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1522 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 1522 Fantasy Spells
1522 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 1522 Fantasy Spells
  1. Forming into Vampire 1
  2. Vampire No More
  3. Dragon Summon
  4. Bring a Child a Fairy
  5. Dragon Cleansing Spell
  6. Dragon Cash Spell
  7. Dragon Wisdom Spell
  8. Dragon Healing Spell
  9. Summon a Dragon
  10. Water Dragon Protection

#1481 - Forming into Vampire 1

This is powerful, only for using when you need to. You must believe or will NOT work...
You may need:

  • open mind
  • tooth pick
  • paper
  • glass bottle
  • nive
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    You may need:

  • open mind
  • tooth pick
  • paper
  • glass bottle
  • nive
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    In your mind, try to feel activity movements tumbling ALL around and your energy is cold.

    Start to see sparks of FLYING ENERGY coming from your open mind.

    With the tooth pick, vizulize it embracing you, inside YOUR mouth.

    Vizulize it as a set-pair of fangs.

    On the paper, set the glass bottle on.

    Look inside the glass bottle.

    Now take the nive and place it on your arm.

    Then chant this IN the glass bottle so that it will be loud enough,

    spirits may here your wish:

    ''Spirits I call,
    Rigth from a hall,
    Make my wish come
    true, is a please,
    It's a delight,
    I need!''

    Then you may feel REAL paranormal activity, AROUND YOU!


    May cause tooth-akes

    Become Dizzy; Faint

    Pale Skin; Cold Skin

    Please let me know this spell has caused NO GOOD right away if it does, and I'll post a fix-it spell.


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    #1482 - Vampire No More

    This takes you away of the disease of vampirism. You will NO longer be a vampire.
    You may need:

  • Picture of you with fangs
  • Candle
  • Pen
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    You may need:

  • Picture of you with fangs
  • Candle
  • Pen
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    Light the candle and put the picture of u and fangs in the candle to burn for a while. Draw cross on head and draw pentacle on head. "x" out the pentacle. Now take the pentacle off the best you can. Leave the cross on 100% then simply chant:

    "Realese me from vamprism, please go be,
    I don't wanna be a vampire, tranform me
    with this candle fire. Please take place
    from day nor night, make the fangs go away
    from this light. convert me to a human now,
    on earth and life's surface, in another way,
    i wish i knew how. so mote it be"


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    Last edited on Jul 01, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1483 - Dragon Summon

    This spell well allow you to summon a dragon.
    You may need:

  • Dagon blood incense
  • A rose the color of the element that the dragon is to be
  • Picture or a card of a dragon
  • human blood
  • Circle
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    You may need:

  • Dagon blood incense
  • A rose the color of the element that the dragon is to be
  • Picture or a card of a dragon
  • human blood
  • Circle
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    Draw the circle. Then put the rose in the middle. Light the incense around the circle. Then put the picture or card on the rose then drop the blood on picture and say:"I summon (Insert name of dragon here) of (insert where it is from here)."

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    Last edited on May 26, 2022
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    #1484 - Bring a Child a Fairy

    A spell for children to have a fairy.
    You may need:

  • Flower
  • Leaf
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    You may need:

  • Flower
  • Leaf
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    The child intended for the fairy must be present. Place the flower on top of the leaf and say the spell, "Oh, winged people. Tiny like me. I need a friend to play with me. Grown ups don't know how to be. So, gae, come and play. Sing and make me happy, tiny thing". Have the child repeat the words as well.

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    #1485 - Dragon Cleansing Spell

    This is Perfect for starting out in Dragon Magick!
    You may need:

  • Your Mind, Body, Spirit, and Will.
  • Belief in Dragon's.
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    You may need:

  • Your Mind, Body, Spirit, and Will.
  • Belief in Dragon's.
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    By mighty Oak, Ash and thorn,
    By all the oaths I have sworn,
    I need the cleansing touch of fire!
    Touch this ______ with dragon's power!

    Warning: It is tempting sometimes to change the words of spells. But do NOT ask for dragon's fire in this spell! I know someone who did this and his house burned down 3 nights afterward!! Do not cause your spells to backfire upon yourself!! Be careful what you say and be cautious of what you THINK when doing magick!!

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    #1486 - Dragon Cash Spell

    This is Perfect for starting out in Dragon Magick!
    You may need:

  • Your Mind, Body, Spirit, and Will.
  • Belief in Dragon's.
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    You may need:

  • Your Mind, Body, Spirit, and Will.
  • Belief in Dragon's.
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    While saying the Incantation, think of cash comming to you.

    Golden Dragon of the hoard.
    Give this Oone Your magick word.
    I need the coins to pay my bills,
    And stave away the winter chills.
    I ask not from my whims nor wants.
    I ask in need and from my heart.

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    Last edited on Mar 22, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1487 - Dragon Wisdom Spell

    This is perfect for starting out in Dragon Magick!
    You may need:

  • Your Mind, Body, Spirit, and Will.
  • Belief in Dragon's.
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    You may need:

  • Your Mind, Body, Spirit, and Will.
  • Belief in Dragon's.
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    Say this spell while visualizing wisdom comming to you.

    Silver Dragon of the Weyr
    Bring me to you, take me there.
    Show me sights of things unseen;
    Take me where your heart has been.
    Impart to me what I must know,
    Unto me, your wisdom, please bestow.

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    #1488 - Dragon Healing Spell

    This is Perfect for starting out in Dragon Magick!
    You may need:

  • Your Mind, Body, Spirit, and Will.
  • Belief in Dragon's.
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    You may need:

  • Your Mind, Body, Spirit, and Will.
  • Belief in Dragon's.
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    Just say the Following Incantation while focusing on Healing Energies.

    Mother Dragon of Unborn Fold
    Father Dragon of Wisdom of Old
    A child of Yours is of ill health
    In serious need of Your bountiful wealth
    Your blessings and healing is what he/she needs
    You are in power to sew this seed.
    Bring love and comfort unto this child.
    Bathe (him/her) in your wondrous Light.

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    #1489 - Summon a Dragon

    This spell will call a dragon.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pencel
  • Medium sized cristle
  • Small fire
  • Piece of meat
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pencel
  • Medium sized cristle
  • Small fire
  • Piece of meat
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    On the paper, draw the kind of dragon you want to summon. Hold the crystal in your hand. While the fire is burning, chant: "Come, dragon, come" up to ten times. The dragon should come the next day though it could take up to a month. When it appears, feed it a piece of meat to solidify trust.

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    #1490 - Water Dragon Protection

    This spell summons a water dragon to protect you from harm.
    You may need:

  • Clear quartz crystal
  • To be near a body of water (pond, lake, the sea etc)
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    You may need:

  • Clear quartz crystal
  • To be near a body of water (pond, lake, the sea etc)
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    Hold the crystal and say the following:

    Water dragon I summon thee,
    To protect me from those that wish to harm me,
    Water dragon I need you in this hour.
    Give me your strength and your power
    Water dragon I summon thee
    Protect me now so mote it be.

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    Last edited on Jun 22, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    1522 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters