The difference between magic and Reiki
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The difference between magic and Reiki
Reiki and magic - things opposite. And according to the principles of work, and by the very approach to life. These are two different ways. I do not want to say that one is better than another, that one right and one is not correct ... This question is every man for himself to decide. I decided for myself. Catching up on some 23-years of practice, I managed to try a lot of things. Once upon a time. A long time. At the very beginning of his career. Because over time, more or less determine what I need most, I left any of these experiments, and took a deep interest and the fact that appeals to me.
There are two main areas, the main path of development, which in esotericism existed since ancient times. Active and passive, mind and heart, concentration and observations ... They were called at different times and in different countries in different ways. But is not the point. And in that time to go to both is impossible. Well is not that at all possible, to a certain extent you can. In different areas of life we sometimes behave in different ways. But at some point the question may arise of choice. Choice of preferred direction. And it's better if the choice is made consciously.
Magic is directed at the result. To achieve results in any way. To do this, various methods of accumulating personal power, personal power, which is then used for something specific. Well, it certainly is a primitive description. But in general, the basic idea of this. In Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho does not focus on the result. During a Reiki session is not intended to achieve something specific. The session does not lead to the accumulation of personal power. On the contrary, makes a person more transparent, transmitting, receiving the world as it is.
Adopted in magic focus on results and gives direction for the future, then. The power is stored for some reason. For something that will be done later. That is, in the first place does not put the process, and use it to achieve a certain goal. Reiki - a presence in the here and now, the observation of what actually happens, the acceptance of this. The main point here is not the result but a process. Although the results are there. But they are not an end in itself. Much more important is a holistic human development, harmony and balance at all levels and systems, rather than a concentrated one gain something from the rest.
In magic, sometimes not taken into account the consent of a person for a certain effect. It happens that the impact on some people even without his knowledge. It happens that a good strong specialist really knows how the other person will be better. From a certain point of view. But not for the fact that the other person wants it to be "better" in this form it happened to him. And not the fact that it is "better" is really objective. In Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho, without the consent of the person does not do anything. In addition to emergency cases. For example, when a person is unconscious, and he urgently needs help. But always ask his consent to further influence when it comes to his senses.
The magician sometimes chooses a student himself, and betrays his knowledge, so that he sometimes has to go on the path chosen for him. It happens that for him as he made the decision to act, as will be correct. In magic, manipulation technique used by another person. In the tradition of Reiki is made to give a person the right to choose not to decide for him. This is one of the most important provisions. Training in Reiki never occurs without the consent of the person. Various options, but a man always chooses himself.
In magic, it happens that the aim is to ensure that the person wants, what he decided. In general, there is nothing wrong with that. We all want some kind of fulfillment of their desires. But our wishes do not always correspond to real domestic needs, the fact that we really need for life, growth and development. Reiki is responsive to the inner need of man, in a session of Reiki, each gets what he needs and what is its internal inquiry, the consent and willingness.
In the Magic allowed to change the world, the impact of the events and people. In Reiki, we change only yourself.
Of course, these are my conclusions do not apply for a full comparative analysis. It's just a discussion on the topic. Nevertheless, some major differences, I tried to describe here.
marfa has been a member of the site for 13 years, since Apr 23, 2012
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