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'6.Osiris crown luciver'

Please look at the 3 crossing point in the sigil. It is at the heart, third eye, and brain, also the most lowest lines is for "Lower dantian". Please surf about "deccusation of the pyramid" (biology), Then.. What was percieved by motoric, sensoric, eyesight ,hearing snail house, etc are always inverted in our brain, similar to brain & body, yin & yang Philosophies.

So as above So as below, Include "Somatosensory Cortex" in brain which legs and pelvic is in upper section, also image inverted in "visual cortex", left to right, right to left, that makes it like number "8" and "infinity symbol", in vertical position it's like "magnetic lines". So the mystery is.. Does people die? when there is a damage in Brain cortex area?

It depends, but damage in Midbrain area is the most fatal, so i believe "midbrain" "pineal gland"(only organ which have no pair in our body), it's become one. Which the "thalamus","Epithalamus", "Habenular Commisure", are only in the apex of upper midbrain.

{related : "eye of horus brain part"}
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