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10 Spiritual Spells from Death's Pawns

Covens Death's Pawns  ► Death's Pawns's Spellbooks  ► 10 Spiritual Spells
10 Spiritual Spells from Death's Pawns

Included in this list of 10 Spiritual Spells
  1. Gyrokinesis
  2. Electro- Ball
  3. Electrokinesis
  4. Chronokinesis
  5. Grounding and Personal Shielding
  6. Draconic Empowerment
  7. Dreamwalking - Rainsong
  8. To Call The Dragon Sairys
  9. Rain Stopping Spell
  10. Bringing The Rain
#1 - #10

#1 - Gyrokinesis

This will help you learn to control Gravity. With being able to control gravity, you can make things levitate, if you drop ur phone, you can make it come back up before it hits the floor.
You may need:

  • Focus
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    You may need:

  • Focus
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    So what you are going to do here is levitate a rock two inches in the air. First, go outside and find a small rock, maybe a piece of gravel or a pebble about a centimeter in diameter. Go back inside and sit in the lotus position and put the rock on the ground in front of you. Close your eyes. Now visualize a bubble covered in swirling patterns, which symbolize the air patterns, around the rock, and the bubble getting taller and taller until it is two inches tall. This bubble is called a magnetic field. While you are visualizing this, also see the bubble filled with transparent red fog, which symbolizes the gravity that anchors the rock to the Earth. I know what you are thinking, how can fog be transparent? Don't worry, I just mean you should make it sparse enough that you can see the pebble in the bubble. Now see the red fog slowly fading and changing into a rich green fog, all the while seeing the rock float higher and higher as the fog changes color. It turns green because green is the opposite of red, like antigravity. Once it hits the top of the field, let it hang in the air for a while before the green fog quickly snaps back to red and the stone drops back to the ground. If you hear the stone hit the ground, then congratulations, you are officially a Gravitybender! Keep practicing this until you can do this without needing to focus, with your eyes open, and standing up. If you can accomplish this, then you are very fortunate because this is a basic but very useful technique. Now for the advanced moves.

    Gravity Path- With this skill, you can move an object around in the air, like on a trail. It is actually extremely similar to the starter skill we did before. The only difference is that you are going to shape the magnetic field in a trail in the air. With this skill, you are going to want to lift something light, like a crumpled up tissue or a cotton ball. So get whatever you want to use, and put it on the floor in front of you. Now do everything you did in the starter skill, but instead of stopping two inches up, extend the bubble in a path around the room. For example, you could extend the field up and make it do a loop-de-loop in the air, and then make it come back to the ground. It is a very easy skill, but it can be a little more useful than the training skill. Keep doing this until you have mastered it.

    Small Vortex- Now this skill is pretty cool, and it is one of my favorites. With this skill, you can make a small vortex in the air to pull things toward you. For example, if you had dropped your cell phone, you could quickly make a vortex to pull it back to you before it hits the ground. Now this one may take a little time to accomplish. What you do first is, crumple up a few tissues and put it on an elevated surface (chair, table, etc.) and sit on the floor in front the surface. Now the beginning part is a bit confusing. Close your eyes, and think to yourself, tell me when the tissues have fallen. Say this over and over in your mind for about two to three minutes. It doesn't make much sense, but when the tissues fall, a blue light should flash across your closed eyes. What you are trying to do is, you are going to make a small vortex to pull the tissues off the surface. But because tissues don't make sound when they fall, you need something to alert you once you have done it. So, your eyes should be closed still, so visualize the tissues on the surface. Now see a beam of light reaching from the middle of your forehead to the tissues and see that beam spinning around, still connected to both places. See it expanding and spinning until it opens up enough to turn into a vortex. Now use your willpower to will the tissues to be pulled in to the vortex and on to the floor in front of you. You should now see a blue light flash across your vision. Open your eyes, and if the tissues are on the floor, then congratulations, you just learned one of the most useful skills in all of Gravitybending! Keep doing this, and try it with heavier objects until you can do it instantaneously with your eyes open.

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    #2 - Electro- Ball

    This is to make a ki ball with electricity
    You may need:

  • finger
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    You may need:

  • finger
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    This is basically a psi ball with electricity from electrokinesis added into it. To start, visualize the electricity flowing through your body. Then, make a normal psi ball, then picture the electricity bolts coming out of your hands and your fingertips, and merging with the psi ball, making little sparks and shocks around and inside the psi ball. Do this for about 5 minutes a day, along with just picturing the electricity flowing inside of you. Just keep practicing, and when you get the electro-ball, you will be able to shock people with it.

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    #3 - Electrokinesis

    Electrokinesis is the ability to control and produce electricity.
    You may need:

  • Finger
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    You may need:

  • Finger
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    Alright, this takes a couple of weeks to learn, so don't get frustrated if you can't do it in the first couple of days. To learn electrokinesis, start out but just closing your eyes, and visualizing electricity flowing inside and out of your body, like sparks of energy. See them shocking, actually hear them crackling and popping. Do this for like 10-15 minutes a day.

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    #4 - Chronokinesis

    Chronokinesis is the power to slow down or speed up your perception of time. If you slow it down you will appear to others to be moving at superhuman speed and your talk will sound like gibberish but to you it will be like everything is slow motion.
    You may need:

  • 1 clock that ticks
  • 2 relaxation
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    You may need:

  • 1 clock that ticks
  • 2 relaxation
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    Listen to the beats of the object, Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, Then focus on this sound and listen for the spaces between the tick tock sound focus on the silence and blend your energy with the silence realize that man is not governed by time. Time is simply a concept created by man.
    Now listen to the spaces between the beats, focus on the measure of silence getting slower and slower.
    Do this for several minutes and then if the beats are getting longer apart from the next one you've done it! Now just keep practicing and eventually you will get to where you don't need a pendulum or clock.

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    #5 - Grounding and Personal Shielding

    Shielding spell
    You may need:

  • Normal altar equipment
  • Protection or Dragon's blood oil
  • Protection or Dragon's blood incense
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    You may need:

  • Normal altar equipment
  • Protection or Dragon's blood oil
  • Protection or Dragon's blood incense
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    If you are new to shielding begin this ritual at the first visible crescent of the waxing moon and repeat every day for one lunar cycle. This will "set" the shield firmly in your subconscious mind, which will then maintain the shield automatically. Afterwards, repeat the ritual each month at the full moon or whenever you feel the need. If desired, this ritual can be performed at solar zenith on the day of the first crescent, and on the day of the full moon.

    Step 1: Light protection incense and sit comfortably, with back straight (do not strain). Anoint your "third eye" and your solar plexus chakra with the oil. Breathe deeply and evenly for 9 breaths. Feel yourself become more and more relaxed with each breath.

    Step 2: Continue breathing easily while visualizing your spine as the trunk of a great willow. Feel your roots extend from the base of your spine deep into the Earth to anchor you firmly to the ground.

    Step 3: With each inhale, begin to draw power and energy up from deep within the Earth. Feel it rising up through your spine, filling your entire body like sap rising up through a tree. Feel this energy penetrating every cell of your body, pulsing with every heartbeat.

    Step 4: Now visualize great branches sprouting from the top of your head and sweeping gracefully back down to touch the Earth like a majestic willow, completely surrounding, shielding and protecting you. Feel the energy you are drawing up from the Earth spray up from the top of your head like a fountain, to flow down through your branches and back into the Earth, forming a protective sphere of power and energy around you. See yourself comfortably centered within this easily flowing, continuously circulating energy sphere.

    Step 5: Reach out with your mind and take hold of this energy sphere. Slowly draw the sphere in around your body, concentrating it there like a second skin. Continue drawing up energy, layer upon layer like an onion, until it is concentrated to a thickness of about 12 inches. KNOW that nothing beneficial or harmful can penetrate this shield without your conscious consent.

    Step 6: Once the shield has settled comfortably into place say:

    "I call to you, (name of deity), and to you, (name of Dragon), my companion(s)! I ask that You touch this shield with Your powers that they may mix with mine."

    Visualize more energy coming from all around you to join with the energy making up the shield until it is so bright you cannot "see" through it. At some point there will be a "blinding" flash and the shield will become transparent to your "sight." The shield is now complete and fully functional. When this happens, say:

    "I thank you, my Lord/Lady, and I thank you, my Dragon friend(s) for your energy and assistance. I am now and forever protected from all external influences, emotions, thoughts, and energies that may come to do me harm. Nothing and no one can penetrate this protective shield without my direct conscious consent. So mote it be!"

    Thank your friend(s) and close ritual as usual.

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    #6 - Draconic Empowerment

    This Chant is designed specifically for use with a Dragon Partner and draconic energies. It lets you charge tools and/or spell components for magickal purposes by combining your personal energies with those of your Dragon friends.
    You may need:

  • none
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    You may need:

  • none
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    This chant should be repeated at least 9 times or until you "feel" and internal signal to stop. While you are chanting (or in between repeats) you should visualize your own energies flowing into the "target" object as well as energy coming in from those Dragons who have answered your call for assistance.

    Simply say:

    "Dragons of Power, Dragons of Light,

    Dragons of Wisdom, Dragons of Might!

    Lend me your magic; Lend me your aid

    Lend me your guidance as this spell is made!

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    #7 - Dreamwalking - Rainsong

    Dreamwalking - Credits to Rainsong
    You may need:

  • Nothing.
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    You may need:

  • Nothing.
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    by Rainsong

    Yet another of the more obscure psionic skills which nevertheless appear in movie and novel plots, 'dreamwalking' is the ability to enter into another person's dream. Sometimes the intention is merely to observe, sometimes a two-way telepathic communication is desired, but dreamwalking is most notorious for the control of the dream, and thereby, to some degree, of the dreamer. It is, of course, a telepathic application; or, perhaps more correctly, a subset of telepathic applications.

    A dreamwalker may conduct his forays from a lucid dream state. This is probably the most common form of the discipline. He might also dreamwalk while in a hypnotic trance, either self-induced, or guided/controlled by someone else. Less often acknowledged, he may just as easily dreamwalk starting in whatever passes for his normal waking state of consciousness. This is purely a matter of personal preference, perhaps influenced by knowledge of one's own strengths and weaknesses. The technique described here works with little variation in any of these states.

    Begin with whatever constitutes your normal preliminaries for a fairly complex working. Calm and center your mind. Focus on the task at hand, and decide precisely what you wish to do: whom are you going to affect, in what manner, at what time, and to what purpose? The 'when' is important, by the way, because it is possible to 'slip' through time, sort of, and affect a dream at a time other than during the actual working. Weird, but true.

    Once your preparations are complete, visualize a grey mist closing in around you; warm and fluffy and comfortable and increasingly dense. Allow it to blot out all other sensations, then mentally 'swim' through it with a nice leisurely breast stroke. Each stroke will push away any thoughts that might distract you. 'Swim' toward your target person, knowing that your focused intent will lead you to the right one ~ if your focused intent is not sufficient to this task, dreamwalking is beyond your current skill.

    Assuming your intentions are friendly, and the person whose dream you are entering has consented, call to the person as you seem to approach. A simple, ''Hey, (whoever), are you there?'' will generally do nicely. Greet him politely, and observe. If communication was your intention, form the words in your mind as though you were speaking, and listen for a reply. If you are doing this from a lucid dream state, just talk however you normally would in a lucid dream.

    Obviously, dreamwalking may be use for less friendly purposes, for those inclined toward psionic combat. Methods of defense, or rather retaliation, against such an attack are many and varied: energy weapons, 'dream weapons', nightmares kept on hand for such a purpose... Anyone trying to use dreamwalking as a form of combat really can expect no mercy from his victim.


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    #8 - To Call The Dragon Sairys

    This is a spell to call the dragon Sairys
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    Simply Say:

    Oh, Sairys
    Oh, Dragon Most Fair
    Come To Me,
    Oh, Great Ruler
    Of Great Sky And Air
    Oh, Sairys
    Great Royal One,
    Come From The Sky
    Where Dwelleth The Sun

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    #9 - Rain Stopping Spell

    It is a spell to stop the rain by the powers of a dragon.
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    Simply say this spell:

    Oh, Dragons Of Great Water Power
    Ease Your Flow This Desperate Hour
    Save Mine Most Dear,
    Oh, Mighty Dragons,
    Take The Floods From Here
    Let The Sun Shine Here.

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    #10 - Bringing The Rain

    It's a spell to bring rain by the powers of the dragon.
    You may need:

  • 1 mind
  • 1 strong will to make it rain
  • 1 voice
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    You may need:

  • 1 mind
  • 1 strong will to make it rain
  • 1 voice
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    Simply Say this spell

    Oh, Dragons Of Waters, Hear My
    Plea, Bring Us Your Rains
    For Harvest Prosperity.
    Oh Hear Me, I Call Thee So
    That Life To My Harvest
    And Crops May Grow.

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    Last edited on Jul 28, 2018
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    10 Spiritual Spells from Death's Pawns
    #1 - #10