Finding Your Guardian Angel's Name

Covens Spell Casters  ► Articles  ► Finding Your Guardian Angel's Name
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This is a type of meditation ritual to help one find the name of his/her guardian angel.

All you will need for this meditation is to be dressed in comfortable clothing and to find a quiet environment.

First, sit or lay in a comfortable position that you will be able to hold for several minutes. 

Next, begin to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, focusing only on the breathing. You should start to clear your mind of all distracting thoughts.

When you have made a "blank slate" in your mind, imagine a white or golden light shining down on you, filling you up and extending through the ground.

After a while, ask aloud or to yourself what the name of your guardian angel is. Focus solely on the intent to learn the name of your guardian angel. Be open and receptive. A name may "pop" into your head, or come to mind. This should be noted, as it may be what you are seeking.

Start to imagine the white or golden light is rising up out of the ground, up through your body and back out of your head and slowly start to open your eyes. You may now end the meditation if you feel you have what you sought after.

Note:When you hear your guardian angels name, you may hear it in your own voice. This is nothing to worry about as angels often use voices and appearances that are easy for us humans to handle and accept.

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