7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Noodles Mmagic
- Luna Charm
- Complex love spell
- Dragon Eye
- Catnip Tea
- warrior CATS
- Call Forth the Dead
- Elemental energy manipulation
- Superhuman Abilities
- Summon a Dragon Familiar
#1461 - Noodles Mmagic
Just say with pointing clockwise in noodle bowl:
"As this noodle wave,
As this meal vibrate ,
Vibrate me with magical power,
As the good will stay
And bad thing be gone
This meal make me full of energy
Full energy until I satisfied,
So be it"
Chant three times.
Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1462 - Luna Charm
Fill your small bottle halfway with water. Cush you're stone to dust, than put ALL of it in the bottle, don't leave any out. Shake the bottle so it's all mixed in. Put in your special item, cork the bottle.
Light your match or lighter and put the flame under the bottle to inject it will energy, don't put the flame to close and leave it under for about three seconds. Then leave it on the window sill where the moonlight can hit it for the 14 days or however long it takes for the moon to go through all its phases. If it ends in a blood moon, your charm is going to be especially powerful.
Note- including blood moon, any special lunar event will make your charm have amazing powers.
Last edited on Jan 20, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1463 - Complex love spell
Get all your ingredients together before you start, and memorize the chants your going to need to do. Dont do this spell with any screen in front of you, memorize the chants to the point where they flow out of you, forgetting a part and redoing it could lead to the spell not working, this is advanced, NOT for the faint hearted.
Put all your ingredients organized around you (all flowers should be fresh) Take your white chalk and draw a large heartagram,look it up if you dont know what it is but its very simple. Do not draw it with you inside and do not step inside at any time.
its love i seek,
if i dont get it i shall weep.
My heart is pure,
as is this romance,
but please dont put him/her in a trance.
This love is true,
so mote it be,
if i love you,
and he love me''
Cast a simple protection spell around your heartagram than step inside, i have a short simple one and i will put the link on the bottom. Take your red chalk and color in the inside of the circle of your heartagram, not the triangle or heart. Than take your pink chalk and color in the heart, not the triangle which is the middle section. Take your white chalk and color the triangle white. Your heartagram should be red, pink, white. Representing, Love, Romance, and trust. Take your pink roses and take out all the petals, sprinkle them evenly around your heartagram.Put your Red candles on the sections where the red chalk lies, top, right, left, bottom left, bottom right. If you did the coloring correctly this should make sense XD Put your pink candles where the pink chalk is and finally put your single white candle in the center where you filled in white chalk. Take one red rose and take out the petals and sprinkle them around your white candle, the petals should stay in the center. As soon as your clock hits 12:00 at night turn off the lights and strike a match, light your white candle. Than light the pink ones, than the red ones. Now, gather all of your stones together. Pair them like this:
Rose Quartz+ Chrysocolla (To stabilize a rocky relationship)
Rose Quartz+ Chrysoprase (To overcome jealousy)
Rose Quartz+ Peridot or Azurite (To open yourself to new experiences)
Rose Quartz + Imperial Topaz or Citrine (To overcome fear or apprehension associated with matters of the heart)
NOTE- You may not feel these now but later in the relationship they may occur. It will help stabilize the romance later on.
Keep them paired and put them around the heartagram behind the rose petals, evenly spaced from eachother. Than put your crystal quartz under your white candle and your bamboo stick over it, take your two basil leaves and put them with the tip facing up on the right and left side of your candle. Take your cinnamon sticks and arrange them around the white candle, bamboo stick, basil and crystal in a square, none of the corners should touch. Put the Honeysuckle Blossoms in between where the corners of the cinnamon sticks would touch. It should remain in a square.
''May these items receive my blessing,
binding together with pure love,
with truth from the feather of this white dove''
Put the white doves feather over the flame and let the middle catch fire, than put it out. By now you should have some melted wax pooled by the wick. Take your rosemary sticks and one at a time dip the end in the wax, stick it into the white candle, than do the same with the other, it should look like the rosemary is growing out of the candle.
