2351 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
- Mermaid One Day
- Silence
- Silent Luck
- Lucky Keepsake
- Tear Someone's Mind
- Revenge Spell
- Death Note Spell no.2
- Inspiration Mode
- Goddess Trade
- Wish Upon a Leaf for Love
#1681 - Mermaid One Day
Symbol must be necklace or bracelet. What you need to do is get into the water and your symbol with you not on you then say:
"Gods and goddesses of the sea
Listen now and here to my plea
I wish to be a mermaid
A truely magical being"
And then put the wet symbol on and say:
"Let this symbol transform me
Into a mermaid a magical being" t
When you get out of the water take off your symbol. Your symbol should only be worn when you get into water. Wait a day before getting back into water. If you did it right you should get your tail when you back into the water with your symbol on.
Last edited on Jan 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1682 - Silence
On a picture cross out their mouth in blank ink on saturday or wednesday speak your desire stick this into the freezer,so shall it be
Last edited on Jan 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1683 - Silent Luck
First of all at ten a.m. Take a bath with herbs to cleanse you this will help you. Light the white candle at 2pm and say "Blessed help me on the way with (put problem here)". Then light the green one at 5p.m. And say "Money and prosperity I need so badly now help me on the way". Then burn the white one at nine p.m. And say " With this candle I ask again to help me last along the way".
Last edited on Jan 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1684 - Lucky Keepsake
Hold the item by your heart and repeat the following slowly three times:
''Oh all the magic of the world,
Bring to me Good luck,
Store the Luck inside this (Whatever the item is.),
So mote it be.''
If you want to you can pass the item along to someone else. Or when you just don't need the magic anymore say:
''The power within (Whatever the item is.),
Is needed no more,
Return it to the Earth,
For others to embrace it.''
#1685 - Tear Someone's Mind
Chant: "Dark and waves of twilight rain, tame his/her mind and bring him/her pain".
Last edited on Jan 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1686 - Revenge Spell
Take away colour and sound, this is where revenge is found
#1687 - Death Note Spell no.2
Take out the note card after lighting four black candles. Write the person's name on it with Bat's blood ink. You can either get it off the web or make it yourself. If you do, ask me for the recipe. Then get ground up incense and wrap the notecard around it. Light it on fire and say, "Hail to all Dark Gods surrounding me, I plead for the death of the enemy as he caused harm to me. Therefore, strike him down and let me watch him fade." Now for the myths and corrections on the death note The death Note doesn't cause instant death. It usually takes about 3 days or even three months concerning the rule of thumb dealing with magick imo. It doesn't cause a person to fall down and die instantly, Nor does it get them into the situation quickly. Death Note is based on the anime that is based on some metaphysical fact. If you obtain the person's name and have power over it, it can cause them to fade from life in almost due time. It is well known in hoodoo to have a photograph as well as a person's name in some hexes and the person's name and intent in others. However, I can't vouch for some spells working for some people.
Last edited on Nov 01, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1688 - Inspiration Mode
Chant the following
"Powers that be listen to me
I call of you powers of land and sea
Powers that be listen to me
Hear my plea
Alittle insperation is what I need"
Last edited on Jan 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1689 - Goddess Trade
First take the bowl line it with the cloth and add the 3 coins in a triangle then add salt and water next add the sand and herbs take the circle panel and set it on the grass light the candles and have the 3 things ready then take the rose leaves and create ripples in the water (make sure the moon is reflected off the water)
Now say: "Lady Moonlight came to me in all phases three in each phases hands there was a trade. The maiden walked up to me in her hands there was (say silver or health) she asked me. What will you trade with me? And I said (say object of trades name). Next the mother walked up to me and holding gold(or a seed) she asked, Now what will you trade me? And I said(object of trade). Finally the crone walked up to me and in her hands was wisdom. Now child what is your trade, she asked me, and I said (last object of trade) and she walked away"
After you are finished dig a hole with your hands and bury all 3 objects of trade. Dump the water out in a circle and place the rose leaves on the trade and the black cloth place the panel on that and walk away. Now each day after you will gain the trade from each phase first day maiden next mother last crone.
Last edited on Jan 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1690 - Wish Upon a Leaf for Love