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2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2985 Love Spells
2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2985 Love Spells
  1. Black Magic Spell to Attract True love
  2. Reuniting Reflections Spell
  3. Return to Me Candle Spell
  4. Invoke Your Muse
  5. Charm of the Oak
  6. Flower Petal Love Charm
  7. Bell of Beauty
  8. Star of Love
  9. Magnetic Lodestone Love Pouch
  10. Moonlight Kiss Love Charm

#1631 - Black Magic Spell to Attract True love

This black magick spell will help you attract your true love.
You may need:

  • Pink Candle
  • Jasmine Incense
  • Rosemary
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    You may need:

  • Pink Candle
  • Jasmine Incense
  • Rosemary
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    Light the jasmine incense. As you do so imagine the kind of person that you want
    to spend the rest of your life with. Note: this should not be a specific person but
    the things that you want in a person. Say the qualities that you want in true love
    out loud as you light your pink candle. Then say this as you sprinkle rosemary
    over the flame:
    These are the things I want in you
    A man/woman who's loving, loyal and true
    I ask of the spirits of all those above
    To send me my one and only true love
    Say this as many times as needed and then extinguish the candle.

    Added to on Nov 26, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1632 - Reuniting Reflections Spell

    The power of the mirror can help you reunite with your loved one.
    You may need:

  • A mirror
  • Piece of paper and pen
  • Pieces of rose quartz, carnelian, red jasper and/or garnet
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    You may need:

  • A mirror
  • Piece of paper and pen
  • Pieces of rose quartz, carnelian, red jasper and/or garnet
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    Use fine linen paper and a good quality ink pen for this spell.

    Write your name out in full, and below it write the full name of your missing lover. Now you need to place the paper and mirror so they face each other (more or less). Tip the mirror downwards a bit so it's facing the paper but don't prop up the paper. A makeup mirror on a tilt-able stand works great.

    Place your crystals over both names, and repeat the following chant:

    Mirror, mirror do you see?
    Bring my lover back to me.

    You should hear news of your returning loved one soon. Now these spells will really only be successful if you use them on another person who already loves you (or has loved you).

    Added to on Nov 26, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1633 - Return to Me Candle Spell

    Candles spells have some pretty powerful magic to them. Especially when you are looking for "reunite lovers spells".
    You may need:

  • 1 pink, red or white candle
  • Vanilla oil
  • Red yarn or string
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    You may need:

  • 1 pink, red or white candle
  • Vanilla oil
  • Red yarn or string
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    Use something sharp to inscribe your initials on the candle (approximately half way down), and then your loved one's initials over top yours. Not above, but actually write over the first letters. Then anoint the candle with vanilla oil.

    Tie the string around the candle with a bow so that the know lies over where the initials are carved. Light the candle and let it burn until it reaches where the carving is. Blow it out gently, and set it on your altar with the intention of finishing it when your loved one returns. Add a little oil to the initials each day until then.

    Added to on Nov 26, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1634 - Invoke Your Muse

    Get your creativity flowing with a little magic.
    You may need:

  • Dried lavender flowers
  • Lavender oil
  • Something to symbolize your art or craft
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    You may need:

  • Dried lavender flowers
  • Lavender oil
  • Something to symbolize your art or craft
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    By ''art or craft'', I mean whatever medium you work in that you need creativity. Painting, writing, sculpture or even your regular day job. You need some kind of object that represents where you want your creativity to shine through.

    Set the item on your altar, and rub a little lavender oil on it. Sprinkle a handful of lavender blossoms over it while you repeat the following words aloud:

    Muse of art
    Muse of sound
    Muse of thought
    Gather 'round
    I ask for power
    For shining light
    In this rite

    Leave the item on your altar until you've found that new burst of creative energy.

    Added to on Nov 26, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1635 - Charm of the Oak

    This spell is intended as a way to connect to the deep wisdom and knowledge embodied in the oak tree. It's a more spiritual and somewhat intangible spell than most others.
    You may need:

  • 4 acorns
  • Small bag of brown fabric
  • Patchouli oil
  • A brown or green candle
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    You may need:

  • 4 acorns
  • Small bag of brown fabric
  • Patchouli oil
  • A brown or green candle
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    Best if you can collect the acorns yourself. Anoint the candle and the acorns with oil, and light the candle. While you hold the acorns in your hands, repeat the following:

    Sacred oak
    Blessed seed
    Growth and wisdom
    Mine indeed

    Visualize a mighty oak tree, and all the things it may have to teach you. Place the acorns in the bag, and leave it near the candle. Let the candle burn out on its own, and leave the bag somewhere where you will see it every day. Opportunities to gain new knowledge will soon present themselves.