''As this rosemary grows,
his love for me will begin to show.
Although we'll take it slow,
everyone will know,
that we are not alone''
Take your lavender and put it around your heartagram, put each one over where there's a gap between the stones you've already put down. The lavender should look like its ''sprouting'' up. Take your lemon zest and sprinkle it over the outer pink rose petals.
(NOTE- all the plants you have been using help bring love)
Put your jasmine flowers around the heart of your heartagram and say, ''may our love be as pure, innocent, and sweet as the flowers before me''. Take your mini yellow roses and put them in a triangle around your cinnamon sticks. Now take your parchment and quill, write the persons full name at the top than below that list all the qualities you like about them and how that person makes you feel. on the right side draw a heartagram and write the persons initials in the middle. At the very bottom write a poem for them, it doesnt have to rhyme and you dont even need to be good. Just say how the person makes you happy, how they make you smile, how love is blossoming and things like that. Let the words come from your heart. Drip some red wax on the picture of your loved one and press it under the heartagram you drew. Than drip some red wax on the corner of the parchment, wait for it to BARELY harden than press your lips onto it so its literally, ''sealed with a kiss''. Write, ''Blessed be'' very small under your lip mark. Spray you're perfume on it and than place it in the center of the heartagram. Step out and walk around it blowing out all the candles as you pass. Leave the middle one lit. step back into the heartagram and chant.
The one i love has now been kissed and in his/her mind i will be missed later in life i will be blessed with the the feeling of his/her lips
Place the picture on top of the flame to put it out. While doing this, picture the person you love thinking of you and than you kissing. Pick up the candle and than place it on top of the picture. Gently tip the candle a little to let some wax drip down the side and onto the picture. Than chant, my spell is over, i am done, my fight is over, and i have won. Than step out of the heartagram and turn on the lights. Gather up all you're materials and put them in separate piles so flowers are with flowers, stones with stones, etc.. don't remove the white candle or picture. Erase the triangle from the heartagram so all thats left is a heart with the picture and candle in the middle. Than sprinkle rose petals inside the heart around the picture. Place the stones around the outside of the heart. Bury everything else. Leave the heartagram and everything overnight. Than first thing when you wake up remove the petals and sprinkle them over where you buried everything else. Light the candle and let it burn until it's almost gone. Than if you can remove the picture, kiss it again, say i love you. If not thats okay. Carry the picture around with you and every night at midnight kiss it, say i love you, and than put it under your pillow. Do this for a full moon cycle. Don't erase the heart. Bury the candle next to where you buried the materials. On the last day of the moon cycle at midnight lay down in the middle of the heart and put the picture over your heart and think about what you want your relationship to be. You can do this for however long you want. The longer you do, the stronger it will be. At the peak of your feelings of how much you love this person, kiss the picture. Than step out of the heart. Draw a heart on the picture with a sharpie, can be any color and any size. Than write the number of how many years you want this relationship to last. Just the number in the middle of the heart. You can erase the heart now if you want but you must erase it without breaking contact with the heart. Than keep the picture where you'll see it everyday. If you messed up at all or got distracted at all during any part of the spell, or are doing this in vain. It won't work.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1464 - Dragon Eye
Prick your finger on a pin or needle and drop your blood on the item. When doing so chant this- "Hoc sanguinem meum corripiam dracones exi mentis meae. In igne furoris eius inmensa mortem veniet ex hac mea. Custodi me, et vide, quoniam dignus sum ut fiat!" (With this blood, i do bind, dragons come out of my mind. Fiery anger, burning death, this will come out of my breath. Protect me, and you will see, that i am worthy so mote it be!)
When the sun peeks over the horizon and that huge flash of light bursts free, light the match. (you can stop chanting after you drop your blood) and put the match up to the blood on your item. Wait until it boils to nothing. Do this step slow, you can't have your blood just burn up, watch it start to bubble and go into your charm, this step is vital!
When your blood is gone, snuff out the match with the finger you cut, you can lick it so it doesn't burn as much. The dragon spirits are now with you.
Last edited on Jul 15, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1465 - Catnip Tea
Then sit back and enjoy!!!* *best served when hot*
#1466 - warrior CATS
#1467 - Call Forth the Dead
The first step to summon a spirit of the dead is to first prepare, and fined, the right ingredients for the spell. Once this is done the magician must surround him or herself with the aspects of death for a one week. This is simply done by pondering, studding, and memorizing this spell or other facts about necromancy. Also, eating two meals a day consisting of unfermented grape juice and flat black bread is a good way do it to, as well praying to Hecate or/and Jehovah so that they will give you their blessing's on what you are about to do. Also, stay away from the sun as much as possible. Then, once the week is done, venture out at dusk on the night of the full or black moon with your supplies to the place you wish to perform the spell (Graveyard, Church, old house, forest, cross roads etc.) Once this done take the parchment paper and the knife out. Use the knife to prick your finger (NOT DEAPLY) and right the name of the person you wish to call up on it. If the person you are calling up used a specific symbol or rune in life as a personal mark, wright that on the parchment to. After you are done, treat your cut by putting it in the rubbing alcohol (the weakest you can find). Then put a band aid on it. That way the cut will not get infected. Then, take your wand and begin to put energy into the parchment. Also meditate and balance yourself so that your energy will run smoothly through your body until it is close to midnight (Give yourself at least 30 minute). You must not leave to do anything else while you are preforming this act. (So make shore you use the bathroom, drink some water, ate some food, and take care of any other needs you may have before you start) Then, when it is close to midnight get up and begin to purify the room so that no unwelcome spirits or negative energy will be summoned instead. You do this by creating total darkness for yourself, save one weak light (the other candle) and light the sage on the candle. Then, walk cloak wise around the room with the bundle of lit sage chanting:
I declare this place a sacred space, Where I may work in peace, may negative energy disappear So nothing will interfere, with my work BLESSED BE! Jehovah, Elohim, Hecate, Lucifer, Hades!
Then, when you reach the candle again, set the sage down and walk to the center of the room. (if you are preforming the spell indoors that is) Then, take your wand in one hand and your bell in the other. Then, pointing your wand at the candle and then turn counter clock wise while chanting:
Spirits of nature, heaven and hell, depart in the name of Jehovah at the ring of the bell Go now unless I have called you to do your part, GO! Or face the wrath of my art! BE GONE! IN THE NAME OF JEHOVA!
Then ring the bell three times.
Now that you have purified the room and have rid it of all unwanted spirits it is time to call forth Hecate and ask her to take up her part in the spell. To do this chant:
O great Hecate, here my plea! O please, take pity on me! I ......., your humble servant asks only of the That you bless this ritual for me. And as I will, so mote it be! Abac, Venibbeth, Abac, Nature, Tistator!
*In the blank space of the spell, speak your name.
At the end of the chant ring the bell and hail Hecate. The reason you call Hecate is because she is the goddess of witchcraft and necromancy. It is very important to invoke her.
Now it is time to draw the two circles. The first magic circle to be drawn is the circle (your choice of what circle you use as there are many magic circles to choose from) that will protect you from the spirit entering and taking control of your body. It is to be drawn with the chalk, and then, trace it with your magic wand. When drawing the circle, make shore not to scuff or bluer any of the runes or symbols that may be part of it. Also, leave a gap open in the circle so that when it is time to enter it you can. Once the circle is drawn place the ST. Johns wort, Virani, and Rue around it. The reason for this is because these herbs repel evil. Then, two feet away from the circle, draw the triangle of Solomon. This, if all goes well, is where the sprit will appear and be held until you are finished asking it questions. You can find a diagram on Bing images. Inside of it, the two white candles, and an incense holder of mugwort, are to be put in the middle of the triangle. Also a photograph of the dead one you wish to summon. Once the candles and incense is lit, go to your circle and close it the rest of the way. Once this is done, there is no leaving the circle until the spell is done unless you want to get possessed or something. Lets hope that is not the case. Then, with all this done you are ready to begin the incantation to call forth the lost, dead sole you wish to see on last time.
Once everything is ready, the circles drawn, the candles lit and etc. it is time to begin to work your spell. At the stroke of mid night raise your wand, bring your power to its peak, and begin to chant in a quick, rapped, loud voice:
''Oh spirit of ......., I call you the in the name of Hecate, the dark goddess, to speak with you. I command you! COME FORTH, less I cast you into the void to be forever lost! Come forth ........, In the name of Hecate!''
*In the blank spaces call for the name of the sole you are summoning.
Then at the end of the incantation tare the parchment paper into and release the energy's you had placed in it so that the spirit of the dead will have the power to come. Now you may be wondering, what the spirit may look like. It may appear as a mas of energy, take the form of the smoke from the incense, or may not show itself at all. But before you try to do the incantation again, try and see it with your third eye, or, try and feel it's presence. And when it talks to you, it will not talk to you verbally and out loud, but may send you feelings that give you the answer, or may talk to you in your head. If you are preforming this spell in the woods or at cross roads, listen to the wind as it may choose to speak with you through it. If it does not come the first time, try the incantation again. If it does not come the third time raise your wand and chant:
Oh wicked, wicked, spirit you have ignored my calls! As penitence, you shall not find rest for ...........! Be gone! In the name of Hecate, be gone and do not bother me and my family anymore! Jehovah, Elohim, Hecate, Lucifer, Hades!
* In the plank space set a time limit to how long you want the disobedient sprit to be punished.
If the spirit does come, make shore to talk to it pleasantly and respectfully. One you are finished speaking to it dismiss it and say:
Oh, ........ I thank thee for your time. I am forever grateful. Now, rest in peace for a while, Till I call you again. For with ashes to ashes, dust to dust in the earth thou must go back! Yah and Yod He Vau He, Hecate! I chant the spell be done.
*In black speak the soles name.
Then, to dismiss Hecate chant:
Oh night mother, I thank thee also for your time Oh great Hecate, be bound her no more, for though have done thy part, and showed the glory of are art. Blessed be!
Now, it is safe to leave the magic circle. This spell may be meant for summoning the dead but it can be used to summon other spirits too. I know it is complicated but is effective. And sorry if it was hard to understand. Thanks for reading!
#1468 - Elemental energy manipulation
Wind: (You must be outside for this to work to its full potential.) Get into a comfortable position outside with your back straight. Have your item held in both of your hands. Now you will relax and take SEVEN deep breaths. You will start to focus yourself on the wind around you and the energy it carries. Focus on the wind until you feel you've completely honed in on the energy. At that moment you will start to retract the energy into your body. You will then move the wind energy into your stomach. Once the energy is there you must infuse some of your energy into the raw energy of the wind. After you infuse your energy you will then move the energy through your body and thru your hands into the item. Imagine that you're sewing the energy into the item. After you feel you've done this long enough slowly stop your connection with the wind until you've completely stopped.
Message me if you'd like instructions on Water, Earth, or Fire.
#1469 - Superhuman Abilities
Say 1x: "By day and by night sun and moon give me (2 abilities) to use for good, so mote it be"
Last edited on Jan 20, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1470 - Summon a Dragon Familiar
On the paper, draw a dragon. It can can smooth scales, or fur. It can have ears and horns. Make it your dream dragon. Next to it, write it's name, what type of dragon it is, what gender it is, it's personality, and anything else. Every night, chant the following.
"Dragon of luck, Dragon of protection, come to thee. This is my truest wish, so mote it be."
Think of your dragon often. On the third day, in your mind, call out for your dragon. Search for it, and once you found him/her, talk to it. On the sixth day, Search for it. Ask it to come to you, to let you see it. You can almost see a transparent glow in the place of where your dragon is.
Do not forget your dragon. It will become sad. Try asking your dragon for help, such as some energy, a boost of speed, some luck, or for him/her to protect you.
Last edited on Jun 27, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.