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2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

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2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2985 Love Spells
  1. Succubus/Incubus Girl/Boyfriend
  2. Lilac's Strong Bond Romance
  3. Incubus/Succubus Sex Friend
  4. Incubus Formal Invitation
  5. Succubus Formal Invitation
  6. Love
  7. True Love Spell (For Girls)
  8. Lilith
  9. Summoning a Succubus: (3)
  10. Summoning a Incubus: (3)

#2061 - Succubus/Incubus Girl/Boyfriend

This article will help you to understand little about succubus and incubus, I will teach you how to summon succubus and later how to make them your girl/boyfriend.
You may need:

  • White Candle optional
  • Incense optional
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    You may need:

  • White Candle optional
  • Incense optional
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    Get in your quiet private room lock the door, light your candle and burn your incense. Lay on your back on the bed with your face towards the ceiling. See that your body is placed comfortably on the mattress.

    Spread your legs apart approximately 45 degrees from each other.Close your eyelids and take a deep breath count to three and exhale. State your intentions quietly in your mind.

    Now start imagining your succubus the way you want to see her in your mind’s eye. Imagine her lying on top of you naked caressing your body. Feel her soft touch on your body and genitals. Listen to her voice as she tells you how much she loves you. If you are calling an incubus, do the same but with him in mind.

    Go over this mental image for about 5 minutes and do not get tempted to touch yourself. If in the 5 minutes time you start feeling a sort of presence or tingle you don’t normally feel over your body or it might also be a feeling of joy and love that surrounds you. It means you have created you first connection.

    Once the 5 minutes are out, simply lay there and focus on your breathing for 10 minutes. Gently and slowly regain normal consciousness and come back to the room. Whether it worked or not, try practicing this daily if possible and very soon your experiences will get more intense.

    Added to on Dec 30, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2062 - Lilac's Strong Bond Romance

    When two close friends are dating, but not officially, sometimes a relationship needs a little stability. This spell gives just that.
    You may need:

  • Spice & Lemon/Lime
  • Salt & Sugar
  • Water
  • Dirt
  • A jar/bottle
  • Paper & Writing Utensils
  • A piece of Jewelry
  • Virgin/Lavender Oil
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    You may need:

  • Spice & Lemon/Lime
  • Salt & Sugar
  • Water
  • Dirt
  • A jar/bottle
  • Paper & Writing Utensils
  • A piece of Jewelry
  • Virgin/Lavender Oil
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    *The names Sarah and James are used here but they are meant to be replaced by the two participants in the relationship in question* Note: This is not for forcing love, it is for making love that already exists stronger.

    Moon: Waxing
    Planet: Venus
    Zodiac: Leo
    Day: Friday
    Colours: White & Green


    Prepare your altar with all necessary ingredients, being sure everything has already been cleansed. Cast your circle on the Waxing Moon and wait until all within the circle seems peaceful. Then start by placing your receptive hand on the altar and let it act as a wire, transmitting all the Earth's energy to you. Absorb it and once you feel grounded begin the spell by taking the jar/bottle and saying:

    ''Jar of empty, Jar of clear, Holds no courage, holds no fear, Allow me to make use of you today, Allow me to enchant you in every way. Oh Lady Diana, Great Goddess of Love, Please bless my spell with spirit above''.

    *Gently begin blowing in Salt & Sugar.*

    ''Air blow! Send winds of pure veracity,
    Feelings returned are shared with velocity,
    Carry pure salt & sugar before it scatters,
    Carry nothing, but truth, in all matters!''

    *Slowly start pouring Water.*

    ''Water flow! Carry all of my will,
    Let thoughts of Sarah never be still.
    Carry them far, don't stray or tire,
    Carry loving thoughts to her desire!''

    *Begin sprinkling Spice & Citrus*

    ''Fire burn! Enflame all of his desire,
    Power her beauty, make it ever higher,
    Carry his words of compliments sweet,
    Carry his passion, his love, and his heat!''

    *Start slowly adding Dirt.*

    ''Earth adjourn! The feeling of despair,
    Until Spirit and Fire, are blown by air,
    Carry solidity and the feel of Self-Worth,
    Carry slow loving and ground it in Earth!''

    *Draw a Sigil of Sarah.*

    ''Spirit turn! From the East to the West,
    With Waxing Moon let James be blessed,
    Give him the Sight, the true power to see,
    His life in the Light, with pure impartiality

    *Draw a Sigil of James.*

    Past mistakes are learnt from and fade,
    Their aptitude increases, decisions made,
    If ever they decide that this is not fate,
    Let this spell end and forever dissipate.

    *Draw a combined Sigil.*

    With Power of the Great Goddess Diana,
    And the Luck of three times three,
    A Happy Merry Meet to all Magick Mana,
    And the message, So mote it be!''

    Wrap the piece of jewelry in the paper and gently lower it into the jar, ensuring none of the potion splashes. Close the jar and inscribe the Combination Sigil onto the cover, afterwards anoint the jar with Virgin or Lavendar Oil. Leave the potion to absorb the moon's energy for three or nine nights and then give the jewelry to the female involved.

    Added to on Dec 29, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2063 - Incubus/Succubus Sex Friend

    Here is a way to make friendship with your Succubus, step by step guide.
    You may need:

  • Pink Candle or Blue Candle
  • Incense
  • Oil
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    You may need:

  • Pink Candle or Blue Candle
  • Incense
  • Oil
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    Sit in a quiet room alone. Relax your body and mind by doing meditation for good 10mins. Then stand up and rub oil all over your body saying "O spirit of the sexual nature"

    Meditate for 5 mins than turn off the light. Sit near the candle and say "O spirit of the sexual nature, I light this candle in your grace" then light the candle. Now Say "O spirit of the sexual nature, I burn this incense in your grace" now start burning.

    Stay relaxed and sit while you close your eyelids. Now keep your eyelids closed and say "O spirit of the sexual nature, I hope our friendship will shin like a the shining stars in the night sky, O spirit of the sexual nature, hear my word O spirit of the sexual nature my desire is with you, O spirit of the sexual nature I long for your friendship".

    Open eyelids move around the room and do some moves (dance) saying "O spirit of the sexual nature, I hope our friendship will shine like a the shining stars in the night sky, O spirit of the sexual nature, hear my word O spirit of the sexual nature my desire is with you, O spirit of the sexual nature I long for your friendship".

    Say in your mind "I want you in my dream" and keep repeating and think about having sexual intercourse at the same time and try staying awake.

    Added to on Dec 28, 2012
    Last edited on Mar 27, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2064 - Incubus Formal Invitation

    Here is a way to summon a Incubus with an Formal Invitation, step by step guide, you'll need all the ingredients for this spell/ritual, you need all the supplies and a quiet room.
    You may need:

  • White candle [optional]
  • Incense [optional]
  • Oil [optional]
  • Time: Between 9pm-4am
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    You may need:

  • White candle [optional]
  • Incense [optional]
  • Oil [optional]
  • Time: Between 9pm-4am
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    This spell/ritual [Incubus Formal Invitation] can't be modified as it's a this spell/ritual was given to me by Princess Saaraji Lilith.
    Princess Saaraji Lilith is the daughter of Lilith and Saaraji is also a priestess. Who is Saaraji to me? she is my supernatural guide and supernatural wife.

    This spell/ritual [Incubus Formal Invitation] can't be modified but if you want to it's up to you but I don't recommend it especially if you are serious about inviting an incubus.

    Incubus is an supernatural entity some people believes they are male demon that appears in dreams, who takes the form of a human man in order to have sexual intercourse. The female counterpart is the Succubus.

    Succubus/Incubus are supernatural entity or you can say supernatural being like human being and they are like human they have freewill and can be good or evil, like human they are asexual, bisexual, heterosexual and homosexual but the truth is most succubus/incubus are heterosexual very few are asexual don't feel bad there's many bisexual and homosexual.

    In some religious traditions hold that repeated intercourse with a incubus may result in the deterioration of health or even death. From my personal experience with Saaraji I have to say that I am 31 years old a very health and happy and I believe every human will taste death just that some human die young others don't.

    This spell/ritual is just to invite a Incubus with a formal Invitation, Incubus usually appears without invite, so why invite? I don't recommend you to invite but if you are trying to summon I can help you.

    Caster Minimum Requirements:

    age of 18 years or old [incubus has been with younger woman]
    has little or more experience in meditation
    has little or more experience in lucid dreaming
    you are ready to go to sleep

    step by step guide:

    Sit in a quiet room alone
    1. light candle and burn incense if you wish
    2. relax and think in your mind about sexual intercourse
    3. put some oil on your body, slowly rub oil on [think about sexual intercourse]
    4. feel yourself use your hands and feel your body [think about sexual intercourse]
    5. move your body around the room [think about sexual intercourse]
    6. keep thinking about sexual intercourse
    7. get in bed stop think about sexual intercourse
    8. Say in your mind: I want a incubus in my dream, I want a incubus and I will remember my dream
    9. try to repeat #8 and think about having sexual intercourse at the same time.

    I will write other spell/ritual called Incubus [SexFriend] [LustMate] [LoveMate] [BloodMate] [SoulMate]
    Incubus SexFriend: This will make you both get closer.
    Incubus LustMate:
    Incubus LoveMate:
    Incubus BloodMate:
    Incubus SoulMate:

    Added to on Dec 28, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2065 - Succubus Formal Invitation

    Here is a way to summon a succubus with an Formal Invitation, step by step guide, you'll need all the ingredients for this spell/ritual, you need all the supplies and a quiet room.
    You may need:

  • White candle [optional]
  • Incense [optional]
  • Oil [optional]
  • Time: Between 9pm-4am
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    You may need:

  • White candle [optional]
  • Incense [optional]
  • Oil [optional]
  • Time: Between 9pm-4am
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    This spell/ritual [Succubus Formal Invitation] can't be modified as it's a this spell/ritual was given to me by Princess Saaraji Lilith.
    Princess Saaraji Lilith is the daughter of Lilith and Saaraji is also a priestess. Who is Saaraji to me? she is my supernatural guide and supernatural wife.

    This spell/ritual [Succubus Formal Invitation] can't be modified but if you want to it's up to you but I don't recommend it especially if you are serious about inviting an succubus.

    Succubus is an supernatural entity some people believes they are female demon that appears in dreams, who takes the form of a human woman in order to seduce men, usually through sexual intercourse. The male counterpart is the Incubus.

    Succubus/Incubus are supernatural entity or you can say supernatural being like human being and they are like human they have freewill and can be good or evil, like human they are asexual, bisexual, heterosexual and homosexual but the truth is most succubus/incubus are heterosexual very few are asexual don't feel bad there's many bisexual and homosexual.

    In some religious traditions hold that repeated intercourse with a succubus may result in the deterioration of health or even death. From my personal experience with Saaraji I have to say that I am 31 years old a very health and happy and I believe every human will taste death just that some human die young others don't.

    This spell/ritual is just to invite a Succubus with a formal Invitation, Succubus usually appears without invite, so why invite? I don't recommend you to invite but if you are trying to summon I can help you.

    Caster Minimum Requirements:

    age of 18 years or old [succubus can seduce younger man]
    has little or more experience in meditation
    has little or more experience in lucid dreaming
    you are ready to go to sleep

    step by step guide:

    Sit in a quiet room alone
    1. light candle and burn incense if you wish
    2. relax and think in your mind about sexual intercourse
    3. put some oil on your body, slowly rub oil on [think about sexual intercourse]
    4. feel yourself use your hands and feel your body [think about sexual intercourse]
    5. move your body around the room [think about sexual intercourse]
    6. keep thinking about sexual intercourse
    7. get in bed stop think about sexual intercourse
    8. Say in your mind: I want a succubus in my dream, I want a succubus and I will remember my dream
    9. try to repeat #8 and think about having sexual intercourse at the same time.
    note: DO NOT masterbate before or after getting in bed.

    I will write other spell/ritual called Succubus [SexFriend] [LustMate] [LoveMate] [BloodMate] [SoulMate]
    Succubus SexFriend: This will make you both get closer.

    Added to on Dec 28, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2066 - Love

    This spell tells your future with your crush.
    You may need:

  • 2 red, pink or purple pieces of paper
  • 1 pen
  • Scissors
  • Dice
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    You may need:

  • 2 red, pink or purple pieces of paper
  • 1 pen
  • Scissors
  • Dice
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    Draw on the paper, 2 hearts. Then say," (person's name) is ignoring me as all the gods can obviously see." Now roll the die.

    1=no more love for person

    Hope you get what you wished for!

    Added to on Dec 28, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2067 - True Love Spell (For Girls)

    A spell to make him notice your best qualities. He will admire your intellect and talents, and you will appear beautiful in his mind's eye. Most likely ending in true love.
    You may need:

  • Two flasks of any size
  • Water
  • Something that reminds you of him
  • Something you're emotionally attached to
  • Your voice
  • Patients
  • A belief in magic
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    You may need:

  • Two flasks of any size
  • Water
  • Something that reminds you of him
  • Something you're emotionally attached to
  • Your voice
  • Patients
  • A belief in magic
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    Fill the first flask to the brim with water. Every night for three nights, go outside with the flask and chant this:

    Moon, moon, bring me in.
    Show _______ that I need him.
    If I truly love him, he will love me back.
    But if I don't, his love forever, I will lack.

    On the third night, after the chant, pour one drop of the water one both the chosen objects (One that reminds you of him, one that you're emotionally attached to).

    Note: If you don't truly love him, you can still be friends, you just will never be ''together''.

    Note:The third night of chanting can only be a full moon, eclipse, new moon, or new year's eve.

    Added to on Dec 28, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2068 - Lilith

    This article is about Lilith and her demonic children.
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    Who is Lilith? Lilith is a demonic sex goddess, ruler of the underworld, head of darkness, queen of vampires and this goddess can't be summoned but one can request Lilith for help or request for one or few of her demonic children for your services.

