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2350 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2350 Luck Spells
2350 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2350 Luck Spells
  1. Love from the sea
  2. Better Singing
  3. Summoning
  4. Reverse
  5. Lucky Clover Sack
  6. Blessed Book
  7. Vampire
  8. Positive Energy Spell
  9. Mess up Spell
  10. Neko Potion

#691 - Love from the sea

This spell will help you receive love, honesty, kindness, happiness, calmness, and love. It will NOT restore a relationship, it will help you have more love in your life and love comes in many forms.
You may need:

  • Fabric
  • Stuffing
  • Pearl
  • Saltwater
  • Five days
  • Small glass
  • Sand
  • Five Shells
  • Strong feelings and belief
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    You may need:

  • Fabric
  • Stuffing
  • Pearl
  • Saltwater
  • Five days
  • Small glass
  • Sand
  • Five Shells
  • Strong feelings and belief
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    Cut your fabric into two heart shapes and sow them together, heart must be small. Leave a small opening and put in your stuffing, than set it aside. Take a small glass and fill it with saltwater, you really dont need a lot for one pearl,. Put in your pearl and sprinkle the sand over it, it should just be a pinch of sand, smaller than a quarter. Leave the pearl in the saltwater for five days, place the shells around the glass. starting clockwise, touch each shell and think of these,do this every morning (it will put emotions into the pearl)-

    First shell on first day- Think of Honesty (yellow)
    Second shell on second day- Think of kindness (pink)
    Third shell on third day- Think of Happiness (green)
    Fourth shell on fourth day- Think of Calmness (blue)
    Fifth shell on fifth day- Think of love (red)

    *The colors are the feeling strands, do not just think the colors*

    On the night of the fifth day, take out the pearl and move the glass out of the center of the shell circle and set the pearl down in the middle instead. Than think of the first color (yellow) as a glowing strand, than think the next one (pink) and imagine the emotion flowing through it. Imagine all the feeling strand flowing together and creating a ball of light, move the light down into your pearl. Now place the pearl into the center of your heart and sow it up the rest of the way. Now you can keep your heart with you whenever you need it, the sea will help you.

    Added to on Jan 20, 2016
    Last edited on Aug 26, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #692 - Better Singing

    This is a spell to sing better.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say this spell 3x only

    "This talent that I always wanted
    Please let me have it
    A beautiful voice that comes to me
    Every time I start to sing"

    Take 3 deep breaths

    Now say this only once

    "After 5 minutes of silence from my voice
    A new voice comes when I sing notes"

    Added to on Jan 19, 2016
    Last edited on Oct 23, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #693 - Summoning

    Spell to call for dead love one. If you do not see them or feel them they do not want to come.
    You may need:

  • 6 Candles
  • Lavender
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    You may need:

  • 6 Candles
  • Lavender
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    Place the 6 candels in loose cicle then take fresh lavender and put it around the circle. Then light the candles and chant: "Hear my call hear my cry, spirit from the other side. I summon thy now cross the great divde."

    Added to on Jan 16, 2016
    Last edited on Oct 23, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #694 - Reverse

    Reverse any spell you desire.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Chant the following:
    "A spell was cast, now make it past, remove it now, don't ask me how."

    Added to on Jan 16, 2016
    Last edited on Oct 23, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #695 - Lucky Clover Sack

    A simple luck spell that you can make lucky charms or just a lucky sack. Simple and easy, this will bring you luck on, well, anything! just be careful, it has a tendency to smell!
    You may need:

  • 1 Bandanna
  • 2 Handfuls of Clover
  • 4 Drops of your blood
  • If you are making a lucky charm, your charm
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    You may need:

  • 1 Bandanna
  • 2 Handfuls of Clover
  • 4 Drops of your blood
  • If you are making a lucky charm, your charm
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    1. Take the clover and place in the center of bandanna.
    2. (Add the charm if you're making one) The drops of blood can go anywhere on the clover.
    3. Chant:

    "Gods and goddesses who bring luck to me,
    Help me enchant this sack for me.
    Good luck is what I need,
    Oh thee,
    Bring good luck to me!"

    As you chant that, take 2 diagonal corners and tie a single knot, take the other two diagonal corners and tie a single knot. Take the ends of the bottom knot and tie a single knot over the second one you did. Take the ends of the second knot and make a single knot on top of your third knot.

    4. Now you have made your lucky sack, you will have to leave it for four days before use. When the four days are over, you can wear your lucky charm. After use, bury clover.

    5. Now for how to use your lucky sack.
    If you are using it for a test , at the start undo the top knot.
    When you are two quarters into the test, undo the next knot, when you're three-quarters of a way there, undo the the third knot. Finally, at the end, undo the final knot.
    You do the same with a spell, and anything else you might need luck for.

    Added to on Jan 16, 2016
    Last edited on Apr 26, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #696 - Blessed Book

    If you are going on a trip, or just want to make sure nothing happens to your favorite book, bless it with this straight-forward recipe to ensure luck. Do the blessing two days before so you can leave it overnight.
    You may need:

  • The book you want to bless
  • Salt
  • 5 Petals of your favorite flower (You can do any type of flower, but you favorite is better)
  • Clean hands
  • Table
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    You may need:

  • The book you want to bless
  • Salt
  • 5 Petals of your favorite flower (You can do any type of flower, but you favorite is better)
  • Clean hands
  • Table
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    1. Put book in front of you and check how many pages there are, including the cover.

    2. In a bowl, mix 2 teaspoons of salt and the flower petals.
    While you mix it, chant:

    "(Number of pages)x 5,
    Give me luck,
    Bless these petals,
    Give them luck for (Answer of equation) weeks."

    3. Once you finish the chant, stop mixing and bring bowl over to the book.

    4. Place one petal in each corner and the final one in the center.

    5. Put your hand on the center petal and repeat the above chant.

    6. Place the book (Petals still in place) in clear view of the moon's light. Leave for the next day in the same spot and you're ready to go!

    Good luck on your next spll,

    Added to on Jan 16, 2016
    Last edited on Jul 12, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #697 - Vampire

    Become a vampire with this spell.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say this 5 times:

    "I wish to be a vampire
    This is my desire
    Give me the power
    The power of a vampire
    Make me strong
    Make me fast
    And this my desire make me a vampire
    So mote it be!"

    Added to on Jan 14, 2016
    Last edited on Oct 24, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #698 - Positive Energy Spell

    Let positive energy surround you every day!
    You may need:

  • 1 White Candle
  • An object that makes you Happy
  • Light
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    You may need:

  • 1 White Candle
  • An object that makes you Happy
  • Light
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    Place the White candle in front of you. Light it, and place an object
    that makes you personally feel happier to the right of the candle. Then, if the lights are off, turn them on, and go back to where you were before, and chant the following:

    “"Gods and Goddess, Spirits and Guides, thank you for all that I have. I ask you now for happiness, aid me as I work to achieve it. Please bring it to me when the time is right, so mote it be”."

    Fill your lungs up with positive energy, and release the negative, as you blow out the candle. Then, lift up the object (if not liftable, then do not lift it and follow the next steps) and hold it in the air, as you shall chant the following three times:

    "Bless this object as you would bless me, so mote it be."

    Then, your positive energy shall arive!

    Added to on Jan 13, 2016
    Last edited on Nov 02, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #699 - Mess up Spell

    To mess someones spell up.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say: "You will mess up (name) you little cow!"

    Added to on Jan 09, 2016
    Last edited on Oct 24, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #700 - Neko Potion

    I decided we need a potion style spell to become a Neko. The potion, when consumed even in small amounts, will turn someone into a Neko.
    You may need:

  • Cinnamon (sacred to Bastet)
  • Basil
  • Sesame seeds
  • Pepper
  • Catnip (optional)
  • Milk
  • Bowl
  • Wand (or chopstick)
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    You may need:

  • Cinnamon (sacred to Bastet)
  • Basil
  • Sesame seeds
  • Pepper
  • Catnip (optional)
  • Milk
  • Bowl
  • Wand (or chopstick)
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    Mix the herbs if you want, then pour the milk into the bowl. Stir it and say:

    "A magic mixture made of milk
    Fluffy fur as soft as silk
    Fangs and claws, ears and tail
    May this potion never fail.
    As sure as the moon rises at night,
    As warm as the sun's morning light.
    Bastet (replace with your deity if applicable), grant my greatest desire.
    Spread my wish to the wind, passion burning like fire."

    As you add the herbs, say:

    "By the will of my spirit and the magic I hold
    No longer shall my troubled soul
    Yearn for a cat's tail and ears
    As I cast this spell, I shed my fears.
    Claws and fangs that reach out and contract
    Ears and tail that grow and retract
    From this potion, even the tiniest sip
    The smallest droplet, the littlest drip
    As long as they were willing, as long as they know
    They will become a Neko."

    Stir it until the herbs mix in. Chant:

    "Neko ears and Neko tail.
    Potion and spell to never fail.
    If they are willing, if they know,
    They will soon be a Neko."

    When the spell is finished, store the potion. Keep the milk cold.

    Added to on Jan 08, 2016
    Last edited on Oct 07, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2350 Luck Spells from Spell Casters