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2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2947 Health Spells
2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2947 Health Spells
  3. Water Dragons Healing spell
  5. Ghost Hex: Necromancy
  6. Purification and Cleansing: Poppet working
  7. Get rid of fear of something.
  8. True curse
  9. Crush An Enemy
  10. Remedial Spell of Soul Loss


our normal military physical fitness routine. This is a three year exercise program to build PHYSICAL strength, fitness, and stamina. (this has nothing to do with magic or supernatural practices)
You may need:

  • good diet
  • backpack.
  • time to pursue this.
  • plenty to drink.
  • good shoes.
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    You may need:

  • good diet
  • backpack.
  • time to pursue this.
  • plenty to drink.
  • good shoes.
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    You must run 20 KM over the course of 2 hours.

    Be sure to stop a third of the distance to rest for 12 minutes max.


    Must do this three times throughout the day IN ORDER.

    1. 221 PUSH-UPS.

    2. 442 stationary punches.

    3. 442 elbow side thrusts (221 per arm)

    4. 220 elbow upwards thrusts (110 par arm)

    5. 221 downward arm throws. (think The Hulk from marvel smashing something to understand how to do this)

    6. 221 knee raises. (110 per leg)

    7. 442 stationary kicks. 221 per leg.)


    rest one day out of the week, and exercise 6 days out of your week.

    and whatever you do,you must never mix the cardio and strength building exercises.

    You will not be able to handle it, and regret it.

    what do do for example is do the Strength building Sunday, cardio Monday, the strength building again Tuesday, Cardio again Wednesday, Strength building again Thursday, Cardio again Friday, and rest Saturday.

    Also, eat whenever you feel hungry, and get something to drink whenever you feel thirsty.

    and good luck.

    Added to on Apr 19, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.


    The way we yunka brew our coffee. this methods works the same as tea, and brings out and maximizes the flavor of the coffee. brewing coffee as you humans do it just ruins the drink.
    You may need:

  • Your favorite blend of coffee in powered form.
  • Empty tea bags.
  • A length of string.
  • A mug.
  • A pot for boiling.
  • Clean and safe drinking water.
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    You may need:

  • Your favorite blend of coffee in powered form.
  • Empty tea bags.
  • A length of string.
  • A mug.
  • A pot for boiling.
  • Clean and safe drinking water.
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    There are two ways of doing this.

    METHOD 1:

    1. prepare the bag of coffee by filling the empty tea bag with the powered coffee, tie well with the string.

    you need one bag per intended serving of coffee.

    2. As you are doing step 1, pour the water into the pot, and bring to a boil.

    3. drop the tea bags into the pot.

    4. boil till coffee is at least a dark brown in color.

    5. pour into mug(s) when coffee is ready.

    6. Enjoy your drink.

    METHOD 2:

    1. prepare the bag of coffee by filling the empty tea bag with the powered coffee, tie well with the string.

    you need one bag per intended serving of coffee.

    2. As you are doing step 1, pour the water into the pot, and bring to a boil.

    3. when water has reached a boil, pour the hot water into the mug(s)

    4. steep one bag of coffee per mug in your mug(s)

    5. serve when coffee in mug(s) is a dark brown.

    6. Enjoy.

    the advantage of this method here is you can take the bags of coffee with you and quicky have coffee to dring in the morning.

    Added to on Apr 17, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #293 - Water Dragons Healing spell

    This is a quick spell that can help with minor injuries like cuts and scrapes
    You may need:

  • Water (at least tube size)
  • Firm belief in dragons
  • Respect and consideration
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    You may need:

  • Water (at least tube size)
  • Firm belief in dragons
  • Respect and consideration
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    Place both hands in water and concentrate on placing your energy threw the water the recite:

    "Oh water dragon hear my cry; allow me to use your power to my creation! I will not use your power to harm but only in health; I am not an enemy nor do I use you; so please allow me to heal at your wish; so mote it be..."

    You do not want to yell the last part for it may scare the dragon away. After you finish reciting the spell wash the part of you that is injured and it should slowly heal faster in the water.

    Added to on Apr 17, 2019
    Last edited on May 24, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #294 - SJLIFROF TEA.

    this is our tea we yunka like and is made from Tobacco. you must age 21 to make or drink this as you must actually buy tobacco. WARNING: tea may cause cancer and may be habit forming and addictive. This tea is an actual recreational drug we yunka produce and use.
    You may need:

  • a tea pot.
  • empty tea bags.
  • A bag of Tobacco
  • string to tie the tea bags.
  • Clean and safe drinking water.
  • tea cup(s) to serve the tea.
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    You may need:

  • a tea pot.
  • empty tea bags.
  • A bag of Tobacco
  • string to tie the tea bags.
  • Clean and safe drinking water.
  • tea cup(s) to serve the tea.
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    1. fill the pot with water, set on the range or hot plate, then set to boil.

    2. fill tea bag(s) with the tobacco, then tie off the bag(s) with each a length of string.

    3. when the water is boiling, pour into cup(s).

    4. steep tea for 7 minutes.

    5. enjoy.

    Added to on Apr 16, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #295 - Ghost Hex: Necromancy

    This spell conjures Spirits of the Dead to possess and haunt an individual.
    You may need:

  • Bowl
  • Red Pepper tsp
  • Poppy seeds 1 tbsp
  • Black clothe ( enough to cover the inside of the bowl)
  • Small Bowl
  • Salt 3 tsp or 5 quartz crystals
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    You may need:

  • Bowl
  • Red Pepper tsp
  • Poppy seeds 1 tbsp
  • Black clothe ( enough to cover the inside of the bowl)
  • Small Bowl
  • Salt 3 tsp or 5 quartz crystals
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    1. Line the inside of the bowl with a black cloth. (Cloth must be in one piece)
    2. Add Red pepper and Poppy seeds into the bowl filled with the cloth.
    3. Place the bowl in the south end of your altar space. ( Closest to you-- not in the middle)
    4. Place the small bowl in the middle of the Alter space.
    5. Then place salt in the small bowl-- or (if using quartz) surround the small bowl in a 5 point formation with the quartz; then fill the bowl with water.
    6. Recite the following method of incantation.
    7. Visualize a white light emanating from the small bowl protecting you; then chant, " Your power is useless my defenses are not down, and I shall not be moved or turned around,"
    8. For the bowl that contains the black cloth, poppy seeds, and red pepper; Imagine black ash pouring from the inside of the bowl outward. (Notes: this may seem scary but you are protected as long as you followed the instructions of 6-7.)
    9. Imagine the black ash building more and more--(Notes: You may even start to smell smoke; as the working continues you may feel cold and hot tingling sensations-- if not it does mean it's not working.)-- then imagine if as the source of the ash is coming up from the bowl.
    10. Recite following Incantation.
    11. Hexiaus ( meaning; to bring forth a hex), Drexious (to bring forth a ghost), Amen ( to give fourth power to the caster.) "Hexiaus, Drexious, Amen." then recite the name of the person three times.
    12. You are done with the ritual; Imagine the white light again consuming your home and being. (Notes: The white light is to purify the darkness or black ash spirits from harming you, your home, or your loved ones.).
    13. End of Ritual.

    Added to on Apr 11, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #296 - Purification and Cleansing: Poppet working

    This spell uses a Poppet and a Spirit petition to cleanse the spiritual body of evil spirits and foul Qi blockages. The spell does this by invoking a divine spirit or force inside the Poppet us3ed for this working.
    You may need:

  • Spirit petition
  • Poppet
  • White Yarn or string
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    You may need:

  • Spirit petition
  • Poppet
  • White Yarn or string
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    1. Draw a Sigil for the use or Purification and cleansing on to the Spirit petition.
    2. Tie petition to the poppet using The White yarn or String.
    3. Hold the poppet with your left hand facing upward; then place your right hand over the poppet.
    4. Visualize white orbs appearing from darkness clustering together into the Poppet.
    5. Then feel a release of spirit energy leaving the poppet and becoming attached to you.
    6. Recite, " The purity of the Poppet happens to me, for I am the only one that it can see, so mote it be."
    7. Then allow the Poppet to work its magick.

    Added to on Apr 11, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #297 - Get rid of fear of something.

    This spell is to get rid for the fear of something.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • pen
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • pen
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    On the paper write 'I am fearless' all along the edges to create a box. Write your fear in the center.Then go outside of your house or where you are and say the following in a strong voice. "In this box I place my fear To send if far away from here Do not let me deviate From my mission, nor my fate Banish that which holds me back So I can get things back on track." Then bury the page and never get it out.

    Added to on Mar 24, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #298 - True curse

    This curse can be changed however you want, depending on your needs.
    You may need:

  • An item that reminds you of the victim
  • Black salt
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    You may need:

  • An item that reminds you of the victim
  • Black salt
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    Take the item, and put it in a circle of black salt. Meditate on yourself, and the item. Imagine exactly what you want to happen to the victim.


    Music box that makes the victim cry whenever he hears it.

    Added to on Mar 23, 2019
    Last edited on Jun 30, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #299 - Crush An Enemy

    This Spell is very dangerous and can even kill the person on which you use this Spell.So be carefull.
    You may need:

  • An egg
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    You may need:

  • An egg
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    Get your egg, express the hate you feel for them and hold the egg in your left hand. Feel the anger surge threw your body, so very strong so very intense. Imagine them in all the ways you can think of them to die from being crushed. Now chant in a strong voice...

    "You, oh opresser of my anger, I wish..I call for your early demise. I smite thee with the wound of magic, threw thine power and hatred. Die my enemy, so help me raze".

    Repeat three times (in all saying it 4 times).

    Now crush the stupid little egg with your right hand above your left and hold them together to let the yoke drip free from your grasp... Be careful, this is a dangerous spell.


    WARNING: This is a hex, it falls under the impractical black magick category and it DOES have concequences. Before doing this spell make sure you are willing to take those concequences. Reading this spell means you agree that it is not my (Britty_55) fault of what those concequences may be so DO NOT complain to me about them.

    Added to on Mar 23, 2019
    Last edited on Jan 16, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #300 - Remedial Spell of Soul Loss

    Susto is described as a specific ailment with a very specific cause or a moment/brief period of intense fright that leads to the loss of a piece of one's soul. Serious cases require shamanic intervention but there are home remedy to try.
    You may need:

  • Egg
  • Bowl
  • Spearmint
  • Chamomile
  • Clean cloth
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    You may need:

  • Egg
  • Bowl
  • Spearmint
  • Chamomile
  • Clean cloth
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    1.) Pass egg over the patient's body, concentrating on drawing malignancies into the egg.

    2.) Break the egg into a bowl.

    3.) If blood is observed, this will confirm a serious situation and stronger action needs to take place.

    4.) If there is nothing but plain old egg, prepare a strong infusion of chamomile and spearmint.

    5.) Give the patient some of the infusion to sip.

    6.) Dip a clean cloth into the infusion, squeeze out any excess liquid and use as a compress on patient's head.

    Added to on Mar 17, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters