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2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2947 Health Spells
2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2947 Health Spells
  1. Sacrificial Soul Death
  2. Banishing Emotional Pain
  3. A Pain-stopper
  4. Control Weight Gain
  5. Summon a Demon
  6. Get Rid of Pain
  7. Vampire
  8. Sahia Sacrifice
  9. Chant of a Demonic Slasher
  10. Break Up Unfit Couple

#1751 - Sacrificial Soul Death

This is the only way to fully destroy a soul's consciousness and release the energy into the universe. I have never used this, but I talked to someone who had and they said it works. It really breaks the cycle of reincarnation for the one sacrificed. Use good judgment, because magic doesn't stop the law. The person who used this lives outside the USA.
You may need:

  • 3 coven members
  • 1 large stone altar
  • 4 white candles
  • 1 red candle
  • 1 yellow candle
  • 1 green candle
  • 1 blue candle
  • 1 Well of Souls
  • 1 Soul Stealer
  • 1 human sacrifice
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    You may need:

  • 3 coven members
  • 1 large stone altar
  • 4 white candles
  • 1 red candle
  • 1 yellow candle
  • 1 green candle
  • 1 blue candle
  • 1 Well of Souls
  • 1 Soul Stealer
  • 1 human sacrifice
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    (1) Before the ritual, you will place a white candle at each quarter of the circle. There shall be candle stands at least chest high placed around the altar leaving room to perform the ritual. The North candle is yellow and the east candle is green. The south candle is red and the west candle is blue. Tie the human sacrifice to the altar. All the candles are lit before the ritual begins. The Coven Leader puts on the Well of souls. All coven members chant this line and go into violent meditation.
    (2) Coven Member 3 walks clockwise around ritual circle while chanting this line.
    (3) Coven Member 2 stands facing north and while holding the Soul Stealer high will call this line. You will change direction corresponding to the element you are working with. Once you reach the Element of spirit you point the Soul Stealer at the sacrifice.
    (2) Coven Member 3 yells the first sentence and continues chanting the rest until the Coven Leader completes step 4.
    (4) Use the full power of your mind to call the Names.
    (5) Coven Members 2 and 3 stand at the ends of the altar and chant this line.
    (6) The Coven Leader holds the Soul Stealer up in a position ready to stab the sacrifice through,
    (7) Coven Leader plunges the Soul Stealer into the chest of the sacrifice, but not in the heart.
    (8) Coven Leader twists blade around to widen wound.
    (9) Coven Leader pulls the Soul Stealer out and then plunges it into the heart of the sacrifice and speaks these words.
    (10) Goes into violent meditation.
    (11) All coven members speak this line as one.
    (12) Coven Leader declares the results of the ritual and calls to the gods and Creation.
    (13) All coven members yell this line and let it flow into the universe.
    (14) Coven Member 3 faces west and in a reverse manner releases the elements. While releasing the element this coven member will face the corresponding direction with the Soul stealer pointing out from the body.
    (15) All coven members will call out this line and proceed to chop up the body of the sacrifice into small pieces.

    (1) WAR! BLOOD! JOY!
    (2) Earth of the North Wall. Wind of the East Wall. Fire of the South Wall. Water of the West Wall. Seal the room tight. Spirit bind the Elements together.
    (3) I call upon the forces of Earth and the aspects of the Element of Earth to manifest in this blade. Element of Strength bless this blade! Element of Greed curse this blade! Power of Earth I bind this energy to the Soul Stealer.
    (2) Earth of the North Wall be sealed! Wind of the East Wall. Fire of the South Wall. Water of the West Wall. Seal the room tight. Spirit bind the Elements together.
    (3) I call upon the forces of Wind and the aspects of the Element of Wind to manifest in this blade. Element of Wisdom bless this blade! Element of Vengeance curse this blade! Power of Wind I bind this energy to the Soul Stealer.
    (2) Wind of the East Wall be sealed! Fire of the South Wall. Water of the West Wall. Seal the room tight. Spirit bind the Elements together.
    (3) I call upon the forces of Fire and the aspects of the Element of Fire to manifest in this blade. Element of Vitality bless this blade! Element of Hatred curse this blade! Power of Fire I bind this energy to the Soul Stealer.
    (2) Fire of the South Wall be sealed! Water of the West Wall. Seal the room tight. Spirit bind the Elements together.
    (3) I call upon the forces of Water and the aspects of the Element of Water to manifest in this blade. Element of Tenacity bless this blade! Element of Malice curse this blade! Power of Water I bind this energy to the Soul Stealer.
    (2) Water of the West Wall be sealed! Seal the room tight. Spirit bind the Elements together.
    (3) I call upon the forces of Spirit and the aspects of the Element of Spirit to manifest in this blade. Element of Virtue bless this blade! Element of Treachery curse this blade! Power of Spirit I bind this energy to the Soul Stealer.
    (2) Spirit of the Altar be sealed! Spirit bind the Elements together and curse it so!
    (4) I call down the power of all the Names in the Names. It shall be made so! I command the power to bless and curse this blade. It shall have Janu’s soul locked tight.
    (5) Elements seal the circle.
    (6) Evil and good has been called into manifestation to bring about justice and this blade shall deliver justice. Through my hands the powers of the cosmos shall ride down into the point of this Soul Stealer. I CURSE IT SO!
    (7) I CURSE THIS SOUL DEAD!!! There shall be no judgment, but that which I bring upon him. This life is mine to take and so I take it.
    (8) Be cursed dead! I seal your soul in my Well of Souls. This shall be the place of your damnation Janu Hitikara! I shall show no mercy, because none was given in the Great Wars.
    (9) This shall be your doom Janu! I curse that I shall own your soul in all the authority of White Heavens and Kurane. I curse it so!
    (10) WAR! BLOOD! JOY!
    (11) By the power of the Prophecy I call down judgment upon (name) that there shall be complete destruction. The soul of (name) shall be laid bare and judged by the Prophecy. There shall be no salvation, no justice, no hope, just despair that is brought about by the sins of the whole world. By the full power of the Prophecy there shall be judgment, just a final end to all the sins of (name). The Judgments of the Prophecy shall be manifest upon those who have committed crimes against the Prophecy. (Name) has (describe crimes against the Prophecy)!
    (12) It is done and it is over. There shall be no soul of (name) in existence. All that is (name) shall be erased for all time. He shall be wasted by the powers of all the layers of the Elements of Good, Nature and Evil. The journey of (name) has now ended and I curse it so by the powers of all the forces of Creation.
    (13) So it shall be done in the Names!
    (14) Aspects of Water I release you from this circle! Aspects of Fire I release you from this circle! Aspects of Wind I release you from this circle! Aspects of Earth I release you from this circle! Aspects of Spirit I release you from this circle!
    (15) Hail unto Creation this curse shall manifest!

    Added to on Sep 23, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1752 - Banishing Emotional Pain

    Rid yourself of any emotional pain you have.
    You may need:

  • 1 black candle
  • 1 pen
  • 1 paper
  • Oils
  • Crystals
  • Stone
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    You may need:

  • 1 black candle
  • 1 pen
  • 1 paper
  • Oils
  • Crystals
  • Stone
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    Choose your dark mother, the one who applies to your situation. I chose Kali - Ma, as she is the protector of women and children. I also feel strongly bonded to her. Know your choice of deity! Study her/him.

    Find a special spot, preferably outdoors, because you will burn the paper. Write down all your hurt, and pain, and difficulties ( sadness, loneliness, what ever you are feeling) You might even write a letter to the individual(s) who made you feel this way.

    Open your circle, light your candles(s) and speak to the spirit, ask to be free of the burdens you are feeling. Use rhyme if you need to, or if you are like me and are no good at such things , just talk.

    Burn the paper with the writing on it. As it burns, thank the spirit for the taking these burdens from you and giving you peace. thank her for the gifts you know you will receive. Imagine yourself free of your troubles. Imagine yourself enveloped by the goddess' strength and protection.

    Close your circle, and bury or scatter the ashes of the paper. Allow the candle to burn itself out. Take from this what you need and suits your own needs.

    Added to on Sep 23, 2013
    Last edited on May 07, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1753 - A Pain-stopper

    It will stop pain inside your body.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say "pain-stopper" and touch where it hurts.

    Added to on Sep 23, 2013
    Last edited on May 07, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1754 - Control Weight Gain

    After you say the spell, you will start to feel a head ache. You may pass out. Then the next day, you can control how fat you are.
    You may need:

  • Food and drink
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    You may need:

  • Food and drink
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    Eat a big meal (a whole frozen pizza and 3 sodas will do) Then lay down and close your eyes and imagine how fat you would be the next day, and chant this 3 times:

    "Fat, Fat, Fat. I want to control how much fat I have just by imagining the fat. Fat, fat, fat. This is my wish, so mote it be!"

    Now you have to drink another soda and then go to sleep. After you wake up you should start to inflate. Then you can imagine how fat you want to be, and then you will inflate to that size. There is a limit, but you will feel some slight pain once you reach the limit.

    Added to on Sep 21, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1755 - Summon a Demon

    Warning: Use at your own risk. If casted wrong you will have summoned a demon who will probably kill you.
    You may need:

  • Powerful Voice
  • Field
  • Chalk Powder
  • Black Candles
  • Some Gems (any kind)
  • Night
  • Candle Holders
  • Knife
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    You may need:

  • Powerful Voice
  • Field
  • Chalk Powder
  • Black Candles
  • Some Gems (any kind)
  • Night
  • Candle Holders
  • Knife
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    First draw a Pentagon with the chalk powder while chanting:

    "Unholy Gods allow me to use your power in aiding this summons."

    Chant that until the pentagon is finished then place the candle holders and candles around the points (dont light them yet or the demon could summon at any second). Next take your 5 gems and make a little star in the middle (for binding).
    Now light the candles now in the center of the pentagon prik your finger with the knife and put a few drops of blood in the center of the gems while chanting:

    "Demon I summonyou from the depths of hell. You are bond to me, you will do what I say, so mote it be."

    Added to on Sep 21, 2013
    Last edited on May 02, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1756 - Get Rid of Pain

    This spell works to ease your pain.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Imagine the pain leaving your body, then chant three times: "Gods and Goddesses, please take my pain. So mote it be"

    Added to on Sep 21, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1757 - Vampire

    This spell will aid in the process of becoming a vampire.
    You may need:

  • Bowl of water
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    You may need:

  • Bowl of water
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    Face toward the direction of the moon and say: "Gods and Godesses, wolves and birds, grant my wish oh to be heard. I dip my hands in this bowl of water as to wash away the old me and inspire the dark new. So mote it be!"

    Added to on Sep 19, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1758 - Sahia Sacrifice

    This is truly a vicious curse to use, because it leads to the ripping of flesh and the shattering of bones. Sahia shows her deepest rages when this curse is used to release her powers into the mortal world. She will rip her victims to pieces and bathe in their warm blood as she tears into quivering flesh. Her claws are sharp and her mouth thirsts for warm blood flavored with deep fear. Sahia is the most violent demon in this grimoire and she delights in killing those offered freely to her bloodlust. She never thinks before she goes into battle. She dives into action as flesh is rendered into pieces by her claws, teeth and unknowable strength. Never summon this demon to slay angels or other gods, because she may discover that her strength can rend the very gods to pieces and she will be lost from the sorcerer. Should she discover her true strength, she might continue on her rampage until all is rendered apart and left rotting and forgotten for none are left to note this tragedy.
    You may need:

  • 1 wooden altar
  • 1 altar bowl
  • 9 Azahran’s Awakenings
  • 4 white candles
  • 1 small red candle
  • 1 small yellow candle
  • 1 small green candle
  • 1 small blue candle
  • 1 athame
  • 1 Lemurian Seed Crystal
  • 1 pen
  • 1 stool
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    You may need:

  • 1 wooden altar
  • 1 altar bowl
  • 9 Azahran’s Awakenings
  • 4 white candles
  • 1 small red candle
  • 1 small yellow candle
  • 1 small green candle
  • 1 small blue candle
  • 1 athame
  • 1 Lemurian Seed Crystal
  • 1 pen
  • 1 stool
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    (1) The altar should face north. Place the altar bowl on the center of the altar. Place the yellow candle behind the altar bowl. The red candle goes in front of the altar bowl. Place the blue candle to the left and the green candle on the right side of the altar bowl. Place the other items on the right side of the altar. Place the white candles at the quarters around the ritual circle. Have a stool handy. Now it is time to step into the circle.
    (2) Stand tall and hold the athame high. Visualize the energy of the cosmos striking the athame and going into your body, charging you up. Fill yourself with this energy and hold it inside yourself.
    (3) Lower your arm so that the athame is pointing straight. Speak the line of incantation and draw in the energy of the element in that direction and light the candle on the altar in that same direction to the altar bowl. Turn clockwise to the next direction, do the same thing until you are back facing north.
    (4) Sit on the stool; close your eyes and just quiet your mind and allow your thoughts to go without paying attention to any one of them. Open your eyes and make the request for protection and once again quiet your mind and allow yourself to feel the presence of your guides and protectors.
    (5) Stand and face the corresponding walls when you call the seals. Hold the athame over your chest with your right hand. The blade should be pointing up. Once you feel their presence, it is time to light the candles around the circle, starting with the north going east, south and west.
    (6) Write Sahia on the last offering and seal it with the wax of the red candle on your altar. Place the Lemurian Seed Crystal inside the altar bowl and burn 7 Azahran’s Awakenings.
    (7) To give the Sahia the orders to destroy your target, use this next incantation.
    (8) This part of the ritual requires waiting for the crystal to cool. Invoking Sahia to feed is done by chanting this openly in public, while your hand is touching or holding the crystal. Yell this in out three times. If this incantation is used with a heart as black as night, no force can release the demon until she chooses to leave.
    (9) Use this invocation to cause wide spread destruction and thus sealing your target’s fate to the wrath of Sahia. This demon takes life and cares only of delighting, so this death is likely to be violent and bloody.
    (10) When the target dies, you free Sahia after and only after she has taken the life you seek to destroy. Shatter the crystal after you use this. If the target is not dead after 30 days repeat the spell.
    (11) Allow the energy left over return to their sources.
    (12) In the reverse manner with the athame, you now return the energy you have left over and put out the candles in the reverse order in which they were lit.
    (13) Burn the Azahran’s Awakening. Now that the curse is done, you can now leave the magic circle. Wait until the following morning to clean up the materials and put away the tools. Do not burn the last offering until you are ready to give up the power.

    (2) Hear my voice! I call upon the guardians to protect me in radiant white light. By the powers of the elements I shall be safe here.
    (3) Earth! I ask for your strength! Wind! I ask for your wisdom! Fire! I ask for your vitality! Water! I ask for your tenacity!
    (4) I take of this energy and ask that is it blessed to protect me on my journey into the Unseen Realm. I call down the power of my soul and of the gods that are loving and protective of me to protect my ritual ground, because evil will be summoned here. By the will of the gods and my personal guardians I ask that I be safe for all times.
    (5) Earth, Element of the North Wall be sealed. Wind, Element of the East Wall be sealed. Fire, Element of the South Wall be sealed. Water, Element of the West Wall be sealed. Spirit the binding force of the Elements, watch the seals placed here.
    (6) It is midnight, but day beyond the sky, the Celestial Gates shall be opened and power shall be released upon the land! I invoke the Immortal Stars by the power of my name, (your name). The Five Stars; open wide the Celestial Gates and release the horde; as flesh clings to bone you to stone.
    (7) In Darkness and in Light, I call upon you Sahia Blood Queen of the crystal to destroy (name)’s family by whatever means necessary and perform this at my request. Rip their flesh, shatter their bones and leave only ruins. Bathe in blood and eat them alive, because it is my will be done.
    (8) I call upon Darkness, darkness so dark, so deep that it is bottomless, be freed to curse death upon (name)’s family. Be this day cursed by death and the stealing of lives, Sahia shall eat (name) alive and well.
    (9) I give (name) to the Pinnacles of Evil. Sacrifice (him/her) before your awe and your glory, Sahia Blood Queen, that which is you, three above Evil. Show (name) that I am there in your wrath and tear deep into (his/her) succulent warm flesh and know that (his/her) blood is warm for you to bathe in. Slash, tear, rip and gnaw at this flesh I freely give to you. Feast and enjoy this delightful feast so freely given without mercy. Let my wrath be answered in blood bath.
    (11) By the power of my authority I open this circle and release the guardians from my command.
    (12) Water! I release your power from my circle! Fire! I release your power from my circle! Wind! I release your power from my circle! Earth! I release your power from my circle!
    (13) Hail unto Sahia, my curse shall be done.

    Added to on Sep 16, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1759 - Chant of a Demonic Slasher

    This chant will summon a demon to attack and rip apart your victim. This chant takes a lot of energy to manifest unless your home is already cursed and has a Gates of Kurane Sigil in the room where the chant takes place.
    You may need:

  • 1 Large Black Candle
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    You may need:

  • 1 Large Black Candle
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    (1) This ritual should be done sitting at a table. Place the black candle in front of you about 1 ½ feet to 2 feet away and light the candle.
    (2) Meditate heavily on the words of this chant and chant it as many times as you can before you black out from exertion. Yell this as loud as you can. Let your head fade into dizziness and let the evil take over you. Make sure to pronounce the "be ke kopot" parts properly. All vowel sounds are used like it "bet" "pot".
    (3) Yell this line out as if you are very angry.


    "Bé ké Kópot!
    Die! Die! Die! I want a demon to rip you up (name)! Be gone! Be dead! I hope a demon rips you to pieces!
    Bé ké Kópot!"

    Added to on Sep 16, 2013
    Last edited on May 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1760 - Break Up Unfit Couple

    All you need is your voice and to say the incantation once. This spell is to break up a couple when an innocent is dating a cheater or somebody who is puppeteering an innocent person.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say out loud

    "I invoke the rage of an innocent
    Who has been cheated on
    By a cheater who doesn't deserve
    To be with the innocent

    I invoke the rage of an innocent
    Who has been cheated
    Of their own free will

    I set you free innocent one
    Free to love whom you choose"

    Added to on Sep 16, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters