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86 Spiritual Spells from Dark Moon's Light

Covens Dark Moon's Light  ► Dark Moon's Light's Spellbooks  ► 86 Spiritual Spells
86 Spiritual Spells from Dark Moon's Light

Included in this list of 86 Spiritual Spells
  1. Diffuse Shield
  2. Bubble Shield
  3. How to make a Psi Ball
  4. A Spell For The Archangel Michael's Protection
  5. Spiritual Protection
  6. The Denegativizer Spell:
  7. Medusa's Reflection:
  8. Emotional Ripples
  9. Magickal Soil
  10. The Little Jar of Sand
#21 - #30
#41 - #50
#61 - #70
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#41 - Diffuse Shield

Protect ones self from unwanted energy
You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    The technique is simple and the shield can be created in about the same amount of time as a Bubble Shield. First I create a thick Bubble Shield (not necessarily strong, just thick). Then I push some parts out to form a spike, and some parts in to form a spike. When I'm finished, it's similar to a furry ball - the spikes becoming so thin they're like fibers. It's made very "loose" and the fibers flow around freely.

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    Last edited on Feb 28, 2016
    Part of the Dark Moon's Light Library.

    #42 - Bubble Shield

    Bubble Shields are easy to make and can hold up against everyday annoyances. I primarily use them for blocking "normal" humans' empathetic projections.
    You may need:

  • your mind
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    You may need:

  • your mind
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    Bubble Shields are easy to make and can hold up against everyday annoyances. I primarily use them for blocking ''normal'' humans' empathetic projections. Regulating how solid the shield is dictates how much empathetic information I receive from my environment. I've personally had trouble using them for blocking telepathic information, but keep in mind, my telepathic experiences are very limited. Bubble Shields are also useful against humans who subconsciously leach energy from others. Basically, in those situations, your shield has to only be more powerful than the person's next to you. The ''leach'' will generally go for the easy target and not even bother with you.

    I use two techniques to create Bubble Shields (though sometimes I do outlandish things just to spice it up little ).

    The first is a simple visualization of a shell building from the ground to up, around your body, and finally meeting up over your head. Eggshells and plastic bubbles are typical visualizations.
    The second generates the shield from inside the abs, and expands it until it's around the entire body. This is useful for pushing energy off of you, while the first might trap it inside the shield.

    Unfortunately, you can't just learn the Bubble Shield and be set for life. If you engage in any psychic combat, you'll find that your Bubble Shield doesn't amount to crap. A focused attack can go right through or shatter it, depending on the attackers skill and objective. Reconstructing and maintaining it during a fight isn't worth the effort. As mentioned above, the Bubble Shield is very basic. It's great for everyday problems, but for more serious events, it's wiser to make a better type of shield, than trying to hold together a small Bubble Shield.

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    #43 - How to make a Psi Ball

    This article is the most complete/detailed description of the method I use to create psi balls. I tried to write this article for a 3 year old so no one would be confused.
    You may need:

  • your mind
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    You may need:

  • your mind
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    Forgive me for being redundant and stupid in many parts, but I just wanted to make sure I covered everything . Also, it's written for beginners - I'm not gonna tell you how to throw or add information to them. Here it is, a complete, step-by-step procedure, for making psi balls.

    Step 1
    Decide where to make the psi ball

    Before you make the psi ball, you have to decide where to make it. You can make it anywhere you want. You can make it in your hands, at your third eye, across the room, or in china!

    The point is... it can be anywhere. Most people choose their hands. If you are choosing your hands, there are a couple positions you can put them in. Here is a picture of 3 that I use:

    You can make your own positions or use these. It doesn't matter. Once you figure out where your going to make it and get in the correct position, you can move onto step 2.
    Step 2
    Decide your source of energy

    Most people use energy from somewhere else to make a psi ball. You can use your energy, but you will run out faster and get tired. You can use anything as your source of energy. For example, you can use the Earth, the Sun, the Moon, or you can use people or objects. Usually planets/stars/moons are a good choice because they have a lot of energy.

    Personally, I choose the Sun when I want to make a hot psi ball just because thinking of the Sun makes me think of being hot. I choose the Moon for cold psi balls because the Moon is usually dark and makes me think of cold. Overall though, I choose the Earth because it's close and it doesn't make me think of a specific temperature. You can choose ANYTHING as your source. Once you make a decision, you can move to step 3.
    Step 3
    Start drawing energy from your source

    Drawing energy from your source is easy. All you have to do is visualize energy coming from your source and entering or surrounding your body. Visualizing is just like imagining or pretending, just picture it in your head. You can visualize anything you want, as long as it seems like your absorbing energy from the source. Some people close their eyes, some don't - do both and see what works for you. For example, I visualize myself standing on the Earth with energy coming from the core, through the ground, and into my body through my feet.

    Please keep in mind, this is just an example... you can imagine anything you want. Here's some ideas I just came up with:
    Your source has an outlet and you "plug" into it and get energy
    Your source is above you and a water-fall is flowing over you, coming from the source
    Your source is above you and is acting like a cloud, shooting lightning bolts of energy into you
    Your source is feeding you hunks of energy, which you eat
    As you can see, anything will work. Once you draw energy from your source and you get a constant flow (could take seconds, could take minutes) you can move onto step 4.
    Step 4
    Direct the energy inside your body to the location you're making the psi ball

    Now, while still drawing energy from your source, direct the energy to where you're making the psi ball. Once it gets to the location, visualize the energy swirling around in the shape of a ball. For example, I visualize the energy twisting around my arms and swirling around in my hands.

    Of course, this isn't exactly what I visualize, but I didn't want to spend hours and hours making an animation. Some tips while your doing this - when you imagine the energy moving, imagine yourself feeling it move. Also, imagine hearing it to. Try using as many senses as possible, if you pretend to feel it, hear it, and see it, then the visualization is stronger. Congratulations! You're making a psi ball!
    Step 5
    Adding more energy to the psi ball

    To add energy, you just keep visualizing the energy entering the psi ball. There are two ways though... one, you could make the psi ball get bigger then compress it down, or two, you can make the psi ball denser and leave the size the same. If you're going to make the psi ball bigger, I suggest moving your hands apart then bring them closer together when you compress the ball. Note - you are not compressing the psi ball with your hands, you have to visualize it. Here is an example:

    Personally, I do it the other way - leave the psi ball the same, just make it denser. Here is what you could visualize:

    And that's how you add more energy to your psi ball! Yippee !!!
    Step 6
    Letting your psi ball go... *sniff*

    Well, when it's time to get rid of the psi ball, all you have to do is let it go. That's it. Hopefully you haven't grown too attached to it ... So, when it's time, release your hold and let the energy filter into the air. Just let it diffuse... and that's it!


    Well, you made it. Congratulations! See, it's not that tough... this is easy stuff.

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    Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
    Part of the Dark Moon's Light Library.

    #44 - A Spell For The Archangel Michael's Protection

    This spell protects you from harm. Michael, the Archangel is invoked in this spell.
    You may need:

    You may need:

    Close your eyes and imagine the Archangel, Michael is standing in front of you, holding his flaming, cobalt sword. Say, ''Michael to the right of me, (imagine he moves to your right) Michael to the left of me, (imagine that there are now two Michael's, one right of you and one left of you) Michael above me, (now, imagine another Michael above your head) Michael below me, (imagine another Michael just underneath you) Michael within me,( Now, imagine another Michael inside you) Michael, with your flaming sword of cobalt blue, please protect me today, as this spell I do.''

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    #45 - Spiritual Protection

    This spell uses the element of Spirit for protection.
    You may need:

  • Your mind
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    You may need:

  • Your mind
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    What to do: Relax. Close your eyes and visualize an intense beautiful pristine white light above your head. Draw this light down, knowing it is the element of spirit. Let it flow through and around you totally covering your energy. As it swirls around you, all negativity and unhealthy energy is transmuted into positive healthy energy. Visualize this well. After that, visualize the element of Spirit swirl around you again but this time if forms a sphere of light around you. This sphere is so bright but it doesn't hurt to look at it. Visualize and know that it will stay with and around you, protecting you and constantly transmuting negative vibration to positive ones. Let it make you stronger through both the good and the bad, as the bad transmutes to good. Visualize this sphere of protection for 5 minutes.

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    Last edited on Mar 22, 2016
    Part of the Dark Moon's Light Library.

    #46 - The Denegativizer Spell:

    Using the cleansing powers of water to purify and bless things.
    You may need:

  • Small bowl of water or asperger.
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    You may need:

  • Small bowl of water or asperger.
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    What to do: Dab your fingers in the water and sprinkle the thing to be blessed all the while reciting this chant:

    ''Blessed Water I call to Thee,
    I ask you to bless this (thing) for me.
    Remove all negativity,
    Purify, I ask of thee!''

    Visualize the waters energy purifying and washing away all negativity. Let it naturally dry. By the way, you don't need to DUMP the water on it, lightly sprinkling is enough.

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    #47 - Medusa's Reflection:

    A spell using the reflective properties of water as a means of protecting yourself.
    You may need:

  • Bowl of water
  • a quartz crystal
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    You may need:

  • Bowl of water
  • a quartz crystal
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    What to do: Place the bowl of water on the table. Place a cleansed piece of quartz crystal in the water bowl. Let the water become still. When it is still look into the water at the crystal and say:

    ''Evil which hath come to me,
    Turn back from thy course,
    By the Power of Water and Law of Three
    Go back to thy source.''

    Gaze into the water at the stone and visualize the power of water in the bowl going into the quartz crystal, empowering the crystal with the reflective powers of water. When all the power in the water is spent and the crystal is sufficiently empowered, take the crystal out and keep it on your person at all times. Repeat weekly or as you feel it is needed.

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    #48 - Emotional Ripples

    Emotions on the rocks? Need a little emotional peace? Try this.
    You may need:

  • Semi Large bowl of water
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    You may need:

  • Semi Large bowl of water
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    What to do: Place the bowl of water on the table. Relax. Imagine your image in the bowl of water. Visualize this for a few minutes. Take your finger and poke it in the waters semi hard, rippling the waters. Say:

    ''The waters cleanse and the waters calm
    My mind and heart from this emotional storm.''

    Say this over and over again until the water is totally unrippled while visualizing yourself within the water being happy and emotionally balanced. Empty the water bowl out.

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    #49 - Magickal Soil

    This spell is very helpful when you are growing things in pots indoors. It helps the plants grow.
    You may need:

  • Pot
  • Plant
  • Fresh soil
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    You may need:

  • Pot
  • Plant
  • Fresh soil
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    Put the pot on the table and take up some dirt. Play with it loosely, so it doesn't clump. Then visualize your plant growing healthy and full. Visualize this for a few moments. If you can, bring up nurturing emotions.

    Place the soil in the pot and then get another handful and do the same thing. Do this until it's at a good height in the pot. Then stick the plant in and make it all neat and nice. Don't compact the soil too much if you can help it. Pour some water in and visualize the energy within the earth immediately going to work and feeding energy into the plant.

    Don't forget to water your plants!

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    Last edited on Feb 28, 2016
    Part of the Dark Moon's Light Library.

    #50 - The Little Jar of Sand

    Want to safeguard your house or property against negativity? Do this:
    You may need:

  • Sand
  • jar with lid (if you have an Earthen Jar, that's even better).
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    You may need:

  • Sand
  • jar with lid (if you have an Earthen Jar, that's even better).
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    What to do: Relax. Pour the sand in the jar. Recite this incantation while visualizing the jar absorbing ALL negativity and warding all negative entities from your property:

    ''Little jar of sand,
    Protect my dwelling land
    From all evil and from all I can't stand!
    Little Jar of sand,
    Confound all evil who enter my land
    Protect me all you can,
    Oh little jar of sand!''

    Place the Jar of Sand outside somewhere hidden or place it in a prominent place near the front door.

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    Part of the Dark Moon's Light Library.

    86 Spiritual Spells from Dark Moon's Light