    Children of Lilith? There are four main group of her demonic children.
    Gender/Sex: Female and Male, an succubus (plural succubi) is the female and incubus (plural incubi) is the male.

    • Groups: Princess/Prince, Demonic class, Half Cast and Outcasted.
    • Princess/Prince: Princesses and Princes are daughters and sons of Lilith.
    • Demonic Class (female/male): Biologically related to Lilith but wasn't born of Lilith but more like a grandchildren.
    • Half Cast: Princesses or Demonic Class (female) can give birth to a child whom is fatherd by human man and Princes or Demonic Class (male) can father a child to a human woman.
    • Outcasted: Children of half cast are the outcast and they are vampires and yes they like drinking blood and they like feeding on human soul.
    • A succubus is a female demon or supernatural entity that appears in dreams, who takes the form of a human woman in order to seduce men, usually through sexual intercourse.
    • A incubus is a male demon or supernatural entity that appears in dreams, who takes the form of a human man in order to have sexual intercourse.

    Added to on Dec 28, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2069 - Summoning a Succubus: (3)

    This will teach you how to summon a Succubus easy and safe for beginners. note: I do not recommend you to summon
    You may need:

  • x1 Candle.
  • x4 Incense.
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    You may need:

  • x1 Candle.
  • x4 Incense.
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    So you have done Summoning a Succubus: (1)(2)?
    Start Summoning a Succubus: (3) on the 30th night.
    note: If you haven't done Summoning a Succubus: (1)(2) do it first.

    Candle: x1
    Candle Info: made from soy wax or beeswax and No tealights.
    Candle Color: Red.
    Incense: x4 or more.
    Incense Info: Lily incense.

    You should do this after 10pm and before sunrise.

    Step by Step:

    1. Burn 2 incense sticks, sit in a quite and dark room by yourself, relax your body and quite your thoughts for 30 minutes.

    2. than light your candle and relax your body and quite your thoughts for 5 minutes than burn 2 more incense sticks.

    3. relax your body and quite your thoughts for another 10 minutes.

    4. Blow out the candle (if you wish I recommend that you do) go to bed and do this everynight for 5 nights without missing 1 night.

    note1: On night #35 after doing ''Summoning a Succubus: (3)'' stop doing it you are done.
    note2: On night #35 after when you are in bed try using your mental eye and try to see your Succubus and that you are making love to her.
    note3: After you done Summoning a Succubus: (3) you are done it's there like it or not.
    note4: Summoning a Succubus: (1)(2)(3) was just an invitations to a Succubus it's there guys.
    note5: Went to get closer to your Succubus? try my ''Succubus Blood Contract''
    note6: ''Succubus Blood Contract'' is free here on SoM but I highly recommend you to do Summoning a Succubus: (1)(2)(3).

    Added to on Dec 27, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2070 - Summoning a Incubus: (3)

    This will teach you how to summon a Incubus easy and safe for beginners. note: I do not recommend you to summon.
    You may need:

  • x1 Candle.
  • x4 Incense.
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    You may need:

  • x1 Candle.
  • x4 Incense.
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    So you have done Summoning a Incubus: (1)(2)?
    Start Summoning a Incubus: (3) on the 30th night.
    note: If you haven't done Summoning a Incubus: (1)(2) do it first.

    Candle: x1
    Candle Info: made from soy wax or beeswax and No tealights.
    Candle Color: Red.
    Incense: x4 or more.
    Incense Info: Lily incense.

    You should do this after 10pm and before sunrise.

    Step by Step:

    1. Burn 2 incense sticks, sit in a quite and dark room by yourself, relax your body and quite your thoughts for 30 minutes.

    2. than light your candle and relax your body and quite your thoughts for 5 minutes than burn 2 more incense sticks.

    3. relax your body and quite your thoughts for another 10 minutes.

    4. Blow out the candle (if you wish I recommend that you do) go to bed and do this everynight for 5 nights without missing 1 night.

    note1: On night #35 after doing ''Summoning a Incubus: (3)'' stop doing it you are done.
    note2: On night #35 after when you are in bed try using your mental eye and try to see your Incubus making love to you.
    note3: After you done Summoning a Incubus: (3) you are done it's there like it or not.
    note4: Summoning a Incubus: (1)(2)(3) was just an invitations to a Incubus it's there ladies.
    note5: Went to get closer to your Incubus? try my ''Incubus Blood Contract''
    note6: ''Incubus Blood Contract'' is free here on SoM but I highly recommend you to do Summoning a Incubus: (1)(2)(3).

    Added to on Dec 27, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters