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2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2985 Love Spells
2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2985 Love Spells
  1. The Sirens
  2. ~Siren Call~
  3. Love and Hugs Dollie
  4. Make Your Crush Fall in Love With You
  5. Freeze
  6. Prayer/Spell To Help Find Your Spititual Path
  7. Attract a New Lover to Someone Else
  8. Mine All Mine
  9. Spell to bring two people closer in Freindship
  10. Get Someone To Ask You Out

#2201 - The Sirens

This will not make you a mermaid but will however make Men notice you.
You may need:

  • Harbor
  • Beach
  • Waterfall
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    You may need:

  • Harbor
  • Beach
  • Waterfall
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    This can take place anywhere where there's water a waterfall, harbor, beach, or pond. This will lure men to you. You can do this up to ten times to make them your servant.

    Chant: "Lanor, I cry for my plea. The oe whom I love was once married. I seek a new sailor in my path. Feel pain and my wrath. Come to me, make me ease, you are the one I want to please"

    Added to on Oct 15, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2202 - ~Siren Call~

    This Will Make Your Crush, Ex, Or Love Notice You After Singing This Seductive Song.
    You may need:

  • -Any Type Sea Shell
  • -Salt
  • -Water
  • -String
  • -Microwave
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    You may need:

  • -Any Type Sea Shell
  • -Salt
  • -Water
  • -String
  • -Microwave
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    Put Your Water In The Bowl And Put It In The Microwave For 2Minutes Then Pour 2 Spoons Of Salt Inside Then Mix Rapidly Until The Salt Disolves Next Put Your Shell In the Water (Be Careful) Wait 24 Hours. Have a nice sleep then when you awake take shell out and tie your rope around the shell however is best for you then when you go where ever you want to Seduce then sing either my song selected or your love song ~My Siren Song~: My Dear Saylor Come To Me Hear my Cry Hear My Plea The Sound Of Waves Crashing Near Set Sail My Lovelyyy Dear. He will notice you more!

    Added to on Oct 15, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2203 - Love and Hugs Dollie

    This is a good spell for a friend, family member and children. Using a stuffed animal and herbs to bring loved ones love and comfort
    You may need:

  • A stuffed animal
  • A sowing kit
  • 1 Pink candle
  • 1 white candle
  • 1 Feather
  • Lavender
  • Rose Mary
  • Rose Petals and buds
  • Sea salt
  • Juniper berries
  • Cedar
  • Hyssop
  • 2 small pouchss with draw strings
  • Amethyst Crystal
  • Moonstone
  • Rose quarts
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    You may need:

  • A stuffed animal
  • A sowing kit
  • 1 Pink candle
  • 1 white candle
  • 1 Feather
  • Lavender
  • Rose Mary
  • Rose Petals and buds
  • Sea salt
  • Juniper berries
  • Cedar
  • Hyssop
  • 2 small pouchss with draw strings
  • Amethyst Crystal
  • Moonstone
  • Rose quarts
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    Bring all ingredients into your ritual space and cast the circle and invoke the Deities. Purify and bless each herb, stone and item you'll be using and charge them to their functions.

    Lavender -- Peace, relaxation, sleep, comfort
    Rosemary -- Fights nightmares and brings love
    Rose Petals -- Brings all types of love
    Sea Salt -- cleansing and purification
    Juniper Berries -- Good Health
    Cedar -- Strength and courage
    Hyssop -- Lightens vibrations And Protection

    Amethyst -- Relives stress, calming, and peace
    Moonstone -- Happiness, Love, and harmony
    Rose Quarts -- Love and Friendship.


    After blessing the crystals and herbs, take the herbs and place them in the pouch, set it aside for a moment and take the stuffed animal and sowing kit.

    Cut open the back of the stuffed animal and take out some of the stuffing, place the pouch of herbs in the doll and sow it back up. Take the stuffed animal and hold it in your hands, (This may sound silly but) talk to the toy and tell it to keep your loved one safe and happy. Tell it to take care of them and bring them love.

    Take the crystals and place them in the other pouch and tie it around the dolls neck

    Close the circle and give the doll to a loved one and tell them to hold it whenever they feel that they need it.
    This works well for Children, The ill, Depression, and just a good gift to give on a holiday or birthday.

    Added to on Oct 15, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2204 - Make Your Crush Fall in Love With You

    Make your crush fall in love with you.
    You may need:

  • Card
  • Food
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    You may need:

  • Card
  • Food
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    Chant this how old your crush is. If you dont know her age then say it for your age. Say:

    "My true love, for my true love be, forever mine. I give you this card, that I made myself, and () your favorite food. My true love, forever be mine."

    Added to on Oct 14, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 22, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2205 - Freeze

    A spell that freezes something.
    You may need:

  • Frost giant toe
  • Snow flake
  • Frost giants eye
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    You may need:

  • Frost giant toe
  • Snow flake
  • Frost giants eye
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    Chop the frost giants eye in pieces. Cut the snow flake in two, then put the toe in a pot. Then put the snow flake pieces in a pot. Then put the frost giants eye pieces in a pot. Mix them together. Then splash it on someone or something.

    Added to on Oct 14, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 10, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2206 - Prayer/Spell To Help Find Your Spititual Path

    Found the spell while web surfing one day and just decided that i should add it so you guys can reap the benefits of this spell.
    You may need:

  • Just yourself and peace and quiet so you can focus
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    You may need:

  • Just yourself and peace and quiet so you can focus
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    Just say this chant as many times you wish, i so recomend doing it 3 to 10 times. Just to be safe.

    ''By the Powers that be,
    Lead me to my path, make it clear to see,
    On this spititual journey i am about to embark,
    Guide me through the dark,
    In my mind's eye, as clear as day,
    I can see my path, Divinity has shown me the way.
    Regardless of which road i take, i will always walk hand-in-hand with Divinity,
    This is my will, So Mote It Be.''

    Added to on Oct 14, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2207 - Attract a New Lover to Someone Else

    This spell will help someone else find a new love.
    You may need:

  • 2 red candles, 1 orange candle, voice, concentration(:
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    You may need:

  • 2 red candles, 1 orange candle, voice, concentration(:
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    Place the candles in a line, haveing the orange one in the middle. Concentrate on your freind or person u want to send a new love to being happy with someone and falling inlove and being in a happy relationship. Then chant, ''a new love is what he/she seeks, a true love is what he/she needs. Send love there way, no harm done, mote it be.'' Say that several times still concentrateing.. then when your done blow out the candles!:)

    Added to on Oct 13, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2208 - Mine All Mine

    Powerful, but utterly immoral love spell.
    You may need:

  • 1 red candle
  • 1 pink candle
  • 1 white candle
  • 1 silver chalice
  • Water
  • 1 pin or needle
  • An Altar pentacle
  • Matches (NOT a lighter)
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    You may need:

  • 1 red candle
  • 1 pink candle
  • 1 white candle
  • 1 silver chalice
  • Water
  • 1 pin or needle
  • An Altar pentacle
  • Matches (NOT a lighter)
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    Cast your circle:

    Take the pin, and carve your love's full name into all three candles. Set the candles in a triangle around your altar pentacle. white at the top, pink on the right, and red on the left.

    Take the chalice and set it between you and the altar pentacle, and fill it with water. Next light the candles, white, then pink, then red. and focus all your energy on the triangle.

    Dearest Aine, goddess of love and beauty, hear my plea.
    I've found the one, the love of my life, and all I want is their love.
    Let me know their love and touch, let me feel the warmth of love.
    Make them mine, all mine, I beg, this is my wish. please hear me.

    Take a sip of water.
    Then pour the melted wax into the bowl keeping the candles lit.
    then say it again.
    drink another sip of water.
    Pour the wax

    Continue alternating between saying the spell and taking a sip of water then pour the wax. Say the chant, take a sip,pour the wax; say it again take another sip pour the wax. Continue doing this until the chalice is empty. Even after the chalice is empty continue saying the chant and pouring the wax until the bowl of wax is full.

    When the bowl is full, carve a heart into the bowl of wax, and your and your lover's initials.

    Put it in a safe place and wait

    Added to on Oct 12, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2209 - Spell to bring two people closer in Freindship

    This spell will make two people become good friends.
    You may need:

  • Brown candle, yellow peice of construction paper' pen, lighter.
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    You may need:

  • Brown candle, yellow peice of construction paper' pen, lighter.
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    Light the brown candle infront of the yellow peice of paper. Visaulize the two people getting closer(: then write both there names down and write under nearth there names bestfreinds then under bestfreinds write mote it be! Then chant ''I call upon the universe for these two.people to bind togetther closer in freindship. Fold it 3 times away from you. Then burn it. :)

    Added to on Oct 12, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2210 - Get Someone To Ask You Out

    It isnt fourcing them to love you or anything, it just sends viberations to get them to give you a chance.
    You may need:

  • Piece of paper
  • Black Pen
  • Scissors
  • Herbs
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    You may need:

  • Piece of paper
  • Black Pen
  • Scissors
  • Herbs
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    Cut a heart out of the paper, then write the name of the person you want to have ask you out. Place herbs in the paper that represent love. Seal it.

    Added to on Oct 12, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 10, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters