ''Turbo'' which means ''Whirlwind, Strong Circular Motion''. [ Say The Incantation with Wand Movement below and follow the concentration component and the willpower component. :) ] ).
Pronounciation: 'AE-ren-den-TUR-boh!'
Hand Movement/Wand Movement: Point at the target.. then in the another hand do the curling or swaying motion. ( As a wind )
Concentration Component: Concentrate on circular motion thoughts the caster can maintain the spell as they continue to think about it.
Willpower Component: Determine the Strong of the Wind.
Effect: Produces a strong circular motion of winds that enable to damage or destroy things and to dfamage the opponent or recipient.
Caster Level: '' Level 2 '' or '' Level 3 '' *Stronger Wizard*
Side Note: That's a real spell I've used that then worked believe me....
Last edited on Apr 25, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1463 - Activating Your Powers
factus liberatio heka
Dunk your face in the water for as long as you can.
Go to sleep within an hour of the spell. It will take a while for you to be sleep, but you will eventually. When you awake, your Powers should be activated. Within two days, you must choose your magical path: Elemental Power, Healing Power, or the Gemini Path*.
After choosing your path, you can only do the Chosen magic. If you don't Choose, your magic will close forever. To choose Elemental Power, you must take a leaf from the ground, put it in a bowl of water and chant once: elementum factus
To choose Healing Power, dip your finger in water, smear it across your forehead and chant: factus medice
Good luck on your Witching journey!
*Choosing the Gemini Path takes another set of incantations. Message me through this site for additional information on how to choose the Gemini Path. I will not publisize the incantation, for it is different for every Witch.
#1464 - Sentinel and Radiant Guards
First,find a tree that really speaks to you.If you're element earth,then,it's easy.The tree that youre about to find really wants to be a guardian.Then say this :
"Divine Trees born from the earth please hear my voice,this sacred place needs a guardian to stay and a place to live in.So please be the one who shall invoke thee."
2:After you find one,place one of your hand and say "Please be the tree of the god",imagine there's a green flowing energy from the below to the top then it's creating a wide open eye called " all seeing eye".After that,imagine a barrier builds between the tree.
You're done!
When it's night,they'll attack the demons around them/attack the ghost/attack the dark things.
When the sentinels has fallen,the tree will fall.
The spell last forever and the rensponsibility goes to them.
Feel free to ask me anything ;)
Last edited on Dec 31, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1465 - Spell to Invoke Water
Don't light the Blue Candle...that would simply draw in the opposite element of water, Fire.
Pour a little of the chamomile tea into the Chalice, and a little of the thyme on a dish. Give these to the Spirits of Water.
Then pour the rest of the tea in a cup and drink it yourself, and eat the remaining thyme. Or you can't do thyme, do soup.
Give the moonstone/aquamarine into the bowl as a present for the Sea Goddess. Give the hemlock, chrysocolla, and lilac as well as the turquoise and say:
"For you, Goddess. I am your Daughter and shall do My best to honor You."
Then chant:
"I invoke You, Water
And ask You to proudly be My Element
Now and forevermore.
Thank you, Aquatic Lunar Spirits
And Sea-Moon Goddess of the Divine Lunar Island!
This is My will
So mote it be!"
Last edited on Jan 16, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1466 - Summon Your Demon Within
A standing mirror or bathroom/wall mirror works best for this spell. Sit or stand in front of the mirror so you can see your face (shoulders and up is recommended for best results). Tear the paper into strips and place the strips into the shape of a pentagram.
Sprinkle salt on all 10* corners of the pentagram. Place your 2 candles opposite each other on the pentagram. Either East to West (recommended) or North to South. Light the candles and turn off the lights.
Chant, "O, great demon within me, show me your presence. Grant me thy knowledge of yourself. Let me know and feel your presence within me, O demon within. That is what I ask! So mote it BE!"
If the candles flicker, look into the mirror. Look in the scene behind you. If the candles do not flicker, blow them out & turn on the lights.
Last edited on Jan 20, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1467 - Forgetfulness of Mind
I suggest a small meditation before casting due to the "Calmness" ingredient. There are two ways to perform this spell.
1: No sight
Picture the person you wish to make forget and imagine a thin strand of silver light slowly coming from their ears. The silver represents your wrongdoing. Slowly chant,
"Do not remember, but do forget." 5 times. Afterwards, picture the silver strand balling up and being locked in a small black jar. Imagine the jar being thrown into the depths of Hell. After you picture this, say "So mote it be."
2: Sight
Look at the person you wish to make forget. Concentrate on them for a good minute. Softly chant, "Do not remember, but do forget." 5 times. Close your eyes and breathe deeply for a minuite. Open your eyes. Picture silver strands exiting the person through their ears and into a black jar. Picture the jar being thrown into the depths of Hell. Say, "So mote it be."
Last edited on Jan 15, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1468 - Very Simple Happiness Potion
Pour a bit of honey into a mug. Make the hot cocoa (in that same mug) with milk according to the instructions on the package. If desired, stir with a candy cane, the peppermint complements the cocoa very well and helps boost happiness!
Last edited on Jan 15, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1469 - Become a Fairy
Draw a circle around you with the chalk and sit in it then take the green candles and lite them then sprinkle a petal of 5 flowers on them if they extinguish relight them. Now take your pink candle and put 5 petals on it if they extinguish relight them.
Sprinkle the glitter into a container with the dew add in the burnt petals then rub the mixture on your back. You should feel a sharp pain in between your shoulder blades and your shoulder blades should look the shade of the glitter you chose in the next hour or day. Stare up at the sky wishing you could fly!
Last edited on Feb 20, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1470 - Love Potion
Take your cup and take your dandelion wine and measure 3 teaspoons of it into the cup then add in 1 teaspoon of mead whilst doing this add in 1 pinch of ginger. Then pour in 6 teaspoons of honey after adding the honey pour in 10 teaspoons of warm water. Take your lovers hair and put it in the mixture then gently blow a kiss into the cup! Whilst doing all of this say:
"Oh Aphrodite goddess of love,
I wish to be with (Lovers name)
Please grant thy wish,
Oh Astraea of purity make our love pure,
Oh grant thy wish I beg of thee,
So mote it be"
Then drink the potion from the wrong side of the glass and believe that your heart is pure and believe in the potion. The next time you see your lover go up to them and say: "The goddess Aphrodite the goddess of love meant us to be together so believe in her!"
Last edited on Jan 15, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.