Cleansing in the Bathroom

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This is a short article on the different everyday things in your bathroom that you could use to cleanse yourself before spellwork

There are many different bathroom amenities and appliances to cleanse yourself, some of which are as follows:-

1. The sink: The sink is a place mainly meant to wash your hands, making it one of the best cleansers around. Your hands are usually the greatest outlet of energy you use, you do everything with your hands! Washing your hands let's you clear your magical gateways, making it easier for energy to work with your will

2. The toilet bowl: ]Despite it's disgusting nature, it is an important tool for cleansing. Using this allows you to get rid of stagnant or old energy that you don't need, and helps renew your energies from the interior of your body instead of the exterior which other things like sinks and showers takes care off.

3. The shower or bath tub: The tub or shower helps to cleanse the exterior of your body completely, unless you purposefully cover a part of your body for some reason, it leaves not a single bit of skin untouched, washing off the negative energy on your body. Try imagining yourself as a being of light, however, there is a layer of darkness on that light being. Imagine the water washing off that darkness if you want to cleanse.

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