3301 Life Spells from Spell Casters
3301 Life Spells from Spell Casters
Included in this list of 3301 Life Spells
- Witches Black Salt
- Community Good Fortune and Happiness Spell
- Wish/Luck Potion
- Fortune for Family
- To make time go faster
- Powerful spell booster spell
- be 1000 pounds
- Beginner Glamour Spell
- Reflect and Revenge
- Tower Spell for Revenge
#511 - Witches Black Salt
Black salt is a spell enhancer and great for protection satchel spells, cleansing magick tools, and keeping stones and tailsmans free from negative or unwanted energy
Keep a bowl of salt on your altar, every time you preform a sage brush or use sage for any reason, snuff the sage in the salt and swirl around. Over time the ash will turn the salt black or a grey color. If you have sage ash on hand as well as salt; simply mix 2 parts salt to 1 part ash. When making black salt you can use various ash as well to make the salt however using cinnamon ash as opposed to sage ash will give the salt very different properties for cleaning.
AJ12 has been a member of the site for 12 years, since Nov 30, 2012
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Spells Of Magic
on Jul 17, 2017
Last edited on Jul 16, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
Last edited on Jul 16, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#512 - Community Good Fortune and Happiness Spell
A simple spell to spread happiness and good will in your area with the help of animals! (Specifically birds)
You may need:
Bird Seeds (That are safe to eat by birds in your area. Do your research!)
A small pouch
A larger pouch (alt. a large jar)
Anything that you have lying around that has positive correspondences!
A Few Examples:
River Stones
Vial of Moon Water
Cinnamon, etc.
After a day, remove the smaller bird pouch from the jar/larger pouch and go out to feed some birds (ideally on a bright, clear day). It's recommended you remind yourself of your intent and project it onto the seeds as you feed the birds. And voila! You're done!
Remember to help out your community after to help strengthen the spell.
Witch___Cat has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Jul 16, 2017
#513 - Wish/Luck Potion
This only goes for the following: -getting a job
-getting lucky enough to meet your soulmate
-curing of diseases
**It does not work if it's used to hurt others.**
-getting lucky enough to meet your soulmate
-curing of diseases
**It does not work if it's used to hurt others.**
You may need:
1 tsp. Nutmeg
2 tsp. Ginger
1 tea bag(any kind works fine)
Orange peels
Small Pan (optional)
Tea kettle (optional)
A cup
3 tsp. Sugar
2. Put the pan/kettle over the fire until it starts to simmer.
3. Add in the ginger and nutmeg, along with the orange peels. let it boil for 2 minutes.
4. As those 2 minutes are passing, ready your cup by placing the pentagram under the cup, and placing the teabag inside the cup.
5. take the pan/kettle off the heat and pour the orange-brown liquid into the cup. add in the sugar, and stir.
6. Before drinking, make a wish.
Note: If this spell works for you, let me know by rating the spell.
ChrysMoon has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Oct 23, 2016
#514 - Fortune for Family
This is a spell to bless you and your family with good fortune. For families who are struggling.
You may need:
4 Candles to represent the elements; Earth, Wind, Fire, Water; and a match to light them
1 form of money; any value will do
Hair from yourself and family members
1 piece of paper
Deity in which you worship; or just the Gods in general
A burial site
You will then need a sliver of hair from each of your family members which you will place in front of you, and a piece of your own that you will keep separate. If you have any form of money at all, even a penny will suffice, you will need it in your circle as well.
Once you have all the candles lit and in place you will take the hairs of your family and burn them one time in each candle. As you are burning them, again, acknowledge the candle in which you are using. For instance, fire from the north, feel my family in your hands, and help them to prosper.
Then you will take your hair and burn it only in the candle in front of you, the candle you have chosen for the north. You will say ''I am calling to the Gods, the Gods that have created and chosen me. I am calling for help and mercy.'' You will wait. You should feel intuition telling you when the Gods have heard your call. If a few minutes have passed and you still do not feel anything, say that last line louder and then follow up with this chant. DO NOT CONTINUE IF YOUR INTUITION TELLS YOU OTHERWISE. The Gods may have something working for you already.
''I declare, with this hair, that I have burned in sacrifice,
I shall be blessed not twice but thrice, and with my family I do share.'' You will declare this THREE TIMES, getting louder and with more proclamation each time.
Once you have finished you will take the form of money in your left hand, and offer it to the Gods who have decided to answer you. You will do this by setting it on a piece of paper and covering it in any ash left over from the burnt hair, and then pouring the wax from each element candle on top of it. You will write in the paper whatever special wish you have, then you will fold the paper 4 times and bury it somewhere special to you. After the sun has warmed it, and the moon has cooled it, you can unbury it on the second sun and burn it after praying to the Gods.
This is not a quick spell, but it is powerful and effective.
MakaChepi has been a member of the site for 9 years, since Mar 03, 2016
#515 - To make time go faster
I created this spell to make time go faster when you're bored in class, work or anything else. So far it has worked for me but I'd love to know if it has worked for you to!
Repeat: ''Time is old,
A thing of the past.
I cast this spell,
To make it go fast.''
3 times and say
''So mote it be.''
OuijaDraw has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Jun 30, 2017
#516 - Powerful spell booster spell
makes any spell work
You may need:
Dead/dry flower petals
Cup of water
Glitter (any color)
A spell to boost
Pencil/pen (preferably black)
2. Draw a large pentagram on the paper and place the candle in the center of it.
3. After the water evaporates take away the flower petals and sprinkle the glitter (which is now enchanted) on the lighter/match and chant this once:
''Gods and goddesses of magick and witchcraft, spirits and powerful elements I call upon you urgently to assist me with my spell casting. I cast a (__) spell and I really want it to work. Please use your magical powers to make it work 100% sure. I would like you to turn this lighter/match into a wand, and I plea for this candle to represent my spell. As I light the candle I boost my spell. Make all of the above happen, please. Blessed be. SO MOTE IT BE!''
Now light the candle.
Merwolfgirl has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Jul 11, 2017
#517 - be 1000 pounds
you will be very very very very fat
to be fat you must say fat fat fat i will be i will be fat so fat i will be 1000 pounds (the spell is temporary for 5 minutes ...) it will take one day
Elioodd has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Jun 18, 2017
#518 - Beginner Glamour Spell
This glamour will utilize your own energy in order to make you appear more confident and physically radiant to the people around you. Please note that this requires a lot of focusing of energy and this can be aided with the use of magical tools such as crystals, herbs, and/or incense, which will be discussed later. Let me know what you guys think of this glamour and tell me about your experiences with it ! Love and light !
You may need:
> the makeup that you will be applying
> a clear intention
> as much energy as you can muster (if possible, try to consume nutrient-rich foods before performing and drink lots of water)
> magical tools such as crystals, herbs, incense, essential oils, etc (optional but highly reccomended)
>music that you feel will allow you to heighten your energy (optional)
You may need:
> the makeup that you will be applying
> a clear intention
> as much energy as you can muster (if possible, try to consume nutrient-rich foods before performing and drink lots of water)
> magical tools such as crystals, herbs, incense, essential oils, etc (optional but highly reccomended)
>music that you feel will allow you to heighten your energy (optional)
After doing this, begin applying the makeup onto your face that you'll be wearing. Focus intensely on your intention, whether it be to seem more seductive, radiant, etc. Make sure you're channeling the energy that you're summoning into your makeup products or makeup tools (think of your brushes as a wand!) and imagining the energy flowing from the makeup and onto your face.
Take as much time as you need while doing this to be the most effective. If you rush the process, it will most likely not work to its full potential. Make eye contact with yourself every so often and constantly be aware of your natural beauty and the way in which you're enhancing your features. Enchanting your makeup products/tools beforehand will help you tremendously, and it will help to strengthen your glamour throughout the day if you're reapplying your makeup with those objects. For example, if you enchant a tube of lip gloss and reapply it throughout the day, the magic will strengthen your glamour by adding to it. Confidence and a sense of self love and self worth is the most important part of this glamour.
If you choose to use crystals to help you elevate your energy, try setting up a crystal grid on your vanity or around the mirror that you're doing your glamour in. Meditate upon their energy for a few moments before performing the spell. Burn incense or herbs such as sage or frankincense. Try to create the most magical atmosphere that you can.
Good luck and blessed be ! Always remember that you are divine, and claim your divinity rather than your humanity !
madeofsage has been a member of the site for 7 years, since May 29, 2017
#519 - Reflect and Revenge
Mirrors are very powerful for returning energy back to someone, and are perfect for revenge spells like this
You may need:
A small mirror
Black permanent marker
Long piece of black ribbon
Whole bay leaf
Burnt wood ash
If you can, cast this spell on a Saturday night. First write the person's name on the face of the mirror is big letters, then set the bay leaf over the name. Wrap the mirror and leaf in ribbon a few times, then add a generous pinch of ash over the leaf. Wrap a few more times and then tie with a solid knot. Place one hand on either side of the mirror, and say:
From me to you, Comes back times two.
Keep the wrapped up mirror charm under your bed, until you feel that your revenge has taken place. Don't leave it forever though. Once some bad luck has fallen on your adversary, remove it and dismantle the spell.
raxed21 has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Jul 07, 2017
Added to
Spells Of Magic
on Jul 08, 2017
Last edited on Aug 01, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
Last edited on Aug 01, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#520 - Tower Spell for Revenge
It's not as simple as saying revenge is wrong. Few moral arguments are that cut and dried. Suffice it say, revenge can be a tricky issue and you should think very carefully about your reasons for taking this path. Karma can be a nasty thing, and actions can come back to haunt you.
Light the black candle. On one piece of paper, write your name. On the next, write the name of the person that has wronged you. On the third piece, write what their offense was (just a word or two). Place 1 slip of paper in each of the little boxes.Put the boxes in pile with your name on top, the purpose in the middle and the other person on the bottom. Set the pile next to the burning candle, and let it burn until it goes out on its own. Leave the boxes sitting until the offender has gotten what they deserve.
Nearly every single revenge spell I have seen is some mix of black candles, photos/names of your enemy and lots of anger. Frankly, none of them really offered much inspiration. All you need to do is light a black candle, look at a picture of the person and think mad thoughts. Not too magickal if you ask me so I am not going to bother repeating such ''spells''.
raxed21 has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Jul 07, 2017
3301 Life Spells from Spell Casters