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3292 Life Spells from Spell Casters

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3292 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3292 Life Spells
  1. Become a Wolfblood! (Tested)
  2. Stichomancy
  3. Hair growth spell
  4. A+ On Your Exam Spell
  5. Mermaid When You Touch Water Spell
  6. lantern spell
  7. Candle luck spell
  8. Death Spell to kill Enemy
  9. Audrey Hepburn Spell
  10. Attract a Wealthy Lover/ Spouse

#391 - Become a Wolfblood! (Tested)

This spell allows you to become a Wolfblood, like in the series.
You may need:

  • A time where it is still dark and the sun is not out
  • Be confident in the spell
  • Even the slightest bit of pain tolerance
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • A time where it is still dark and the sun is not out
  • Be confident in the spell
  • Even the slightest bit of pain tolerance
  • Voice
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    Say the spell 3 times:

    "Gold eyes that shine in the night,

    so bright to bring humans fright.

    A Wolfblood I wish to be.

    In my human form I will be faster and stronger.

    A keen sense of smell,

    Supernatural vision,

    And hearing to locate even the quietest noise.

    I will shift whenever I want or when I get angry;

    The full moon too.

    Dear wolf spirits I beg you.

    Make me a Wolfblood.

    I will have (adjective) (color) eyes,

    And (adjective) (color) fur when I shift.

    Please make this me,


    Side Effects Include:

    -slight burning up

    -aches (anywhere)

    -craving for meat

    -running faster

    -being stronger

    -eyes yellow when angry or feeling threatened

    -sick on New Moon

    -urges to howl (it's weird, I know)

    -improved senses

    -wanting to go outside

    -more obsessive over family and friends

    -might be more aggressive


    -smelling a bit like a dog

    Added to on Apr 16, 2018
    Last edited on Nov 13, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #392 - Stichomancy

    Stichomancy is the practice of getting a reading from a randomly selected passage from a book.
    You may need:

  • A book or a library of books.
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    You may need:

  • A book or a library of books.
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    Randomly pick a page from a book, which can be randomly picked from a library. The passage you see will give wisdom on your situation. You can also ask a question before randomly picking a passage, and the passage will answer your question.

    Stichomancy was first done with the Book Of Changes. A stichomantic reading from the Book Of Changes is called I Ching. A stichomantic reading from the holy book of a religion, such as the Bible, Qur'an, Vedas, et cetera, is called bibliomancy.

    Added to on Apr 12, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #393 - Hair growth spell

    This spell makes your hair grow 4 inches in 4 days.(Not my spell)
    You may need:

  • Belief
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    You may need:

  • Belief
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    Chant this 6 times while holding your hair:

    Grow,grow four times more like ever before.

    My hair won’t get lower.

    Please let my hair grow 4 inches,

    so mote it be!

    Side effects:You will feel your hair growing.

    Added to on Apr 07, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #394 - A+ On Your Exam Spell

    A spell to guarantee that grade; whether you studied or not.
    You may need:

  • Textbook
  • Rosemary (Optional)
  • Pencil
  • A quiet place with dim lighting
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    You may need:

  • Textbook
  • Rosemary (Optional)
  • Pencil
  • A quiet place with dim lighting
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    Harvest the rosemary in the morning after the sun has dried the dew but before the heat of the day sets in. Use a sharp magical knife (a bolline) to cut it, as usual. Lay the rosemary at your window sill until 8 PM. Take a bath at 7:30 and use all you desire to make it the most relaxing it can be. Then, wear your comfiest clothes and get the rosemary off the window sill. Lay somewhere in your quiet place and put the textbook, pencil, and rosemary next to you.

    Make sure you can really smell the rosemary. Close your eyes and imagine yourself going through your school. Imagine yourself sitting at your desk and finding a piece of paper with the grade 90-100 on it. Get up and break the rosemary over the pencil before rubbing parts of it over the pencil. Make sure you use the pencil the next day, and you're sure to get that A!

    Added to on Apr 03, 2018
    Last edited on Aug 07, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #395 - Mermaid When You Touch Water Spell

    This spell will allow the user to become a mermaid/merman for as long as they are in contact with water.
    You may need:

  • Glass
  • Warmish water (one cup)
  • Table salt (one tsp)
  • Necklace or bracelet
  • Bathroom with a lockable door
  • Full or New moon night
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    You may need:

  • Glass
  • Warmish water (one cup)
  • Table salt (one tsp)
  • Necklace or bracelet
  • Bathroom with a lockable door
  • Full or New moon night
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    Make sure it is either a full moon or a new moon night. Go into the bathroom and lock the door. Go into the bath (I'd recommend sitting down as your legs might feel weak). Have the water in your chosen glass and dump the salt into it. Stir the water until the salt has dissolved. Swish your necklace or bracelet in the salt water and put it on. Now drink the salt water and immediately say: Mermaids, Mermaids, of the deep. I have a wish I would like you to hear. I wish to be a mermaid of (say your tail color here) and I wish to be able to (say freeze, boil, or move water). Please hear my request and grant my wish. I wish to be a mermaid.

    Now keep your necklace on at all times and whenever you touch water you will grow a tail. You should be able to use the freezing, boiling, or water movement powers at all times, as long as your necklace is on. If you take your necklace off for more than 24 hours you will lose your powers and will have to repeat this process all over again. If you do this spell on a full moon you will have stronger powers on the full moon and weaker powers on the new moon and vice versa.

    Side effects include: Legs being weak, colored scales sometimes being visible on legs, being incredibly thirsty, and craving fish.

