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7 Spiritual Spells from Psychic Witches

Covens Psychic Witches  ► Psychic Witches's Spellbooks  ► 7 Spiritual Spells
7 Spiritual Spells from Psychic Witches

Included in this list of 7 Spiritual Spells
  1. Your Element
  2. POTION - Rocket Fuel
  3. Conjuring Cash
  4. Melting Moments
  5. Binding Spell
  6. Psychic Exercise 1
  7. Energy Summoning Spell
#1 - #7

#1 - Your Element

This is a guide to find your element.
You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Your element depends on your sign!

    • Air: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
    • Earth: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
    • Water: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
    • Fire: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

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    Last edited on Feb 28, 2016
    Part of the Psychic Witches Library.

    #2 - POTION - Rocket Fuel

    A potion to give you a burst of energy.
    You may need:

  • 5 Nettle Leaves
  • Spring Water
  • 5 Fresh Basil Leaves
  • A pinch of Ground Ginger
  • 5 Cumin Seeds
  • White Pepper
  • A Jar
  • Your Wand
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    You may need:

  • 5 Nettle Leaves
  • Spring Water
  • 5 Fresh Basil Leaves
  • A pinch of Ground Ginger
  • 5 Cumin Seeds
  • White Pepper
  • A Jar
  • Your Wand
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    Bring half a litre of spring water to the boil and add the nettle leaves, with five fresh basil leaves. When these have softened add a pinch of ground ginger, five cumin seeds and some white pepper. wave your wand over the mixture and dance like a witchdoctor making as much noise as you can. Chant:

    This hour, this hour, the gods give me power.

    When your potion has cooled strain it into an empty jar. If you have to much liquid then pour the rest outside as an offering to the gods and godessess. Have just a tiny sip - too much could make you ill. If you seal the jar the potion will keep for a few days.

    Note: If someone isn't keen on you doing voodoo in the kitchen then you can always let the potion cool and dance around it in your room.

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    #3 - Conjuring Cash

    A spell to draw money towards you.
    You may need:

  • Green Candle
  • A small green bag or purse
  • Your wand (more on this on the rituals page under ''Basic Magic Kit'')
  • Some grains of rice on a dish
  • A coin
  • Your stone (same as wand)
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    You may need:

  • Green Candle
  • A small green bag or purse
  • Your wand (more on this on the rituals page under ''Basic Magic Kit'')
  • Some grains of rice on a dish
  • A coin
  • Your stone (same as wand)
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    This spell is done best during the waxing moon(growing from new to full).

    Light your candle and place your coin in the center of the dish of rice and say this three times:

    "Sky above and earth below,
    See my money grow and grow."

    Tap the coin with your wand. Sit quietly imagining the money coming to you in normal ways. Be very clear about the amount you want and keep it sensible. When you have invisiged all you can put the coin in the bag/purse with most of the rice. Leave about 1/6th of the rice to scatter outside. Keep the bag under your pillow when you sleep and keep it with your stone in throughout the day.

    Repeat the chant once a day until your money comes. When your money does come to you then just scatter the rice outside or bury it.

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    Last edited on Feb 01, 2016
    Part of the Psychic Witches Library.

    #4 - Melting Moments

    A spell to attract a person's love.
    You may need:

  • A warm drink
  • A sugar cube
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    You may need:

  • A warm drink
  • A sugar cube
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    Hold the cube in your left hand, close your eyes and think of the kind of boy/girl you would like to meet (be reasonable - no celebs!).
    Imagine a stream of light going down your arm and into the cube. When you are ready, transfer the cube into your right hand and say:

    Sugar, sugar, oh so sweet,
    Now this boy/girl and i will meet.
    Sugar, sugar, play your part,
    As you melt, so melt his/her heart.

    drop the sugar cube into the drink, let it melt and drink up.

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    Part of the Psychic Witches Library.

    #5 - Binding Spell

    A simple spell to bind someone
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Black Pen/Pencil
  • A Rubber Band
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Black Pen/Pencil
  • A Rubber Band
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    Take a piece of paper and write the name of the person that is to be bound on a 3''x3'' piece of paper, using a black ink pen or a pencil.

    While you do this visualize the face of the person on your mind. When you have written the name cross it with an inverted pentagram (5 pointed star within a circle).

    Fold the paper twice and take a rubber band and tie the paper with it. Raise it to your temple and chant three times the following...

    ''To be protected from you,
    This magic charm i will do,
    With this words i bind thee,
    For you to let me be,
    To be protected from your harm,
    I now seal this charm''.

    Now place the paper on your right shoe and slam your foot on the ground nine times (doesn't have to be so loud that everyone hears it) As you slam it the ninth time say...


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    #6 - Psychic Exercise 1

    The first psychic exercise.
    You may need:

  • Your mind
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    You may need:

  • Your mind
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    This is a simple exercise to start awakening yoour basic psychic powers.

    Stand or sit in a place people won't notice you BUT you can see them (if you live in or near to the city, then the next time you get on a bus or in a car, then just stare at someone who isn't facing you).
    If your pure will and intuition are strong enough then they will turn around and look straight at you or near to you.

    If this exercise doesn't work then try again. Never focus on what didn't happen, focus on what did.

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    #7 - Energy Summoning Spell

    A spell to summon energy for you to use.
    You may need:

  • A black pen
  • A peice of paper
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    You may need:

  • A black pen
  • A peice of paper
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    Draw a pentagram on the paper, raise your power hand (hand you write with) above the paper and say the following incantation:

    energy i summon thee,
    black to white,
    dark to light,
    i call to thee,
    precious energy.
    this is my will,
    so mote it be.

    After you have summoned the energy it is up to you how you use it.

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    Part of the Psychic Witches Library.

    7 Spiritual Spells from Psychic Witches
    #1 - #7