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{5.Marax Maat}

_ So, The goddess maat symbol (or simply 180 deg marax/morax in goetian sigil) consist of 2 things "Feather of Maat" and "Heart weighing ceremony scale" sometimes the feather is placed in the center top of the scale, that's why in goetian sigil, You will see the feather and scale as one symbol.

_ you could see "goddess libra" (also lead to themis which is 'very tall') as the measurer in zodiac culture. This has to be the same thing, but it just called differently with multiple languages & stories. Goddess maat (justice measurer) somehow have its own university in underworld with other gods like "Khepri" to has a tons of students. She teaches Astrology ,Herbs ,Stones ,Science. If you want, just contact Her. Her priority is about the Truth, so don't ever lie to her or make lies for only your personal ego.

{related:"Maat Libra Themis"}
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