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18 Health Spells from Element Magick

Covens Element Magick  ► Element Magick's Spellbooks  ► 18 Health Spells
18 Health Spells from Element Magick

Included in this list of 18 Health Spells
  1. Breaking a Curse - Aura Cleanse
  2. Breaking a Curse - Rosemary Bath
  3. To Calm and Center Your Emotions
  4. End Your Oppressor
  5. Faster Wound Healing
  6. Candle healing
  7. Energy/stamina gaining spell (works only sometimes)
  8. Summon the Dead
  9. Ssummon Cryto
  10. To Kill an Enemy
#1 - #10

#1 - Breaking a Curse - Aura Cleanse

Breaking the curse with an Aura Cleanse.
You may need:

  • Whole fresh lemon
  • Sea Salt
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    You may need:

  • Whole fresh lemon
  • Sea Salt
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    Start off by cutting a fresh whole lemon in half.
    Sprinkle each side generously with sea salt.
    Take a half of a lemon and move it over your body as you visualize how it pulls out the negative energy. Repeat with the other half of a lemon.
    Repeat this process over a number of days or until you feel the curse has been lifted.

    Added to on Aug 27, 2021
    Part of the Element Magick Library.

    #2 - Breaking a Curse - Rosemary Bath

    Breaking a curse with a Rosemary Bath
    You may need:

  • Epsom salts
  • Rosemary essential oil
  • Chamomile tea
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    You may need:

  • Epsom salts
  • Rosemary essential oil
  • Chamomile tea
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    Start off by taking a shower, cleansing yourself as you normally would.
    When you're done with your shower fill the tub with warm water.
    Add 2 cups of Epsom salts.
    then add 10 drops of rosemary essential oil.
    Lastly, add two bags or equivalent of loose tea to the bath water.

    After all ingredients are in, begin meditation. Clear your mind of all thought.
    After this is complete, allow the negativity of the curse to wash away with the bathwater.

    Added to on Aug 27, 2021
    Part of the Element Magick Library.

    #3 - To Calm and Center Your Emotions

    This spell is used to ground and center your mind and emotions.
    You may need:

  • A bowl or distilled water
  • Incense (one or a mix of either amber, bayberry, bergamot or one you find most calming)
  • White Candle
  • Dirt, soil, something from the earth you can rub between your hands
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    You may need:

  • A bowl or distilled water
  • Incense (one or a mix of either amber, bayberry, bergamot or one you find most calming)
  • White Candle
  • Dirt, soil, something from the earth you can rub between your hands
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    Begin by casting your circle as you normally would, using the items your find most personal or useful for this experience. Remember, this is a calming and peaceful spell.

    Say aloud

    Here before me I gather the elements of life.

    Earth, Air, Fire, Water.

    To remove all negative energies from within.

    The Earth grounds me from harm.

    (Now rub the earth between your hands)

    The air blows away any fear

    (run hands through the smoke of the incense)

    Fire burns away the negativity

    (run fingers through the flame of the candle, careful not to burn yourself)

    And water brings freshness back in

    (place your hands in the bowl of water)

    With harm to none, I release my negativity to cleanse my emotions and fill myself full of good intention. So mote it be!

    Take the water and salt(from your circle, if you used it) outside and empty it near your door, saving the incense and candle for later spells.

    As a reminder, any spell ingredients can be altered to your own desire and path.

    Added to on May 08, 2019
    Part of the Element Magick Library.

    #4 - End Your Oppressor

    A curse for your enemies with a twist.
    You may need:

  • Four dead spiders (I prefer them alive but to each their own.)
  • One dead fly
  • Mason Jar
  • Vinegar
  • Raw Chicken
  • Wormwood root (Or belladonna leaves if that is accessible, also extremely toxic so be careful.)
  • Sulphor powder
  • Picture of the enemy or full name on paper. (Clothing or personal item's work best.)
  • Needle and thread (Thread should be black or purple.)
  • Broken Glass
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    You may need:

  • Four dead spiders (I prefer them alive but to each their own.)
  • One dead fly
  • Mason Jar
  • Vinegar
  • Raw Chicken
  • Wormwood root (Or belladonna leaves if that is accessible, also extremely toxic so be careful.)
  • Sulphor powder
  • Picture of the enemy or full name on paper. (Clothing or personal item's work best.)
  • Needle and thread (Thread should be black or purple.)
  • Broken Glass
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    You should understand energy work is essential to any spell i provide, so to begin with the atmosphere needs to be charged with energy. This is done by circle casting which is for protection and raising energy, or you can charge the items as you go along with the spell.

    First, you need to mash and mix the wormwood or belladonna with the sulphor powder . Second use a boline knife or just a regular kitchen knife to cut into the chicken breast from one end to the other directly across the middle of the breast, you don't want to cut all the way through just make a pocket. Third, stuff the wormwood/sulphor mix into the back of the chicken breast. Fourth, the picture or personal name/item of your oppressor will be added in the chicken breast next. After you complete this its time to stich the chicken breast back up using the needle and thread. As you weave and stich the chicken breast being careful not to spill out the contents of course, you should chant:

    "The time is now and can wait no more, your flavor is poison and spider's will sore, your oppression and obsession will cease right now, no more will spirits allow me to bow. Above and below i weave my curse, send back ten fold or make it worse, when my oppressor is done and leaves me alone, i wish them only the best and hope they have grown."

    Once the breast is closed, drop the broken glass at the bottom of the mason jar, and then put the chicken on that. Finally, drop the spiders and fly's in and fill it up with vinegar and seal it. You may do one or two things with the jar, you can bury it in your yard, the woods, their house or whatever, Or you can leave it on your altar and continue to push energy inside for a full's moon cycle then you bury it. I recommend either or because i have tried both and they work the same. Bless your space, ground and center, and leave an offering to the spirits.

    Added to on Feb 06, 2019
    Last edited on Sep 08, 2023
    Part of the Element Magick Library.

    #5 - Faster Wound Healing

    This is a spell that quickens the healing power of the cells of the body, not like instant healing but considerably faster.
    You may need:

  • Green Candle (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Green Candle (optional)
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    Sit in a comfortable position. If you are using a candle, place it on your right. Place your hands over the wound and close your eyes. Visualize your hand glowing with bright green energy, then charge the candle with that energy and burn it.

    Gather the healing energy in your hand again. This time, send it into the wound and as the healing energy enters visualize the cells around the wound glowing bright green. Speak out loud: "With energy green, I make it clean. Heal (name) with the energy taken from me. So mote it be".

    Now visualize the wound closing and pass the flame of the candle near the wound so the person will feel the flame.

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    Last edited on Sep 28, 2016
    Part of the Element Magick Library.

    #6 - Candle healing

    Minor Healing using Candles
    You may need:

  • 6 small green candles,
  • healing oil (see below)
  • matches
  • Picture of sick friend (not necessary, visualization will do
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    You may need:

  • 6 small green candles,
  • healing oil (see below)
  • matches
  • Picture of sick friend (not necessary, visualization will do
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    On the first day of symptoms, in a private space away from anyone, take the six green candles, anoint them with healing oil in the direction of banishing for getting rid of illness and meditate your purpose over them (healing for a friend), and then light the candles one by one for six hours (one on each hour), chanting the following 3 times for each candle while visualizing your friend's face (or looking at the photo):

    Candle green and flame of gold,
    Gather energies of worlds untold,
    Bring to me it's healing light,
    To focus on my dear friend's (lover's) plight.
    When six are gone, a quarter day,
    Take (name)'s sickness away.

    Symptoms should fade partially or completely (depending on virility of illness) overnight.
    Healing Oil

    In 1/2 oz of base oil (jojoba, almond, grape seed,etc.) add:

    5 drops Lavender oil
    5 drops Camphor oil
    5 drops Eucalyptus oil
    5 drops Orange oil
    3 drops Rosemary oil
    2 drops Pine oil
    4 drops Sandalwood oil

    Source ''The Cauldron's Grimoire.'' Ecauldron. 16 Dec. 2007

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    #7 - Energy/stamina gaining spell (works only sometimes)

    This spell gives you energy/stamina but it has little to do with mental thinking.
    You may need:

  • A strong mind or/and a mind which can be easily made to believe something. In simple words it works really well for mentally lower(?) class.
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    You may need:

  • A strong mind or/and a mind which can be easily made to believe something. In simple words it works really well for mentally lower(?) class.
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    To this spell you have to know what is really happening, if you don't then you can skip to the part of the spell.
    Okay so whats really happening is that our physical body almost always stores extra energy in involuntary and unmoving muscles so as to be used at emergencies such as a a car coming at you and you have to jump out of the way using more strength than you can normally spare. Here i am going to explain how to access that energy by saying and visualizing simple things.

    The spell is like this, visualize energy(represented normally as a white glow of light) in some parts of the body which are less used then say 'I am getting energy from myself, i rely on myself and no one else' keep saying that while simultaneously visualizing energy from that part splitting and going to all parts of your body especially the limbs.

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    #8 - Summon the Dead

    This spell will summon the dead.
    You may need:

  • A sage stick
  • 5 white candles
  • Incense
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    You may need:

  • A sage stick
  • 5 white candles
  • Incense
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    Light the candles and incense. Light the sage stick and walk around the room smudging it. Chant: "Hear these words, hear my cry, spirits from the other side. Come to me, I summon thee. Cross now the great divide. Beloved spirit, name, we seek your guidance. Commune with us and move amongst us".

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    Part of the Element Magick Library.

    #9 - Ssummon Cryto

    A spell to summon a demon named Cryto.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Chant: "We call on the demon Cryto. Reach back through all the ages. Humbled by his power, we invite him into our circle".

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    Last edited on Jul 01, 2016
    Part of the Element Magick Library.

    #10 - To Kill an Enemy

    a spell to kill someone who has became your enemy
    You may need:

  • 1 picture of enemy
  • 1 long peice of black cord or string
  • 1 open flame
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    You may need:

  • 1 picture of enemy
  • 1 long peice of black cord or string
  • 1 open flame
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    roll the picture into a loose tube and wind in black string 13 you do this say...''as black as this string is my wish is to see them die...not heven nor hell shal accept them for what they have rid them of life so that the rest may live''...after the string is tied leave the 2 ends of the string about 2 inches long and twist them together...then light the string and both ends of the picture on the 3 flames meet say ...'' thy body shall die...thy soul shall stay unaccepted...death now fall apon you forever more..''

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    18 Health Spells from Element Magick
    #1 - #10