    Added to on Mar 31, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #396 - lantern spell

    become a lantern corps member
    You may need:

  • belief
  • voice
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    You may need:

  • belief
  • voice
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    say "oh,i wish to be a member of (lantern corps),this is my wish so mote it be.

    Added to on Mar 19, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #397 - Candle luck spell

    A simple candle spell
    You may need:

  • Candle (preferably white)
  • Engraving tool
  • Lighter
  • Time: about 9:00-9:30PM
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    You may need:

  • Candle (preferably white)
  • Engraving tool
  • Lighter
  • Time: about 9:00-9:30PM
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    First, engrave your name and "Luck" into the candle. (Ex. For me it'd be Rose Luck) Then, light the candle and let it burn out completely. (that's why I said the best time to do this depending on If you want it for the next day)

    Your done! Good luck :)

    Added to on Mar 18, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #398 - Death Spell to kill Enemy

    This spell is should be practise first you have to master meditation, candles,invoking gods spirits. You have to cast this death spell with anger and full of determination to kill your enemy.
    You may need:

  • Black Candle 1 to 3
  • Spoon
  • Names if your enemies.
  • Pointed knife or needle
  • Photo* or picture of enemies
  • Open mind meditation
  • Open a circle draw it using salt
  • Or chalk
  • Remember you should be inside in circle
  • The candles too, so you cannot be possess by demons or spirits. Dont be afraid! Pack dome salts and onions inside the circle
  • Banish ''''''Demonic spiritus''
  • I kill you i kill you and send back you ri the hell by the power of my soul im here safe from my curst and connecting to the spirit of Angels demon destroy! Say r
  • This in latin with angers and d
  • Full of power.
  • Then throw salts with banishing prayer for angels, with protections by angels.
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    You may need:

  • Black Candle 1 to 3
  • Spoon
  • Names if your enemies.
  • Pointed knife or needle
  • Photo* or picture of enemies
  • Open mind meditation
  • Open a circle draw it using salt
  • Or chalk
  • Remember you should be inside in circle
  • The candles too, so you cannot be possess by demons or spirits. Dont be afraid! Pack dome salts and onions inside the circle
  • Banish ''''''Demonic spiritus''
  • I kill you i kill you and send back you ri the hell by the power of my soul im here safe from my curst and connecting to the spirit of Angels demon destroy! Say r
  • This in latin with angers and d
  • Full of power.
  • Then throw salts with banishing prayer for angels, with protections by angels.
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    Light black candles 3 black candles

    Put the photos or names in the doll. Another way is to etch their names in the candles.

    Say these words: You are the black candle i want to die, (say the name of enemy) you are the spirit of my enemy should die spiritu of death i call you take this life as a blow my breath with angers ,( hold up the candle with etched name) spiritu of death take away this persona life after i blow out this candle.

    Translate un latin

    "Meditate, ' I here call upon the Powerful Spirit of death I ask your help to kill my enemies

    Appear to me now show yourself! Kill ( name of enemies)

    By the power of you full moon tonight

    I swear this WOrds until they die i swear they die

    Until the candles light gone! This is my will so mote it be!

    Added to on Mar 14, 2018
    Last edited on Dec 21, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #399 - Audrey Hepburn Spell

    This spell should hopefully make you look like Audrey Hepburn! Tell me if it works!
    You may need:

  • Belief
  • A white candle
  • A photo or poster of Audrey Hepburn
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Belief
  • A white candle
  • A photo or poster of Audrey Hepburn
  • Voice
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    Light the candle and place it on top of the photo of Audrey Hepburn. Then hold your dominant hand over the candle and chant:

    "Audrey, Audrey, Audrey Hepburn.

    I call your spirit from the heavens to show me your power.

    I summon Venus' power to change my appearance.

    Audrey, Audrey. Make me look like you.

    This is my wish so mote it be!"

    WARNING: Do not try if you are male.

    Added to on Mar 02, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #400 - Attract a Wealthy Lover/ Spouse

    A spell to help you attract a wealthy lover/ spouse.
    You may need:

  • - Red/Pink Candle. Pink for romantic love, or red for passion and lust.
  • - Green Candle
  • - Pen and Paper
  • - Pouch
  • Optional:
  • - Love Oil
  • - Money Oil
  • - Rose Quartz
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    You may need:

  • - Red/Pink Candle. Pink for romantic love, or red for passion and lust.
  • - Green Candle
  • - Pen and Paper
  • - Pouch
  • Optional:
  • - Love Oil
  • - Money Oil
  • - Rose Quartz
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    Begin by visualizing the type of partner you desire. Try and avoid thinking of a specific person, but rather, the qualities they posses. Are they tall? short? funny? serious? etc. Write these qualities down on your piece of paper. Take your time doing this, you could even make drawings or symbols, anything that helps you visualize your perfect match.

    The second step is to light your candles. While your candles are burning, state to the universe the type of partner you desire, and that harm come to none. Fold the paper towards you, not away from you! Fold it as many times as you can, turn it so you can keep folding it towards you.

    The third step is to seal the envelope with the wax from your candles, put a few drops of each. And at this point you can say "This is my will, so mote it be!"

    Keep this envelope in a pouch wherever you go to attract a potential lover.

    These are not required but can help achieve your desired results much quicker!
    - Use love and money oils to anoint your candles.
    - Put a rose quartz stone in your pouch.
    - If your intent is marriage, put white rose petals in your pouch.

    If you need help substituting ingredients or have any questions, please message me! :)

    Added to on Mar 02, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    3292 Life Spells from Spell Casters