    Added to on Nov 26, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1636 - Flower Petal Love Charm

    You'll need access to several kinds of flowers for this one, which can be hard if you want to do this spell in the dead of winter. Fresh is best, but dried will do if you must.
    You may need:

  • A little gauzy pink bag
  • Petals from at least 5 of these flowers
  • Chamomile
  • Lavender
  • Rose
  • Carnation
  • Daffodil
  • Geranium
  • Honeysuckle
  • Poppy
  • 5 apple seeds
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    You may need:

  • A little gauzy pink bag
  • Petals from at least 5 of these flowers
  • Chamomile
  • Lavender
  • Rose
  • Carnation
  • Daffodil
  • Geranium
  • Honeysuckle
  • Poppy
  • 5 apple seeds
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    The bag needs to be made of some kind of mesh or gauze so that you can see the flowers inside, and that air can flow through the charm bag. Craft stores often have them in the wedding favor section.

    You'll need about a tablespoon of each type of petal. Drop each petal into the bag, one at a time (yes, it's tedious. Do it anyway). With each one repeat the classic line, ''He loves me'' and ''He loves me not'' as you go along. Make sure you end up on a ''He loves me'' though. Drop in the 5 apple seeds at the end, and tie the bag shut. Hang it somewhere in your bathroom. Leave it for no longer than a month.

    Added to on Nov 26, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1637 - Bell of Beauty

    Despite the name, this isn't just a beauty spell. It will make you very attractive to a certain person that you want to have notice you. Though you can direct this spell as any person you wish, it will often work best on someone who is meant to be with you. So if it gets someone else's attention, that should tell you something.
    You may need:

  • A silver bell
  • Lengths of pink, white and red ribbon
  • A shallow dish or saucer
  • A handful of rose petals
  • Vanilla oil or extract
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    You may need:

  • A silver bell
  • Lengths of pink, white and red ribbon
  • A shallow dish or saucer
  • A handful of rose petals
  • Vanilla oil or extract
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    Fill the sauce with rose petals (you can use dry or fresh). Tie all three ribbons to the handle of the bell, repeating one line with each knot:

    The peal of the bell, the sound of the tone,
    It's about time our love has grown,
    Open [your target's name]'s eyes to see me alone

    Use your finger to rub vanilla along the rim of the bell. Repeat all 3 lines again, and ring the bell with each line. Set the bell in the sauce of petals. Ring it each morning as you wake up to activate the spell for the day. Soon, your intended love interest will start to notice you.

    Added to on Nov 26, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1638 - Star of Love

    Watch the weather for a clear night. You'll need to be able to see the stars in order to perform this white magic love spell.
    You may need:

  • Red Candle
  • Several RED or PINK crystals such as Rose Quartz,Garnet or Carnelian
  • Jasmine Incense
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    You may need:

  • Red Candle
  • Several RED or PINK crystals such as Rose Quartz,Garnet or Carnelian
  • Jasmine Incense
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    Gather everything near an open window where you can see the sky. Light the candle and incense, and find the brightest star in the sky. Hold the crystals in your hands and picture the star's light filling them with energy. Recite the words to the spell:

    Star of love, burn so bright
    Aid me in my spell tonight
    Unite my true love to me
    As I will it, so mote it be.

    Repeat the words 3 times. Then place the stones on your altar, near the candle. Let it burn until it goes out on its own.

    Added to on Nov 26, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1639 - Magnetic Lodestone Love Pouch

    What will symbolize attraction better than magnetic lodestones? This spell will help you find your true love.
    You may need:

  • 2 Lodestones
  • 1 Small RED bag
  • Love drawing oil
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    You may need:

  • 2 Lodestones
  • 1 Small RED bag
  • Love drawing oil
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    For the love oil, you can use a purchased blend designed for love, or make your own oil. A mixture of vanilla, rose, ylang ylang, cardamom and/or ginger oils will make a potent love blend.

    Put a few drops of oil on your palms and rub your hands together with the lodestones to anoint them with oil. Rub the stones until your hands begin to feel warm. Concentrate on drawing love and romance into your life with these stones.

    Drop both lodestones into the red bag, then rub the bag in your hands to get some oil on it too. Place the charm bag on your bedside table, or hang from a bedpost to start attracting your next true love.

    Added to on Nov 26, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1640 - Moonlight Kiss Love Charm

    Never underestimate the power of the moon when it comes to any kind of magic, especially white magic love spells.
    You may need:

  • Piece of Rose Quartz
  • Small Silver Bowl
  • Handful of PINK or RED rose petals
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    You may need:

  • Piece of Rose Quartz
  • Small Silver Bowl
  • Handful of PINK or RED rose petals
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    This ritual is performed on the night of the new moon (which means there will be no visible moon that night). Give the crystal a kiss, and set it in the bowl. Sprinkle the rose petals over it, and set it in a window for 7 days.

    After the week is up, take the crystal and carry it with you to draw romance into your life. Leave the bowl of petals in the window until the next new moon.

    Added to on Nov 26, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters