3301 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Energy Summoning
- Forget
- Public Speaking Potion
- Confidence
- Money Spell
- Prayer for Wish to be Granted
- Guidance Sygil
- Destroy all Evil
- Teleport into Minecraft PC
- Wish Bottle
#961 - Energy Summoning
Sit crossed legged on a comfortable surface.
Close your eyes once you are comfortable.
Listen to the world around you.
Concentrate on your breathing - inhale...exhale...
Imagine everytime you breath in, you collect energy.
Now build up all the bad energy by imagining a black cloud or something dark, build it in your chest, surrounded by the bright energy you have just inhaled.
Breathe out a long breath...let all your bad emotions and dark energy flow out of you. Imagine all the nice light energy filling you up again.
Now say:
"The power I need is inside of me..."
Gradually getting louder everytime. Continue until your hands tingle and the energy has filled you up. It will only work of you BELIEVE the energy is there.
When you feel the tingling, get quieter and quieter until you are whispering the verse. Then place you hands in front of you and say:
"I am empowered now."
3 times in a whisper.
If you have a candle, blow it out. You should feel strong, empowered and relaxed inside and emotionally lifted. If not, don't worry. Try again and try to stretch out with your feelings.
Everyone has different ways on meditating. This way, in my opinion, is one of the best and works for me. If it doesn't feel comfortable for you, try out different ways and find the way for you.
Last edited on Nov 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#962 - Forget
Sit in a quite room and imagin that someone or something you want to forget for about 2-3 minutes and then say 7 times:
"This is past this is gone make me forget this and never remember, so mote it be."
Last edited on Nov 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#963 - Public Speaking Potion
Place every stone you're using up against the container of water. (Don't put the stones directly in, some are poisonous or will dissolve.) Let it charge for a while.
Pour about a sip's worth of the potion into a drink of your choice and mix.
Drink as close to the presentation time as you can manage. If nothing else, on the same day.
#964 - Confidence
Make sure you cast this at noon or midnight on a waxing moon (the bigger the moon the better). Cast your circle. Put a single white candle at each point of the pentagram. Sit in the middle of the pentagram. Meditate and clear your mind. Try and enter to the state bordering sleep. When you've gotten there you need to deepen this state as much as you can. The only source of stimulation you will have is your own thoughts. Now in your head chant these words.
"Make me confident but do it fast
I no longer want to stand aghast
Let me talk with confidence and ease
I'm tired of crying these useless pleas."
Chant for as long as you'd like. Once you feel more confident and have the urge to confront your crush (or whoever your using this for) then you may get out of this state.
Last edited on Nov 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#965 - Money Spell
Questions? Email me. Or inbox me.
#966 - Prayer for Wish to be Granted
"Holy spirit you who make me see everything and show me the way to reach my ideal, you who give me the divine gift to forgive and forget the wrong that is done to me and who are in all instances of my life with me, I, in this short prayer, want to thank you for everything and confirm once more that I never want to be seperated from you, no matter how great material desires may be. I want to be with you and my loved ones in your perpetual glory. Amen."
Last edited on Feb 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#967 - Guidance Sygil
The key to this spell is intention. Start by feeling the magic flowing within you. When you achieve such state you should start to build up concentration and focus. Charge your magic with intent, use your feeling of being lost.
Use the balck ink to draw a Circle in each back of the hand, small one, pea-size, then make a diagonal that crosses through it. Both symbols must be equal in each hand, not mirrored.
When ready start casting the spell by joining your hands palm with palm. Start chanting "J'ackre, J'ackre) (pronouce Ehakharé). While chanting separate your middle fingers and index fingers, then cross them. Make sure both your palms are still together andthat your index finger and middle fingers tips, while crossed touch eachother. Now direct your hands to your front, like you are pointing a gun. Cross your thumbs.keep said fingers crossed and separate the remaining uncrossed fingers.
Stop chanting. Make sure you your wrists are paralel to eachother. Finally clench your fists three times. If you use magic through an entity, god, godess or other, finish by asking their blessing or name them, if it helps your magic.
Crush the lavander and rub it against the symbols, not necessary. It is not originally from the "book" as it was written in a different handwritting and in another colour. It says it makes the guidance feeling stronger.
Last edited on Nov 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#968 - Destroy all Evil
"By the power of God so let this be destroy all evil so mote it be."
Last edited on Feb 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#969 - Teleport into Minecraft PC
#970 - Wish Bottle
Go outside on a nice sunny day and sit on the ground and meditate for a minuet or two. Think about what will happen when your wish comes true. Open your eyes and put the grass strands in one at a time. Then put your bay leaves in one by one too. Slip the piece of paper with the wish on it and put the cork on the bottle.
Chant this loudly 1x:
"Gods and goddesses of wish granting! Please grant my wish! I will not use it for evil! Let my wish come true in(how many days you want the wish to come true)! Gods and goddesses, hear my plea! Grant my wish so mote it be! Soon, your wish will come true."
Last edited on Feb 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.