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2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2985 Love Spells
2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2985 Love Spells
  1. Prayer for better life
  2. Charmed Kiss of Desire
  3. Charming Someone
  4. Make you lover like you back
  5. crush spells
  6. Peppermint vampire banishing (basic)
  7. Summon a succubus non spelling errors
  8. Dark Lust of the Flame
  9. Initiation into a coven ritual-IMPORTANT TO JOIN A COVEN
  10. specific person love spell

#521 - Prayer for better life

You need to regret your mistakes for this!
You may need:

  • Holy water
  • Cross
  • Belief in God
  • Will
  • Hope
  • Regret
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    You may need:

  • Holy water
  • Cross
  • Belief in God
  • Will
  • Hope
  • Regret
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    Hold the Cross. Say '' Oh Holy and Mighty Jesus Christ please forgive me.'' Then drink Holy water and say '' My Lord, please give me better life and make my soul better.'' Put the Cross in your pocket and go where ever you want and be relaxed.

    Added to on Jun 16, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #522 - Charmed Kiss of Desire

    This spell was handed down to me by my great-grandma, who visited me in a dream to pass this treasured spell to me. It is a spell to strengthen the bond between you and your significant other. This spell is a sacred heirloom to our family, please give credit to me if you post this spell somewhere else.
    You may need:

  • a generous handful of fresh rose petals (any color will work, but shades of pink and red work best)
  • a few drops of your favorite perfume/cologne
  • belief in yourself, your partner, and magick
  • love for your partner (the stronger the love, the better the spell will work)
  • a photo or memento of your partner (or simply good memories of spending time with them)
  • a bowl
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    You may need:

  • a generous handful of fresh rose petals (any color will work, but shades of pink and red work best)
  • a few drops of your favorite perfume/cologne
  • belief in yourself, your partner, and magick
  • love for your partner (the stronger the love, the better the spell will work)
  • a photo or memento of your partner (or simply good memories of spending time with them)
  • a bowl
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    1) Visualize you and your partner being together and happy throughout your lives. Let the love and feelings for them flow freely. Suppressing those emotions could negatively impact your bond with your partner.

    2) Bless and anoint the petals with the perfume, still visualizing you and your partner.

    3) Lightly place your lips on each of the petals, sort of like a kiss. Then after all the rose petals have been ''kissed'', say this chant/ prayer: ''Great Mother Goddess, I pray that you are listening to my cry. Great Goddess almighty, I beg of you to strengthen the bond between (their name) and I, and in return I shall be eternally grateful. High and mighty, beautiful and kind Mother Goddess, please make our love grow stronger and thrive with your divine gracious blessing. Thank you, Mother Goddess. For this is my will, so mote it be.''

    4) For extra assurance that the spell will work, thoroughly let the petals dry out somewhere safe. When they have been fully dried, crush the petals into tiny bits and put some of the crushed rose petals into a glass vial (the ones for jewelry) along with rose or rosehip oil. Glue the stopper in so none of the liquid gets out, put the vial on a necklace chain or cord, then give it to your partner so they can wear it always.

    Added to on Jun 15, 2017
    Last edited on Mar 06, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #523 - Charming Someone

    This spell is designed to dirrect your inner charm to someone. Be careful as you escentially control said person. This is a useful spell to get that girl/guy or get that job offer. Use responsibly or not. Your choice.
    You may need:

  • Photo of the person or their full name on a peice of paper
  • Casserole dish (clean obviously)
  • Olive oil
  • White candle
  • Candle holder
  • Matching pair of Lodestones (optional)
  • Magnetic sand (optional)
  • Honey (optional)
  • Sugar syrup (optional)
  • Ground licorice root (optional)
  • Carnation petals (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Photo of the person or their full name on a peice of paper
  • Casserole dish (clean obviously)
  • Olive oil
  • White candle
  • Candle holder
  • Matching pair of Lodestones (optional)
  • Magnetic sand (optional)
  • Honey (optional)
  • Sugar syrup (optional)
  • Ground licorice root (optional)
  • Carnation petals (optional)
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    Place picture or name face up in the bottom of the dish.
    Add as many of the optional ingredients as possible; the more you add the stronger the spell will be.

    Poor olive oil over everything until your casserole dish is about 3/4 way full.

    Place your candle holder and candle in the dish.

    Light the candle and let it burn out.

    Added to on Jun 10, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #524 - Make you lover like you back

    This is a great spell especially for beginners and all you need is your voice
    You may need:

  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Voice
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    All you have to do is chant:

    (lovers name) AL MUGHNEE

    Chant this as much as possible the more you say it the quicker the results

    Added to on Jun 08, 2017
    Last edited on May 13, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #525 - crush spells

    this spell will make anyone have a crush upon you but you have to simply beleive that it'll work.
    You may need:

  • yourself
  • belief
  • crush
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    You may need:

  • yourself
  • belief
  • crush
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    go to sleep and think of you're crush and where you'd meet him/her. Then in you're dream ask him/her out and the next morning go look for him/her and see if it worked! Hope it worked for you good luck and enjoy!!- Elements411

    Added to on Jun 08, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #526 - Peppermint vampire banishing (basic)

    Got some annoying vamps that just won't stay away and garlic ain't working? Try this simple beauty!
    You may need:

  • Fresh peppermint
  • Thread yarn some type of string
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    You may need:

  • Fresh peppermint
  • Thread yarn some type of string
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    Hang fresh peppermint around ones neck at bed time. ( this is also repeated to also have an aphrodisiac effect so maybe you will be too busy to worry about those vampires)

    For vampire protection lay as still as possible while sleeping

    Added to on Jun 07, 2017
    Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #527 - Summon a succubus non spelling errors

    Re done last one had misspelled words but same thing
    You may need:

  • voice image of the person
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    You may need:

  • voice image of the person
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    god and goddess ple let me summon a succubus ple let it be the shape of name of person but it be 10 times more beautiful let it always be by my side and take care of me only I see and hear them like there right beside me ple don't let me think this is a dream let it be my girldrieand right away if I bodie switch time travel astral travel ur other spell let it always be by my side it we'll always take care of me let it hug me and everything elase and it we'll fell real let us talk to each other in our minds when people around let me know that she always by my side thanks u god and goddess ple mote it be

    Added to on Jun 02, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #528 - Dark Lust of the Flame

    this is a dark spell, causing the blackest passion and lust to stir inside the intended. Do not use without just reason and desire.
    You may need:

  • Sweet Grass
  • Bay
  • Sage
  • Lavender
  • Salt
  • Red candles (the more the better)
  • Lighter
  • Paper with subjects name on it.
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    You may need:

  • Sweet Grass
  • Bay
  • Sage
  • Lavender
  • Salt
  • Red candles (the more the better)
  • Lighter
  • Paper with subjects name on it.
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    Write the intendeds name on the paper, set aside. draw a ring of salt and if you have a wand follow the circle round casting a protection spell. light the candles around the circle, and sit inside it. braid the bay lavender sage and sweet grass together. You can use string to hold it together. now burn it and say:

    By herbs smoke, and my power I banish dark spirits an cast this circle this night and this hour!

    You must now set the braid aside and let it smoke beside you Chant:

    The darkest lust bound in this world shall converge on what it must will burn ablaze passion unfurled.

    By these red candles power, by the magic that is born this hour! I summon the lust that may reside, oh deap down flowing hot inside my target who will now feel the blackest darkest passion, that will soon be real.

    Inhale smoke

    By the night and by the day by the moons and suns way I summon all those spirits of lust do my bidding you must by the element of fire and of earth Iask thee his desire be unearthed. No on this night and in this hour Icast this spell with my power!

    Burn the paper with the name on. Say:

    Blessed be, spirits do whatI ask of thee this rite is closed.

    Added to on May 30, 2017
    Last edited on Sep 30, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #529 - Initiation into a coven ritual-IMPORTANT TO JOIN A COVEN

    I have one of the original copy of the bbok of shadows here is a initiation ritual
    You may need:

  • a person willing to join coven
  • knife
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    You may need:

  • a person willing to join coven
  • knife
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    Preistess mus be holding a dagger to joinging member and chant

    Who comes before the circle?

    Who wished to gain entrance at the gate?

    By what name are you called

    _____(person says name)

    Know the this that it would be far better to plunge yourself onto my dagger than to enter the circle with fear in your heart

    -they then reply with

    perfect peace and perfect love

    then whe preistes would say

    all who bring such words are welcome, blessed be your fee which have brought you this way blessed be your oins that bear the fruit of the future blesse be your breast that nourish the young, blessed be your lips that will speak the words of magik wisdom blessed be the preistess ______(persons name) and witch here are the tools of the craft and remember this thou must suffer to learn. welcome ____ preist and witch.

    please take care whomever is performing this ritual and DO NOT stab the person whom you are welcoming into your coven it is a light press to the bottom of the throught, make sure you do not move

    if you have any other question please mail me as I have the copy of the book of shadows and I will gladly answer any questions you may have

    Added to on May 30, 2017
    Last edited on Apr 11, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #530 - specific person love spell

    make a guy loves you
    make a girl loves you
    You may need:

  • no ingredients
  • no thing spell
  • no needs spell
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    You may need:

  • no ingredients
  • no thing spell
  • no needs spell
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    gods and goddesses of sea moon sun and venus
    I call on you
    to make ''******'' love me
    as soon as im insight
    as soon as im inmind
    as soon as im on speach
    this is my will
    so mote it be

    Added to on May 30, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters