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'8.Goetia Sigil Meaning 1'(Rotate 180 deg)

_ "Agares sigil", "Andras sigil", "Belial sigil", "haures sigil", "Gremory sigil", "Vine sigil" (rotated 180 deg), You should search about these all headgear, headpiece, Crown, Helm, Hat, Mask are personification of "brain parts", Which you could see in many cultures,"tibetian headdress", "egyptian headdress", "Warbonnets","Makuta", "Hindu headdress", "List of Hanfu headwear", "Valkrie helmet","Spartan/Viking General Helmet", etc

_ You can see in Agares sigil that The double curved part on the bottom then shaped concave on left and right, Matching the "Cerebral Peduncle", that also gather nerves from "cerebellum"(wider), Then "midbrain"(narrow), Then "corona radiata"(Wider), From bottom to the top

_ Haures is a fire elemental spirit, The wave on sigil's left and right symbolize the burst of fire comes out from her upper head.(Just Like "Tibetian gods" fire in the back or "kundalini fire", Andras sigil is the face and head of himself, It looks like a mask, Andras ability is the destruction of enemies in battle (full of destructive energies) He is so protective to someone who care about him. One of Vine abilities is to reveal Hidden secrets

{related:'list of goetia power'article,"ammon horn","Vishnu The Cosmic Man"map}
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