To all the new beginners, welcome! We hope that you will learn magic and practice it. But, if you have questions, I'll state four questions that could possibly be someone's question (If they are completely new to magic and don't know what it is).
Four (possible) beginner questions:
1. I have been looking through werewolf spells and I have casted a lot of it but it's not working.How come it's not working?
We all want to be half-werewolf, vampire, mermaid, fairy, dragon, or a hybrid. We can't do those kinds of things. It's physically impossible, we can't change our DNA to become something else. You are human and will stay human for the rest of your life.
2. I did a spell to summon fairies, but I can't see them. Did it work?
If you can sense the fairies, then it worked, but be careful though. They can get a bit out of hand.
3. Is it possible for me to grow wings or teleport?
No and no. We can't grow wings and we can't teleport.
4. Should I start doing spells right away?
No, learn the basics! It helps when casting a spell. I'll put that next. Basics of magic! Beginners must always know the basics of magic before casting a spell or ritual.
Making a psi (chi or ki) ball:
Sit in a comfortable position. Next, close your eyes and shape your hands as if you were holding a ball (a basketball, how 'bout that)? Then, imagine your energy flowing through your body and out through your fingertips. That energy goes to the center of your hands and starts to create a ball. Try expanding it very (and I mean very) slowly, by (very slowly) moving your hands farther apart and putting more energy into the ball. Once you have decided you're done, let it go, then open your eyes. Congratulations! You have successfully used your energy for practice!
Meditation is key before casting a spell. What I put on my first article (which I will take chunks out of it to help the meditation section) is to sit in a comfortable position (like how you make a psi ball), and imagine a shield (or bubble around you) blocking out all kinds of negative energies and only letting in positive energy. Meditate for about 30 minutes (I know, super long meditation time, but the longer, the better)! Then you're done! So now, you have meditated to prepare yourself for casting a spell!
Many beginners may ask questions like, "What is grounding?", "How do you do it?" To ground, you have to stand up, and close your eyes. Imagine your ki rooting into the ground. This could also be a great time to practice making a psi ball while standing up. Once you're done, open your eyes. You have now successfully grounded with your ki!
That is my article for beginners!
KittehGurl1 has been a member of the site for 10 years, since Oct 31, 2014
It is something perceived in the mind, an exercise of energy manipulation and visualization. Any sensation and tangibility is your convincing yourself that it is there, and from within. It is not something physically manifest, nothing which can be seen, measured, quantified.
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