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2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

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2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2985 Love Spells
  1. Reveal your True Desires in a Dream
  2. Corruption of the Soul Cleanse
  3. Find Yourself Spell
  4. Joining Two People Photo Spell
  5. 9 day love spell
  6. Obscure the Truth
  7. Multiversal Phone Morpher
  8. Any power you want
  9. Come To Me Love Potion
  10. Hungary Water

#151 - Reveal your True Desires in a Dream

A spell to unveil your innermost desires to yourself in a dream.
You may need:

  • The ability to sleep, enough time to dream, force of will and focus.
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    You may need:

  • The ability to sleep, enough time to dream, force of will and focus.
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    1.) When you are ready to sleep, get comfortable, lie down and close your eyes. If you feel lost and confused on a certain thing or multiple, focus on those ideas and focus on the situation. Formulate exactly what it is that you want to know your true desires about. Is it which job to apply for? Which lover to choose? Is it your identity? Try and figure it out.

    2.) Now that you have came up with what you want to know your true desires about, focus on the desire to know the truth.

    3.) Once you get close to falling asleep, chant this spell 3x's in your mind or read them aloud,

    "A dream weaves from what a Man/Woman senses,

    In this night and coming hours,

    Without fear and without hiding,

    please reveal what I've been wanting."

    "With greatest hopes in favor please, let this harm none."

    4.) Let yourself drift into sleep... upon waking you will encounter yourself with memories from your dream, write them down quick! Dreams are easily forgotten. Be careful what you ask for..


    Added to on Jun 23, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #152 - Corruption of the Soul Cleanse

    This spell has the intent of bringing your self back the state before your remembered sins/abuse. The traumas of your life may be behind you, but the pain may linger, let this spell bring you relief and hope.
    You may need:

  • Your voice, your will and belief.
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    You may need:

  • Your voice, your will and belief.
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    -Recommend you cast a protective spell, prayer or circle before hand.

    -I challenge you the caster, to make this spell personal to you and create your own ritual. It's your soul after all. From me, I offer you the rhyme.

    "Cleanse my soul I call to thee,

    Cleanse my soul of corruption please,

    Cleanse it now,

    leave only purity,

    To give, to me, Divinity."

    -As a rule, once you banish something, it would benefit you to attract something, so that nothing random or negative takes the place left behind.

    ~BLESSED BE~ Let this harm none.

    Added to on Jun 21, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #153 - Find Yourself Spell

    This spell is designed to help you find your identity when you feel lost. Ultimately, it is up to you to choose who you are based off the signs you receive.
    You may need:

  • The spell written on a yellow paper (Yellow symbolizes our personal identity and vision), pencil (to write the spell on the paper, a fireplace, a place with birds or bees or a place where you can be alone.
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    You may need:

  • The spell written on a yellow paper (Yellow symbolizes our personal identity and vision), pencil (to write the spell on the paper, a fireplace, a place with birds or bees or a place where you can be alone.
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    1.) Write the spell below on the yellow paper.

    Find Yourself Spell:

    "Send me signs I know not when, to help me find out who I want to be and am, help me now to see more clearly, let this confusion no longer be."

    2.) Once the spell is written, memorize it!

    3.) Find a place where you can safely cast the spell. Below I have given you the option to do it alone, by a fireplace, or outside with the birds or bees.

    4.) Next, chant the spell while you let the yellow paper burn in a fireplace (don't hold the paper while it's burning), chant until the paper has burnt completely. The smoke itself is a symbol of transportation and messages, the smoke will be carried by the wind and out into the world.

    If you don't have a fireplace to safely burn the paper, a alternative is to chant the spell near birds or bees. Birds and bees represent many things, but specifically they can represent the sending of messages. A bee will go from flower to flower for miles then back to the beehive, a bird will fly high into the sky and onto many things. Who knows what will hear your spell...

    If you can't do the above, you can cast the spell mentally in a place where you can be alone. As you say the spell in your mind, or out loud, cup your hands together to make a bowl like you're picking up water to drink from a stream, then imagine a ball of yellow light forming above your hands as you chant. Once you feel the ball of yellow light is strong enough, throw it up into the air and out into the universe.

    5.) Once you have completed one of the rituals above, The spell is now active. From experience, the spell will remain active until you are satisfied with what you have found. It will throw opportunities into your lap, present possibilities and so many options before you. it is up to you to read the signs and choose. If you encounter that the spell won't stop even though you've found what you are looking for, create your own spell to end the Find Yourself spell. You can become anything you want in life, find your courage and inner fire, reconnect to your soul or even find it. Have faith and believe...


    -Cast a protective circle, spell or prayer before you cast the spell.

    -I suggest that you call forth a force that you respect, like Beings of Light, Nature, or the Universe etc., so that they may get the spell going for you and hear your spell.

    -Say Thank you once you've casted the spell.

    -Highly recommend that you personalize the spell! The more you make the spell personalized to you, the more it can be charged with your energy and belief. This can make it more intimate and fun.

    ~Blessed Be~ Life is worth living

    Added to on Jun 19, 2022
    Last edited on Jun 27, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #154 - Joining Two People Photo Spell

    This is a variation of the Joining Together Photo Spell used on two people, neither of which are you.
    You may need:

  • Photo of each person
  • Rose Petals (Red, can be dried)
  • Sugar
  • Red, Pink or White candle
  • Red pen or marker
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    You may need:

  • Photo of each person
  • Rose Petals (Red, can be dried)
  • Sugar
  • Red, Pink or White candle
  • Red pen or marker
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    Make sure to cleanse your area first to keep any negativity from messing with the spell.

    Just like in the original we are going to begin by writing on the back of each photo, First and Last name, date of birth if known (don't have to know both), and that one loves the other using their names (e.g. John loves Jane and visa versa). Lay the photos side by side face up and sprinkle the sugar over them while repeating the following:

    • Spirits of love, I offer this sugar to sweeten this couple.

    Next, take the rose petals and sprinkle a few over both photos while repeating the following:

    • Spirits of love, I offer these petals that they may infuse each heart with love.

    Here comes the tricky part. Light the candle and start dripping the wax over both photos while repeating the following:

    • (First and last name of each person) Together as one, under moon and sun. (3x)

    Quickly, and without spreading to much of the sugar or rose petals, stick the two photos face to face with each other. After the photos are nice and pressed together I'll leave three options here:

    1. Bury the photos and components (not necessarily the candle though) while saying "Spirits of the Earth, keep these two grounded that they may enjoy each others company in solitude."
    2. Take the photos to a river, ocean or lake and place them in the water while saying "Spirits of the Water, take these two into your cool embrace that they may flow with each others energy forever."
    3. Take the photos and roll them into a half circle to cup the ingredients that spilled out during sprinkling and light the photos on fire (making sure you have a safe place to do this so as not to hurt yourself and to let them burn safely). Say this while watching them burn "Spirits of Fire and Air, carry with you these intentions that this couple will be able to live out their passion without obstacle."

    Tips: With the sugar, sprinkle it lightly. You don't need to much and the more you use the less likely the photos are to stick to each other. Same with the rose petals. There is some debate in my circle as to whether a Red or Pink candle should be used, I personally prefer Red. The wordings used are not necessarily written in stone, personalize each one if you feel it. The more you change it to fit your style the more powerful the spell can become. I just happened to like the phrasing from the original photo spell and just added the names before it for greater affect. And lastly, this spell will work better if 1) The two people know each other, 2) If they were already together at one point / Still have feelings for each other, 3) If at least one of the people have requested the spell be done.

    Added to on Jun 17, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #155 - 9 day love spell

    This is a simple but effective spell to improve any love situation. Use candles and sweetening agents to encourage powerful, loving energies between you and your partner. Why this Spell Works :- Sugar and Honey are sweetening agents which can be used in rituals of Kitchen Magic to soften or ease someone’s mood or feelings, drawing them closer to you. To attract a specific person, use the power of the red candle. Pink candles are used for spells relating to a more romantic love, compared to the red candle‘s fiery passion.
    You may need:

  • 2 Pink Candles
  • 2 Red Candles
  • Honey
  • Sugar
  • Clean sealable container e.g. glass jar
  • Small candle carving tool e.g. Bolline/Knife/Pencil/Toothpick
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    You may need:

  • 2 Pink Candles
  • 2 Red Candles
  • Honey
  • Sugar
  • Clean sealable container e.g. glass jar
  • Small candle carving tool e.g. Bolline/Knife/Pencil/Toothpick
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  • Start on a Friday. Light one Pink and one Red candle on your altar
  • Make a circle of sugar around the candles, sprinkling clockwise
  • Allow the candles to burn for a few minutes as you focus on your goal
  • Snuff the flames out with a candle snuffer or teaspoon and leave them on your altar
  • Do this for a total of 9 consecutive days.
  • On the ninth day leave the candles burning.
  • As they burn take your second set of candles: Carve your full name into the Pink candle and your Partner’s full name into the Red candle.
  • Pour some honey on your fingers and dress the candles.
  • Place these candles on your altar near the other two and light them.
  • Focus on your goal, visualizing exactly what you want. Say:
  • “ May the goddess and god of light and love grant me my wish and quiet my heart.
    I place my desire in your hands, for you to do as you will and as I deserve.
    So mote it be.”

    • Let all four candles burn completely that night.
    • Place all the candle remains in a glass jar and seal it. Store it in a secret place such as under your bed or in a closet. Keep it for one month and wait to see results.
    • After one month, release the energy contained by burying the contents or just throw them away in the trash. Wash the glass jar and keep it for another spell.

    Final Note :

    Spells i will recommend on this site are tested by me ,i have got the results ,you will too . Lots of my client get succeed you guys will also get success . Visualization ,focus ,faith on magic is the key to get the best result . If you don't understand any part of this spell ,send me mail . Please note that ,this is free magic site .So, i don't cast spell for anyone . You have to do it on your own

    Added to on Jun 16, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #156 - Obscure the Truth

    A spell to promote lying, help to catch another in a lie.
    You may need:

  • Seaglass Piece
  • Stone effigy
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    You may need:

  • Seaglass Piece
  • Stone effigy
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    Obscure the truth

    A spell to promote lying, help to catch another in a lie.


    Many are familiar with truth spells. Well this spell promotes lying, in order to catch one unaware and in a lie. This works well on those known for deceiving.


    Seaglass piece

    Stone effigy


    Take your stone effigy and place it somewhere it will not be disturbed, and on this over the face place the glass. Try and place this close to the mouth of the effigy.

    Envision this individual being caught in their deception. Webs are a great way to visualize this. Over time continue to visualize this, and add energy into the effigy.

    This can work for conspiring co-workers or other individuals, especially if they are particularly lying about you the practitioner.

    Added to on Jun 15, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #157 - Multiversal Phone Morpher

    This spell is simple and will allow you to do it, (even if you're a little stoned on weed). And will send you to any universe you want.
    You may need:

  • Two rubber bands
  • A metal twist tie
  • A cell phone
  • An understanding of alchemy, sorcery and electrokinesis
  • And MOST IMPORTANTLY a belief In the Multiverse
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    You may need:

  • Two rubber bands
  • A metal twist tie
  • A cell phone
  • An understanding of alchemy, sorcery and electrokinesis
  • And MOST IMPORTANTLY a belief In the Multiverse
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    Tie the rubber bands over your phone and use the metal twist tie to bind the rubber bands together. Then watch a video or movie of or about the universe you wish to go to on youtube. use your understanding of electrokinesis and alchemy to connect the phone to the desired universe. the rest is on you.

    Added to on Jun 14, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #158 - Any power you want

    this spell will give you any power you want. just do it right. this spell comes in english, latin and Gaelic. which ever one you wish to speak in.
    You may need:

  • 1 green candle (for Earth to the North)
  • 1 red candle (for Fire to the South)
  • 1 yellow candle (for Air to the East)
  • 1 blue candle (for Water to the West)
  • 1 silver candle (for Moon in between North and West)
  • 1 gold candle (for Sun in between South and East)
  • 1 piece of Bloodroot
  • 1 small bundle of vervain
  • 1 burning bowl
  • a circle of Atlantic Sea Salt
  • 1 strand of hair for each power (from your own head)
  • a piece of paper with the name of the power(s) or picture of the person who has the power(s) you want
  • belief in yourself and Magick.
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    You may need:

  • 1 green candle (for Earth to the North)
  • 1 red candle (for Fire to the South)
  • 1 yellow candle (for Air to the East)
  • 1 blue candle (for Water to the West)
  • 1 silver candle (for Moon in between North and West)
  • 1 gold candle (for Sun in between South and East)
  • 1 piece of Bloodroot
  • 1 small bundle of vervain
  • 1 burning bowl
  • a circle of Atlantic Sea Salt
  • 1 strand of hair for each power (from your own head)
  • a piece of paper with the name of the power(s) or picture of the person who has the power(s) you want
  • belief in yourself and Magick.
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    place the the candles accordingly within the salt circle, then place the burning bowl in the center with you. place the vervain, bloodroot, piece of paper/picture and hair strands into the burning bowl in that order. light the candles in a clockwise manner starting with green, then yellow, ten gold, then red, etc.. after that, return to the center with the burning bowl i your hands and before you light the ingredients inside the burning bowl speak this spell:


    "I call upon the divine energies, I call upon the Gods, Goddesses and Spirits of reality. I call upon you to grant this/these great power(s)/this person's power(s) unto me. Let me be gifted with this/these power(s) in this reality. This is what I ask of thee. So blessed be, so mote it be, so shall it be, so let it be."


    « Divinas vires invoco, Deos, Deas ac spiritus rerum invoco. Te obtestor ut hanc mihi tantam tribuas potestatem, huius personae potestatem. Fac me hac donari. /Haec potestas in hac re. Hoc est quod peto a te. Sic benedictum esto, fiat festuca, sic erit, sic esto".


    'Bidh mi a' gairm air lùths dhiadhaidh, bidh mi a 'gairm air na diathan, ban-diathan agus spioradan fìrinn. Bidh mi a 'gairm ort gus seo a bhuileachadh / an cumhachd (ean) sgoinneil / cumhachd (ean) an neach seo dhòmhsa. Leig leam a bhith air a thìoladh leis an cumhachd seo / seo san fhìrinn seo. Is e seo a dh 'iarras mi ort. Cho beannaichte a bhith, mar sin mote leis, mar sin bidh, mar sin leig leis a bhith. '

    Then light the buring bowl.

    the time length for manifestation of the power(s) will vary person to person.

    Added to on Jun 07, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #159 - Come To Me Love Potion

    If you are dreaming of real romance, you can bring about visions of your true love with this potent potion.
    You may need:

  • 3 drops rose oil
  • 3 drops lavender oil
  • 3 drops neroli oil (orange blossom essence)
  • 4 ounces pure distilled water
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    You may need:

  • 3 drops rose oil
  • 3 drops lavender oil
  • 3 drops neroli oil (orange blossom essence)
  • 4 ounces pure distilled water
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    1- Pour into a colored-glass spray bottle and shake well three times.

    2- Fifteen minutes before you go to bed, spray lightly on your linens, towel, and pillowcase.

    3- Keep a dream journal on your nightstand so you can record details of the great love that will soon manifest.

    Added to on Jun 06, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #160 - Hungary Water

    Rosemary reinvigorates more than psychic capacity. At age seventy-two, Queen Isabel of Hungary was crippled by gout and rheumatism. Her master herbalist concocted a reviving water for her, originally only with the intent of relieving her physical pain. The water was administered in daily vigorous massage. Not only was she soon moving, dancing as the legend goes, her former beauty and youthful aura were also revived. Hungary water has been popular ever since. The original 14th century formula called for one-and-a-half pounds of fresh flowering rosemary tops added to one gallon of alcohol and distilled. Should you happen to have distilling equipment, you can experiment with that, but modern versions also proliferate.
    You may need:

  • 1 ounce infused water of dried rosemary and vervain
  • 4 drops essential oil of rosemary
  • 4 drops essential oil of May Chang
  • 2 drops essential oil of German or Hungarian chamomile
  • 2 drops essential oil of peppermint
  • 1 drop essential oil of neroli
  • 8 ounces vodka or other scent-free alcohol
  • 1 ounce orange blossom water
  • 1 ounce rose water
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    You may need:

  • 1 ounce infused water of dried rosemary and vervain
  • 4 drops essential oil of rosemary
  • 4 drops essential oil of May Chang
  • 2 drops essential oil of German or Hungarian chamomile
  • 2 drops essential oil of peppermint
  • 1 drop essential oil of neroli
  • 8 ounces vodka or other scent-free alcohol
  • 1 ounce orange blossom water
  • 1 ounce rose water
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    1- Make the herbal infused water by placing equal proportions of dried vervain and rosemary in a metal bowl and pouring boiling water over them. Steep for 15 minutes and strain out the botanical material.

    2- Blend the essential oils and add them to the vodka in an airtight bottle.

    3- Next add the infused flower waters. Shake vigorously.

    4- Ideally, this beauty potion should now be allowed to mature for 6 months (giving the bottle a good shake every week) to gain full strength, however as it's pretty hard to wait that long, give it as long as you can.

    Added to on Jun 06, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters