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2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2985 Love Spells
2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2985 Love Spells
  1. Love from Aphrodite
  2. Beauty spell
  3. Become a Predacon
  4. Divination Charm
  5. Already Lovers Spell
  6. Full Moon Love Spell
  7. Powerful Money
  8. Have Dream Guy Come True
  9. Plant Blessing Or Growth Enhancer
  10. Eye Color

#1801 - Love from Aphrodite

Make someone (of weaker mind then you) fall in love with you.
You may need:

  • Cinnamon on both wrists
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    You may need:

  • Cinnamon on both wrists
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    "I call to you, Aphrodite.
    To make a love pure and true.
    Make this spell full and binding.
    This i plea to you.
    Pierce the heart of (name), today
    For (name) to love me, this I pray.
    All I want and all I ask,
    Is please help me complete this task"

    Trace a pentagram with your hands 5 times.

    Added to on Jul 29, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 12, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1802 - Beauty spell

    For ever lasting beaty inside and out. TIP-cast this spell when you are most glorious.
    You may need:

  • White rose buds
  • Rose oil
  • A container
  • The use of a freezer
  • Clean blessed water
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    You may need:

  • White rose buds
  • Rose oil
  • A container
  • The use of a freezer
  • Clean blessed water
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    Fill your container with water(make sure to have blessed your water first for full power)and place your white rose bud in the water-hopefully it sinks-and add a few drops of rose oil.
    Placing your right hand over the water say the following:

    The blossom remains flawless
    Against the power of time
    And so I shall remain

    Now place your container in the freezer and for as long as the rose bud remains frozen so shall your beauty.

    Added to on Jul 28, 2013
    Last edited on May 13, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1803 - Become a Predacon

    Becoming a Predacon will take a while. Every night, you have to chant the spell. (Only until you have fully transformed.)
    You may need:

  • Picture/Drawing of the Predacon you will become
  • Patience
  • Belief in Transformers
  • Trust in Predacons
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    You may need:

  • Picture/Drawing of the Predacon you will become
  • Patience
  • Belief in Transformers
  • Trust in Predacons
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    ''Oh, my beloved Predaqueen. I wish to become a part of your world. I wish to step through the portal, into being a Predacon. Oh great Predaqueen, I wish to become _____________. I shall serve only you. I shall destroy Autobots. You shall forever be my Queen.''
    (x1 Every night until your transformation is complete.)

    Added to on Jul 27, 2013
    Last edited on May 26, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1804 - Divination Charm

    To be chanted before Tarot Readings, Rune Readings, and Scrying
    You may need:

  • Your Voice
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    You may need:

  • Your Voice
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    God's and Goddesses of Divining Sight
    bring my answer into the light.
    So mote it be.

    Added to on Jul 26, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1805 - Already Lovers Spell

    This spell is a spell I made to strengthen relationships and I have personally used this on my own and it has and is working.
    You may need:

  • Basil
  • Bay leaves
  • Coriander
  • Lemon juice
  • Rosemary
  • Mint
  • Parsley
  • Water
  • A pot
  • A stove
  • Glass jar/tube/container
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    You may need:

  • Basil
  • Bay leaves
  • Coriander
  • Lemon juice
  • Rosemary
  • Mint
  • Parsley
  • Water
  • A pot
  • A stove
  • Glass jar/tube/container
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    Mix the herbs and spices into the pot and add water (only an inch or two high).
    Boil on high and add lemon juice.
    While boiling for 5 minutes, picture your significant other and your love and bond growing stronger and imagine both of you smiling and happy.
    (Optional) ask your deity to bless your spell.
    Poor herbs/spices and the water into the glass container.
    Leave container out in moonlight for one night.
    When ready to be used, rub a small amount of the liquid across your wrist, heart and forehead with your S.O . In mind.

    Added to on Jul 26, 2013
    Last edited on May 05, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1806 - Full Moon Love Spell

    A basic homemade love spell to increase your CHANCES with a particular person of your choice. Must be done on a Full Moon
    You may need:

  • Meditation-Energy(Preparation)
  • Full Moon
  • Cast the Circle
  • Call the Elements
  • Herbs-Basil and Cinnamon
  • Candle-Pink
  • Stones(If you have any) to increase the spell.
  • Paper or Parchment Paper
  • Visualization
  • Intent
  • Pen
  • Invoke your chosen Deity for me it would be Bastet
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    You may need:

  • Meditation-Energy(Preparation)
  • Full Moon
  • Cast the Circle
  • Call the Elements
  • Herbs-Basil and Cinnamon
  • Candle-Pink
  • Stones(If you have any) to increase the spell.
  • Paper or Parchment Paper
  • Visualization
  • Intent
  • Pen
  • Invoke your chosen Deity for me it would be Bastet
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    Focus your intent on what you want.
    WHY you want the spell to be done?
    Cast the Circle and Call the Elements and invoke your chosen deity corresponding with Love or Romance.
    Make SURE there is a full moon.


    Meditate with energy so you can charge the pink candle with that energy so its charged, cast the circle call the elements and invoke your deity,anoint your pink candle with the herbs (Basil and Cinnamon), light the pink candle, write on a piece of paper ''(your name or someone else's name) and then write the targets name on top of your name or someone else's name'' the spell can be done for a friend.
    Visualize within the flame that your goal is complete and that these two people you have chosen are together. Make a Crystal grid around the candle to increase the energies.
    Then you must chant:

    ''Upon this Blessed Night
    I ask that the Goddess (YOUR GODDESSES NAME)
    to unite these two souls so that they
    may find happiness, may their romance
    together warm the hearts of themselves and others,
    with the power of these herbs and stones
    So mote it be''.

    Thank your deity and leave an offering, if its for a friend tell them to leave an offering and a thank you.

    Added to on Jul 25, 2013
    Last edited on Jul 27, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1807 - Powerful Money

    A spell that draws money to you if done right.
    You may need:

  • Green candle
  • 7 new dimes
  • Bottle with cork/lid
  • Matches
  • Bay leave
  • 1 pen
  • 1 paper
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    You may need:

  • Green candle
  • 7 new dimes
  • Bottle with cork/lid
  • Matches
  • Bay leave
  • 1 pen
  • 1 paper
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    Light the candle and meditate. Then write your full name on a bay leaf and drop it into the bottle. Write why you need the money on the paper, and add this to the bottle.

    Drop the dimes in the bottle and for each one you drop in chant:

    "Towards this wish the money grows
    It leaps it bounds it over flows
    Coins that jingle coins that shine
    Come to me now for you are mine"

    Added to on Jul 23, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 10, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1808 - Have Dream Guy Come True

    This spell will make your dream guy or boy come true.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say: "Dear Aphrodite and Morpheus hear me plea I wish for my dream guy/boy to come true. I wish he (say a very specific description of your dream guy/boy)"

    Added to on Jul 23, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 10, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1809 - Plant Blessing Or Growth Enhancer

    Protect your plant(s) and not only that but will also help them grow and prevent death.
    You may need:

  • 1 green candle
  • The plant(s)
  • Atheme and or wand
  • Other candles
  • Crystals
  • Moon/sun water
  • Ribbon
  • A bowl
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    You may need:

  • 1 green candle
  • The plant(s)
  • Atheme and or wand
  • Other candles
  • Crystals
  • Moon/sun water
  • Ribbon
  • A bowl
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    Light candles and cast circle. Picture the plant(s) or seed(s) growing and maturing. Recite this spell:

    "Kitty in the garden,
    Doggy in the meadow,
    Wolf in the forest,
    Elk grazing in the vally.
    Grow to aid my ailment .
    Grow to look pretty.
    Grow with the essence of life,
    Heart, Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Spirit at hand.
    I here by Bless (Plant Name(s))
    With the Light and Energy
    So mote it be."

    Added to on Jul 22, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 10, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1810 - Eye Color

    Change eye color.
    You may need:

  • Quite
  • Candle that you want your eye color to be
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    You may need:

  • Quite
  • Candle that you want your eye color to be
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    Light the candle and say:

    "Eyes eyes please hear my plea, change to ____ instead of____ .

    By the power of thee, this is my wish so mote it be."

    Added to on Jul 22, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 09, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters