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2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2985 Love Spells
2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2985 Love Spells
  1. Adoration Spell
  2. Troubled Love
  3. A Leader is Born
  4. Spell for Adequecy
  5. Find Your True Love
  6. Candle of Acceptance
  7. Abundancy Summer Wreath
  8. Vampire Chant
  9. Beauty Spell
  10. Abundant Pantry Spell

#1581 - Adoration Spell

This is not meant for a person to be worshiped as a god but to get recognition, respect and honors for who you are and ONLY for what you rightly deserve.
You may need:

  • 3 Burgundy Candles
  • White Rose
  • Ring or pendant
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    You may need:

  • 3 Burgundy Candles
  • White Rose
  • Ring or pendant
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    Set up your altar as you wish, preferably with a burgundy altar cloth. Invoke the gods of your pantheon as you see fit. Perferably the high lord and lady of the pantheon, such as Jove and Juno, Odin and Freya, Zeus and Hera, Osiros and Isis. Never invoke a god not of your faith or a god you know nothing about.

    Give first prayers and offerings. The best offering for such a spell would be Frankincense and Myrrh.

    Take the three candles in hand and speak the following, while sending white and burgundy light into the of adoration energy:

    ''Within my eyes spark these emotions
    admiration and pure devotion
    let all those who seen me before
    think well of me and feel well adored.''

    Repeat this for each candle. When done take up the white rose and say the following:

    ''Flower of elegance, Rose some white
    power of adoration I seek this night.
    White for clarify, White so clear
    Make me respected by everyone that comes near.''

    Place the white flower down in the middle of the candles.

    Now take up the ring or pendant and hold it in your hand. Speak now a second set of prayers to the gods you invoked earlier and ask them with all grace and humility to bless you with adoration. When done place the ring/pendant on the rose.

    Now light the candles and sit back. Feel the power of the candles and the power of adoration pulse out from the candles and flower fill you with their energy. Speak the following chant again:

    ''Within my eyes spark these emotions
    admiration and pure devotion
    let all those who seen me before
    think well of me and feel well adored.''

    repeat this spell for 3 nights, preferably held about the same time.

    Added to on Dec 12, 2013
    Last edited on May 02, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1582 - Troubled Love

    A spell for peace and harmony also trust in a relationship.
    You may need:

  • 3 apples
  • Sea salt
  • A full length mirror
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    You may need:

  • 3 apples
  • Sea salt
  • A full length mirror
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    "To my love that I adore, I don't want us to fight no more. Let us have peace and our love no shame, I give to you and expect the same. Let us live in harmony and our love be so true, this is what I wish for me, and also wish for you. Oh how I need to feel you love, I need for it to be intense, let us come together as a team, and build a strong defense. Against all others cause your my lover, they cant take away, and with these apples I show my Thanks on this very day. Thank you Aphrodite(Venus)"

    Now prepare the apples sliced, sprinkle with sea salt, get naked and admire yourself in the mirror as you recite. Truly admire oneself this will help your lover feel how you feel about yourself

    Added to on Dec 11, 2013
    Last edited on May 09, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1583 - A Leader is Born

    This is a spell to help you become a leader.... I have used this spell numerous times as I am reasonably shy and it seems to work. People will start to develop an interest in you and find people begin to follow you.
    You may need:

  • A reasonably loud voice
  • A fair amount of power
  • And a strong will to become a leader
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    You may need:

  • A reasonably loud voice
  • A fair amount of power
  • And a strong will to become a leader
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    Chant the following words:
    By the Moon I wish to become a leader
    For (insert how long you want to lead for) I wish to lead for....
    I believe I will make the perfect leader....
    So mote it be!

    Say this once or more if you wish to.

    Spell effects have been known to wear off so you may want to chat it more than once.
    You can also cast this on others.

    Added to on Dec 10, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1584 - Spell for Adequecy

    Helps to open the eyes and convince those, that normally misjudge your words/work, that is better than they assume.
    You may need:

  • White candle
  • clove oil
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    You may need:

  • White candle
  • clove oil
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    At your altar sit and invoke the gods of your pantheon. Give to them first prayers and offerings as you see fit.

    Rub the oiling into the white candle and white convincing energy. As you do, say the following as much as need be:

    ''Gods of forefathers and myself
    in this candle help me infuse
    the powers to open eyes an mind
    let them see my work for better
    and not what others assume my work to be.''

    Now light the candle and over it chant 9 times:

    ''Once my work has begun,
    from now till then until its done,
    let those who judge me must admit,
    my work was more than adequate.''

    Now envision those that normally chastise your work actually loving and praising your work. Keep this up as long as you can. Do this spell for the next 5 days or longer till the candle is used up

    Added to on Dec 10, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1585 - Find Your True Love

    If done correctly, this should help you find that one person you love. Helpful if you're in a love triangle!
    You may need:

  • Concentration
  • Ability to completely clear mind.
  • To be in a comfortable place.
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    You may need:

  • Concentration
  • Ability to completely clear mind.
  • To be in a comfortable place.
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    If you are in a room, turn off the lights, if not, shut your eyes (not tightly). Clear your mind completely, and picture what you think love looks like. It might even be a stranger!

    Added to on Dec 09, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1586 - Candle of Acceptance

    To be used when you are having issues being accepted by people new to you. Particularly when you have to work with them.
    You may need:

  • White taper candle
  • Rosemary oil
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    You may need:

  • White taper candle
  • Rosemary oil
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    Set up your altar as you see fit and invoke the gods of our own pantheon. Gods that have the attributes to friendship, socialization and gatherings will be best for this spell. Just never invoke a god not of your pantheon nor gods you do not know about.

    Give first prayers and then your offerings. A few springs of fresh rosemary or sweetpea may be most beneficial for this spellwork

    Now take the candle in your hand and start to bless it (rubbing in) the oil. As you do chant the following 9 time:

    ''Gods of my heart, gods of my love,
    you all accept and commune so well amongst each other.
    Help me in this spell I craft now
    and bring the same acceptance amongst those I dwell/work with.''

    Continue to enfuse the candle with positive white energy of acceptance. This spell may not make them your best friends but it will make your working/living space less awkward when around them.

    Now place the candle down and light it. As you light it see the energy you put into it release and fill you and your home. Hold you hands around the candle and speak the following:

    “Gods of my forefather and myself,
    please help me to be in the spell craft.
    Make me be in the eyes of others
    Accepting from they petty idealisms.
    Let me truly see the value of,
    Greeting all with friendship and love.
    Guide my soul and spirit to let others like me,
    And let them treasure my ideas and me as well.
    Each one unique and special find,
    A positive thought their my mind.
    To always be kind and fair and caring.”

    When done let the candle burn for one hour and blow it iut. Never snuff it out with your fingers, as that's rude. Then at night repeat the spell. This spell may take a few days of working on it to take hold in the material world. Just keep at it.

    Added to on Dec 09, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1587 - Abundancy Summer Wreath

    Summer time prayer to bring abundance.
    You may need:

  • Yellow/gold ribbon
  • Gold Candle
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    You may need:

  • Yellow/gold ribbon
  • Gold Candle
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    Set up your altar outside and have it face the east where the sun comes up. Invoke the gods of your faith that deal with abundance and summer. Give first prayers and your offering.

    Hold your hand other the wheat stalks and empower them with golden abundant light and energy and say the following chant 3 times:

    ''God/Goddess of summer magic, help me bless these reeds,
    God/Goddess of abundant life, help me bless these reeds.''

    Light the candle. and speak 9 times over it:

    ''Abundant light bring your might
    Energy radiant with abundant sight''

    Gather long wheat shafts to braid with the gold or yellow candle. (you may fave to soak the wheat shafts some if they are too brittle and will break when you weave them.)

    Braid the grass as you speak this verse:

    ''Summer fairies prancing in the meadow,
    Spirits in the corn wheat;
    Green Man is flourishing everywhere
    On this summer sunrise morn.
    Grains begin to ripen,
    All things bear fruit.
    Summer glistens with possibility,
    Blossoms take root.
    Fairies whisper secrets,
    Powerful blessings to see.
    Cycles move and all around,
    they share their gifts with me.
    Air to fire, Fire to water,
    Water to earth, Earth to air.
    Elements feed spirit,
    And the circle glows.
    At Summer, day and night,
    We witness Nature's awesome might.
    Growing full And blessing all,
    'Tis Earth's celebration Before the chill of fall.
    Now braiding this grass,
    I mark this day Protect my hearth,
    With the abundance of grain.
    The blessings of the Goddess come again;
    Place the braid above my door.
    Hunger be banished now and then.
    Blessings be drawn to this place,
    Summer's energy fill this space.
    Air, fire, water, earth unite,
    And bless us all this day.''

    When done braiding the wheat, decorate it as you want and hang it somewhere in your house or on the front door to invite abundance into your home.

    Added to on Dec 09, 2013
    Last edited on Sep 18, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1588 - Vampire Chant

    Become a vampire.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Lay down on your pillow. Think about the powers you want. Say the chant five times. Repeat nightly until your teeth become elongated and sharp.

    "I am a vampire, I am a human. Super senses (what you want) shall be my powers. Blood from humans makes my eyes (color), blood from animals makes my eyes (color). I am allergic to the sun and burn if exposed. I am nocturnal, and sleep durng the day. My teeth are razor sharp. Blood is my food. If I bite a human they will become a vampire."

    Added to on Dec 09, 2013
    Last edited on May 09, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1589 - Beauty Spell

    Make yourself look beautiful.
    You may need:

  • One White candle
  • One Pink candle
  • Mirror
  • Belief
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    You may need:

  • One White candle
  • One Pink candle
  • Mirror
  • Belief
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    Turn off the lights. Place the White candle to your left and the Pink to your right. Light the white one and say this chant:

    ''Goddess(es) of Beauty, hear my plea,
    make me look like I want to be,
    Your help is all I seek,
    this is my will, so mote it be.''

    Now, light the Pink one and pray to the Goddess(es);

    ''Goddess(es)hear my plea,
    and make be beautiful,
    help me with my quest,
    This is my will, so mote it be.''

    Look into the mirror and stare into your eyes for ten seconds and repeat the first chant.

    Should take at least 2 weeks

    Added to on Dec 09, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1590 - Abundant Pantry Spell

    To ensure enough to eat. This is really meant for a friend or stranger but you can do it for yourself.
    You may need:

  • Green Candle
  • Gold Candle
  • Silver Candle
  • Basket of food to donate
  • Green gift basket plastic wrap
  • Gold ribbon
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    You may need:

  • Green Candle
  • Gold Candle
  • Silver Candle
  • Basket of food to donate
  • Green gift basket plastic wrap
  • Gold ribbon
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    Arrange and set up your altar as directed. you may wish to have a separate table set up next to your altar, since you will be crafting some. Invoke the gods of your own pantheon. Give first prayers and offerings.

    Now hold your hand over all the components that you need and speak the following:

    ''Sweet gods of my heart and my faith,
    Bless this craft I weave in this time and space.
    Give your gifts of abundance to that which I make,
    See to those I give this gift are blessed, this I state.
    Sweet and generous gods of my love and heart
    fill and keep the home abundant as much as a shopping mart.
    Let them never starve nor ever be in need,
    This I beseech of you, so mote it be.''

    Now take the food you wish to donate and place it in the basket. Make sure it is non-perishable foods. (no meat, poultry or fish. Nor foods that will go bad fast) Then wrap the plastic wrap about it. With the gold ribbon tie the green plastic up with nine knots. As you do chant the following:

    ''One, two, three,
    Abundance come to thee/me.
    Four, Five, Six,
    Abundance to ____ now afix.
    Seven, Eight, Nine
    Abundance now by thine/mine.''

    Place the basket on your altar or work space, between the three candles. Then light three candle. Repeat this chant for each candle as you light them:

    ''Let my offer of sharing and caring expand.
    This I ask most humbly.''

    Now sit and meditate on the basket. See the energy from the candles bless the basket of gifts with the power of abundance. At the same time, feel free to change the basket as well with more energy.

    Repeat this ritual for three nights, moving the candles closer to the basket each time. Just not too close to set the basket ablaze.

    Now give the basket to someone you know who is in need. As they open it, the energy will release from the basket and fill their home with abundance.

    Added to on Dec 08, 2013
    Last edited on May 02, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters