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2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2985 Love Spells
2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2985 Love Spells
  1. Diary Lock
  2. Love Bringer
  3. Get someone to Call
  4. Breakfast for Lovers
  5. Luring Love
  6. My spell to Conjureing
  7. Meeting Others
  8. Finacial Growth
  9. Besom Blessing
  10. Acoda's Easy Lighting Spell

#2311 - Diary Lock

This will make your diary safe from anybody who looks inside only you will be able to seek inside.
You may need:

  • Your Diary
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    You may need:

  • Your Diary
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    Put your hands on your diary then say "This is my Diary nobody shall look inside. Put a lock inside on and only I shall seek inside,"

    Added to on Jul 28, 2012
    Last edited on Dec 10, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2312 - Love Bringer

    Brings your soulmate to you.
    You may need:

  • 1 clay bowl
  • 1 piece of paper
  • 1 pen
  • 1 lighter or match
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    You may need:

  • 1 clay bowl
  • 1 piece of paper
  • 1 pen
  • 1 lighter or match
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    Take the clay bowl then set it out. Get the piece of paper and write stuff that you want your girlfriend to have on it. Now put the paper in the bowl the burn it. And in 1 week your soulmate will be at your front door.

    Added to on Jul 27, 2012
    Last edited on Dec 10, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2313 - Get someone to Call

    By Lexa Rosean, but updated for a cell phone by me. Works in 10 minutes to 3 days. About a day for me. Can be used on anyone for any reason.
    You may need:

  • Cotton balls
  • Oregano
  • Fennel seeds
  • Caraway seeds
  • Dill seeds
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    You may need:

  • Cotton balls
  • Oregano
  • Fennel seeds
  • Caraway seeds
  • Dill seeds
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    First take a cotton ball and make the shape of the persons initial. This is harder than it sounds so have extra ones on hand. If you think at any time that it looks like a different letter, the spell may cause the wrong person to call so you'll want to try again. Place the cotton letter on your altar and your phone on top of it. Sprinkle the oregano and seeds in a circle around the cotton and phone. Visualize the person picking up a phone and calling you.

    Added to on Jul 24, 2012
    Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2314 - Breakfast for Lovers

    Both recipes come from A Little Book of Love Magic by Patricia Telesco.
    You may need:

  • A Little Book of Love Magic by Patricia Telesco
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    You may need:

  • A Little Book of Love Magic by Patricia Telesco
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    Apple Berry Delight

    • 6 cups water
    • 2 small red apples, sliced
    • 1 orange, peeled and sectioned
    • 1 one-inch slice lemon Peel
    • 1 cup raspberries
    • 1/8 teaspoon ginger
    • 1 cinnamon stick
    • Honey to taste

    Put water, fruit and spices in a large pot and simmer over low heat until water turns dark. Strain through a cheesecloth and sweeten with honey.

    Raspberry Orange Scones

    • 2 1/2 cups flour
    • 2 teaspoons baking powder
    • 3/4 cup sugar
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt
    • 1/3 cup butter
    • 1 egg, beaten
    • 3 tablespoons orange juice
    • 1/2 teaspoon orange rind
    • 1/2 cup raspberries

    Mix flour, baking powder, sugar baking soda and salt. Cut in butter to make a grainy meal. Add egg, orange juice and orange rind. Mix until blended. Shape 2 dozen balls of dough and place them on a greased cookie sheet about 1 inch apart and flatten with a spoon. Bake at 425 F for 15 minutes. Cover with berries and sweet cream

    Added to on Jul 24, 2012
    Last edited on Dec 09, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2315 - Luring Love

    This spell does not target a specific person, but draws a mate or lover. From A Little Book of Love Magic by Patricia Telesco.
    You may need:

  • Cords, embroidery floss etc in
  • Red
  • Pink
  • White
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    You may need:

  • Cords, embroidery floss etc in
  • Red
  • Pink
  • White
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    Braid the strands and every time they cross, chant ''magic bind, a true love find.'' Or ''magic bind, passion to find.''
    Wear the braid as a necklace or bracelet in social situations.

    Added to on Jul 24, 2012
    Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2316 - My spell to Conjureing

    Between the maurynn and finkbeiner.
    You may need:

  • 6 white candles
  • lighter,or match something to light with
  • place alone or with somebody(doesent matter)
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    You may need:

  • 6 white candles
  • lighter,or match something to light with
  • place alone or with somebody(doesent matter)
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    1.take the 6 candles and place them in a circle the neatest one you can do.
    2.light the candles

    Added to on Jul 22, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2317 - Meeting Others

    You meet other witches when you use this spell.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say: "Gath Taka Yanyal" then wherever you want to meet.

    Added to on Jul 20, 2012
    Last edited on Dec 09, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2318 - Finacial Growth

    This will help your income grow each month. With strong visualization and intentions this spell will work it's magic for you
    You may need:

  • 1 green candle
  • 1 white candle ( protection)
  • Dried crushed basil
  • Honey
  • Sugar
  • Fast luck or money oil
  • Cinnamon
  • Spoon and small bowl
  • Sharp tool
  • Picture of one self
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    You may need:

  • 1 green candle
  • 1 white candle ( protection)
  • Dried crushed basil
  • Honey
  • Sugar
  • Fast luck or money oil
  • Cinnamon
  • Spoon and small bowl
  • Sharp tool
  • Picture of one self
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    Cast a circle or square of powerful white light, imagine it coming from the Earth and filling your space. Grab the bowl and add honey, then sprinkle some basil, add sugar, add cinnamon then add fast luck or money oil. Mix it all together WHILE mixing it chant three times " Everyday in every way prosperity now comes my way"

    Once done chanting grab the white candle in hand of power and charge it. Tell it that its job is to protect you while prosperity comes your way. Carve "Protection" on to the candle. Grab the green candle, carve $$ going down then rotate it and carve "Now" then rotate it again and carve on the last empty space "For me"

    Charge the candle, tell it that its job is to work with all the other elements and herbs to fulfill your desire. Tell it that it is to carry out your request. Mix the mixture one more time and then WITH YOUR HANDS spread it on the green candle going down. Image your income increasing month to month, year to year. Imagine you opening a door and happily receiving the prosperity and blessing that is coming your way. Now the white candle should be on your alter right now, light it in front of the picture of yourself Grab the green candle light it and say three times

    "I summon prosperity to come my way.
    I summon financial growth every month
    To come into my life.
    With the power in me,
    I believe that this will be
    I summon financial growth!
    I summon financial growth!
    I summon financial growth!
    Through no harm
    As I will it, so mote it be"

    Added to on Jul 19, 2012
    Last edited on Dec 06, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2319 - Besom Blessing

    blessing a broom
    You may need:

  • Items needed: a small bowl of salt and one of water, a
  • white candle, a small bunch of fresh rosemary, a censer,
  • a small block of church charcoal, and your besom.
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    You may need:

  • Items needed: a small bowl of salt and one of water, a
  • white candle, a small bunch of fresh rosemary, a censer,
  • a small block of church charcoal, and your besom.
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    Perform this simple ceremony to bless and consecrate
    your broom. This will remove all of the negative thoughts
    and vibrations that may be attached to the broom making it
    ready for magickal works.Place the candle, the bowl of salt, and the one of water,
    along with the censer and rosemary on a small table. Light
    the charcoal, and the white candle. Sprinkle some salt over
    the broom and then some water as you say:
    Water and Earth
    Wash thee clean,
    Of all that was
    And is unclean.
    Place some of the rosemary on the hot coal in the censer.
    Pick up the broom and pass it through the smoke of the
    burning herb, and then through the candle flame as you say:
    Essence of Air
    Flame of Fire,
    Cleanse thee of all
    But what I desire.
    The broom is now ready to use for both mundane and
    magickal works. Use your broom to purge your house of
    negative thoughts and vibrations as well as unwanted guests.

    Added to on Jul 16, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2320 - Acoda's Easy Lighting Spell

    This is an interesting white magic technique in which you light up a street lamp using the power of your focus.
    You may need:

  • Nothing, only the ability to concentrate.
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    You may need:

  • Nothing, only the ability to concentrate.
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    Take a nighttime stroll through a street with lights at the side of the road. Chances are, at least a few of those lamps are broken. Find a broken one that calls out to you and point your finger at the lightless bulb. Concentrate on the thought of the lamp glowing, and then lighting up. Just saying ''Light'' repeatedly helps but if a full length, rhyming spell would help you fell free to make one up yourself.

    Added to on Jul 16, 2012
    Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters