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2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2985 Love Spells
2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2985 Love Spells
  1. Bringing Back Virginity
  2. Binding Sex
  3. Come Back To Me
  4. Make Her Love Me
  5. Double the Money
  6. Acoda's Love & Lust Spell
  7. Attract Good Luck Charm
  8. Make Someone Heartless
  9. Immortal Love Apple
  10. Protection for a Friend

#2251 - Bringing Back Virginity

This spell brings the virginity back to someone that lost it.
You may need:

  • Red candle
  • White candle
  • Tan candle
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    You may need:

  • Red candle
  • White candle
  • Tan candle
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    Light the red candle and say: "love and fun let this candle represent blood". Light the white candle and say: "white and brave let this reverse the sperm and save". When you light the tan candle say this: "reverse time and space let the virginity back into it place of (persons name)".

    Added to on Aug 27, 2012
    Last edited on Dec 26, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2252 - Binding Sex

    Bind your souls together during the act of sex.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Between the moaning say this:

    "My first and only love
    Our sex takes my breathe
    So let us be together
    For all eternity
    Let my and your souls conjoint
    As the walls that has built this house".

    Added to on Aug 27, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 24, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2253 - Come Back To Me

    This is a very simple spell to bring back a husband a lover a friend.
    You may need:

  • 1 piece of parchment paper
  • 1 red pen
  • 1 small 3 inch round mirror
  • 1 scissor
  • 1 red candle
  • 3 tablespoon of pure honey
  • 3 tablespoon of cinammon
  • 1 Half a cup of dry rose buds
  • 1 white plate
  • 1/2 teaspoon of pure olive oil
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    You may need:

  • 1 piece of parchment paper
  • 1 red pen
  • 1 small 3 inch round mirror
  • 1 scissor
  • 1 red candle
  • 3 tablespoon of pure honey
  • 3 tablespoon of cinammon
  • 1 Half a cup of dry rose buds
  • 1 white plate
  • 1/2 teaspoon of pure olive oil
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    Take the parchment paper and cut it in a shape of a heart, cut it to the size that your name and he/she names fit (first name and last name). With the red pen write other name first your name accross that it will look like a cross. On the white plate place the heart shape parchment on top of the parchment place the mirror.

    Before you place the red candle on top of the mirror you have to dress it with olive oil, dress it towards you close to your heart thinking only of this person you want back and chanting these words.

    "If not right for me
    Then off you be
    Across the sea
    So mote it be"

    Then you place the red candle on top of the mirror (secure it)light the candle, take the honey and spread it around the candle make sure it covers the mirror then take the dry rose buds and spread it around on top of the honey, then you spread the cinammon on top of the dry rose petals, what ever you have left spread it around the inside of the plate. Leave all this on your love altar for 3 days then without the plate (plate you throw away) bury it close to your place or in a pot fill it with dirt.

    Added to on Aug 26, 2012
    Last edited on Dec 22, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2254 - Make Her Love Me

    A simple spell to make a girl fall for you. Should be cast on a Friday before or on the full moon
    You may need:

  • 1 Lodestone
  • 1 drop Cardamon essential oil
  • 1 drop Frankincense essential oil
  • 1 drop Sandalwood essential oil
  • 1 drop Your Own Sweat
  • 1 Red Flannel Cloth
  • red or pink thread and needle
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    You may need:

  • 1 Lodestone
  • 1 drop Cardamon essential oil
  • 1 drop Frankincense essential oil
  • 1 drop Sandalwood essential oil
  • 1 drop Your Own Sweat
  • 1 Red Flannel Cloth
  • red or pink thread and needle
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    ~ Sprinkle the mixture of cardamon, frankincense, sandalwood and your sweat onto the lodestone.

    ~ Place the lodestone in the red flannel cloth, folding it towards you. sew the cloth shut, visualizing the desired person and you together.

    ~ keep the charm in your pocket until you next meet. Quickly rub the stone with your power [writing] hand, and immediately touch her hand with your power hand.

    Added to on Aug 26, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2255 - Double the Money

    This is a spell that doubles the amount of money that you attract.
    You may need:

  • Dragons Blood oil
  • Amber oil
  • 2 one dollar bills
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    You may need:

  • Dragons Blood oil
  • Amber oil
  • 2 one dollar bills
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    Gather together two one dollar bills that you have saved for this spell. Next gather the amber oil and dragons blood oil. Invoke a dragon to assist you in the spell you are about to cast. Next, plaice one of the dollar bills in front of you. Start applying the amber oil on one side of the dollar bill while you incantation of the following spell.

    "I call upon the ancient power
    Of dragon's power,
    By the Oaks and Trees,
    I ask of thee,
    To double the amount
    That comes to me,
    So mote it be!"

    Keep repeating this incantation until you have completed anointing the first side of the dollar bill with the amber oil. Next do the same with the dragons blood oil on the other side of the dollar bill.

    Finally, fold each anointed dollar bill twice; first fold should be in half from center of the bill. next fold should be in half again long was. then the spell is complete. You would put the enchanted folded dollar bills in piggy band or glass jar or were ever you keep your loose change in.

    Added to on Aug 25, 2012
    Last edited on Dec 20, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2256 - Acoda's Love & Lust Spell

    This is a spell to make someone lust for you. It can be quite powerful so take caution when using it. 18 and over please.
    You may need:

  • Whatever helps you picture them. If you have good visualization you do not need anything.
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    You may need:

  • Whatever helps you picture them. If you have good visualization you do not need anything.
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    Visualise the person having sex with you. say:
    ''I have wanted you, Now you shall want me, this is my will so mote it be.''

    Added to on Aug 24, 2012
    Last edited on May 02, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2257 - Attract Good Luck Charm

    This is a spell designed to summon the power that we define as 'luck' and allow it to manifest within a small object we select.
    You may need:

  • Gold Sand (Lodestone food is fine)
  • 1 Yellow candle
  • 1 Red candle
  • 1 Blue candle
  • 1 Green candle
  • 1 White candle
  • Small Charm you wish to empower
  • A piece of parchment/paper and pencil
  • teaspoon
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    You may need:

  • Gold Sand (Lodestone food is fine)
  • 1 Yellow candle
  • 1 Red candle
  • 1 Blue candle
  • 1 Green candle
  • 1 White candle
  • Small Charm you wish to empower
  • A piece of parchment/paper and pencil
  • teaspoon
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    Start out by drawing a pentacle upon the parchment, the size of a small plate is enough.

    Place a candle at each point in this order from the top point in a clockwise direction; white - blue - red - green - yellow.

    Using the teaspoon, cover the drawn lines of the circle with the golden sand. So the candle cover the points, the sand covers the outline of the circle and the interconnecting lines that form the star are clear.

    During a full or waxing moon, get comfortable and light the candles.
    Place the charm in the centre of the pentacle.
    Relax and summon positive feelings and emotions, all things you love and good experiences.

    now close your eyes and visualise a white light pouring from the heavens, attracted by the sand and candles.

    Chant softly and visualise the energy pouring into the charm;

    ''Powers of the universe I summon thee
    Grant good fortune unto me

    Bring the power to change my fate
    Strengthen that which is innate''

    Continue with the visualisation of the energy until you believe the charm is full.

    Added to on Aug 24, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2258 - Make Someone Heartless

    To make someone heartless (can be used on yourself).
    You may need:

  • 2 red candles
  • 3 black candles
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    You may need:

  • 2 red candles
  • 3 black candles
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    Light the candles with a match or lighter. While lighting the red candles say this: "With my heart black as black make the flames burn so fast". While lighting the black candles: "Take (name of the person) heart and make him live never love never cry from his eyes make his soul never feel sorrow or pain make him live every day of forever as a best of sadness so it is said so mote it be!"

    Added to on Aug 22, 2012
    Last edited on Dec 22, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2259 - Immortal Love Apple

    In the world of Magick the apple symbolizes love, seduction and fertility. This spell will attract love to you.
    You may need:

  • 1 red large apple
  • Sharpe knife
  • Parchment paper (small piece)
  • 1/4 steaspoon of honey
  • few cloves
  • lots of cinnamon
  • 1 small red tea candle
  • 4 orange votive candle
  • Love oil
  • Love incense
  • 4 new quarters
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    You may need:

  • 1 red large apple
  • Sharpe knife
  • Parchment paper (small piece)
  • 1/4 steaspoon of honey
  • few cloves
  • lots of cinnamon
  • 1 small red tea candle
  • 4 orange votive candle
  • Love oil
  • Love incense
  • 4 new quarters
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    Cut off the top of the apple and set aside.Hollow out the apple (use a spoon).On the parchment paper place the names of the 2 persons (cut the parchment in a heart shape then place the parchment in the apple, cover with the herbs and honey.

    Insert the red tea candle last. Place the apple on your love altar, surround with the 4 orange votive candles rubbed with love oil. Burn your favorite love incense. Light each of the votive candles, calling in the directions north, east,south and west, in that order.

    Take each quarter and ask for what ever you want on the relation, then take the 4 quarters with both hands and rub them together 27 times, thinking as you rub you strengthen the relationship. Place each quarter under each votive candle. Pass the apple through the love incense smoke, again repeating your petition. Light the tea candle that you already had place inside the apple. Pass the apple close to the flames of the quartes candles, one at a time.

    Allow all candles to burn completely. Place the top back on the apple (with contents still inside) by this time your red tea candle flame should be out. Bury it outside or in a flower pot.

    Added to on Aug 21, 2012
    Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2260 - Protection for a Friend

    Use this spell to protect someone you love.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Chant: "My endangered friend I wish to save, from the darkness that pursues them, keeping them safe is all I wish, so peace can fill there body and mind. I wish for the protection of my friend, until the end."

    Added to on Aug 20, 2012
    Last edited on Dec 19, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters