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2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2985 Love Spells
2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2985 Love Spells
  1. Friendship Spell
  2. Minreading Spell
  3. Love Potion
  4. See True Loves Face
  5. Cool Down Lust
  6. Nice Love
  7. True Love Spell
  8. Truth
  9. Find a Lover
  10. Ease a Broken Heart

#2121 - Friendship Spell

Light a favorite candle and focus on the flame. Feel it's warmth and repeat the following:
You may need:

  • Candle of any color
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    You may need:

  • Candle of any color
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    ''To have great friends, A friend I will be
    Loyalty and kindness reside in me
    The candle glows and so do I
    Attracting friends when I pass by
    Loneliness and sadness banished be
    Friends and fun are drawn to me
    Friendship will grow wherever I go
    Powers of the Universe make it so
    So mote it be!''

    Added to on Dec 09, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2122 - Minreading Spell

    Just follow the simple instructions below, and you will have psycic powers in no time!
    You may need:

  • 1 person whom their mind you will read
  • concentration
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    You may need:

  • 1 person whom their mind you will read
  • concentration
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    So first you look the person straight in the eye if possible and say,'' Your mind shall open unto me. All your thoughts you and I may see. Prepare for your secrets to unfold, and to your mind I shall have a strong hold.'' Thanks for ''reading'' my spell! Tell me if it works!

    Added to on Dec 09, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2123 - Love Potion

    Create a love potion just for a special someone.
    You may need:

  • 3 rose petals
  • 5 drop of perfume or colone
  • Half a cup of water
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    You may need:

  • 3 rose petals
  • 5 drop of perfume or colone
  • Half a cup of water
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    Mix the ingredients into a cup and wait an hour. Take the rose petals out, then put your hands over it and say: "I love you. Please love me. We are truly meant to be. I wish for you to wish for me. By the power of three, so mote it be".

    Added to on Dec 08, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2124 - See True Loves Face

    Whenever you pick up an apple you see the face of the person you love.
    You may need:

  • Apple
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Apple
  • Voice
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    Look into the apple and repeat the person's name over & over untill you see their face.

    Added to on Dec 06, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 31, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2125 - Cool Down Lust

    Reduce someone's sexdrive with this spell.
    You may need:

  • Cold water
  • Undies
  • Used condom
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    You may need:

  • Cold water
  • Undies
  • Used condom
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    Throw snow or coldwater at the persons junk and say: "What goes up must come down. By this law, you are bound. Your desire like ice to shire shall shizzle out and cause you dourhgt". Put the undies or used condom in the freezer and say: "All your lust must leave. It must because I will it, so mote it be".

    Added to on Dec 06, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2126 - Nice Love

    This spell should help you with a girl.
    You may need:

  • Just be near the person
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    You may need:

  • Just be near the person
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    Chant: "My name is ( name here ) and I like this girl ( name here). I don't think she sees me at all. I ask you my gods on high to grant me my prayer and make her love me with a touch of flare! I ask you this gods on high to grant this wish please! Please! "

    Added to on Dec 06, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2127 - True Love Spell

    Have you ever wondered what you're true love will look like?! Well with this spell you cancer him face to face!
    You may need:

  • You need:
  • 1 pink candle
  • Jasmine incense
  • Rosemary
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    You may need:

  • You need:
  • 1 pink candle
  • Jasmine incense
  • Rosemary
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    Cast your circle. Light the jasmine incense and imagine the kind of person you want to spend your life with. Imagine the qualities you want this person to have. Say them out loud as you light the pink candle. Sprinkle rosemary with your right hand over the flame while you say:

    “These are the things I want in you
    A man/woman who's loving, loyal and true
    I ask of the spirits of all those above
    To send me my one and only true love.”

    Repeat three times, blow out the candle and close the circle.

    Added to on Dec 06, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2128 - Truth

    To make a person tell the truth.
    You may need:

  • A white candle
  • White flower petals
  • One picture of the person
  • One spell box
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    You may need:

  • A white candle
  • White flower petals
  • One picture of the person
  • One spell box
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    Cast the circle. After casting the circle light the candle and lay the picture down in front of it. Put the petals in the spell box and then say:

    "Silence now thy lying tongue,
    Only truth and honesty come
    From thy lips and from thy tongue
    Till the next full moon doth come"

    As you say this burn the picture in the candle flame. Once it is turned to ash, take the spell box with the white petals and put the ashes in the box. Keep it till the next moon then throw its contents to the winds.

    Added to on Dec 06, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 25, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2129 - Find a Lover

    Draw a new love to you!
    You may need:

  • Open fire
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    You may need:

  • Open fire
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    Every Friday night coming to completion on a full moon Friday night, throw salt on an open fire with your right hand while speaking these words:

    "It is not salt I turn to fire , but the heart of the man/woman I seek.
    Let him have no peace of mind until he come to me".

    This spell must be cast three times on each occasion. On the third occasion the wording should be altered slightly to:

    "It is not the salt I turn to fire, but the heart of the man/woman I seek.
    He/she shall have no peace of mind until he/she come to me".

    Added to on Dec 06, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2130 - Ease a Broken Heart

    Do you want to get over your break up?! Well this is the spell for you!
    You may need:

  • Strawberry tea (one bag)
  • Small wand or stick from a willow tree
  • Sea salt
  • 2 pink candles
  • A mirror
  • 1 pink drawstring bag
  • 1 quartz crystal
  • 1 copper penny
  • 1 bowl made of china or crystal that is special to you
  • 1 teaspoon dried jasmine
  • 1 teaspoon orris-root powder
  • 1 tsp. strawberry leaves
  • 1 teaspoon yarrow
  • 10 plus drops apple-blossom oil or peach oil
  • 10 plus drops strawberry oil
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    You may need:

  • Strawberry tea (one bag)
  • Small wand or stick from a willow tree
  • Sea salt
  • 2 pink candles
  • A mirror
  • 1 pink drawstring bag
  • 1 quartz crystal
  • 1 copper penny
  • 1 bowl made of china or crystal that is special to you
  • 1 teaspoon dried jasmine
  • 1 teaspoon orris-root powder
  • 1 tsp. strawberry leaves
  • 1 teaspoon yarrow
  • 10 plus drops apple-blossom oil or peach oil
  • 10 plus drops strawberry oil
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    On a Friday morning or evening (the day sacred to Venus) take a bath in sea salt in the light of a pink candle. As you dry off and dress, sip the strawberry tea. Use a dab of strawberry oil as perfume or cologne. Apply makeup or groom yourself to look your best. Cast a circle with the willow wand around a table the the other ingredients.

    Light the second pink candle. Mix all oils and herbs in the bowl. While you stir look at yourself in the mirror and say aloud: "Oh,Great Mother Goddess, enclose me in your loving arms and nurture and bring forth the Goddess within me."

    Gaze deeply into the mirror after you have finished mixing the ingredients and say aloud: "I represent the Great Goddess, Mother of all things. I shine in the light of the Golden Wings of Isis. All that is great and loving only belongs to me."

    Then put half the mixture in the pink bag and add the penny and crystal. Carry it with you always or until you find another love. Leave the other half of the potion in the bowl, out in a room where you will smell the fragrance. Repeat this ritual every Friday if necessary.

    Added to on Dec 06, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 24, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters