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a spider web, like life, is THE hardest thing a living creature has to live in. as there are many strands in the web there are atleast that many different outcomes in life. things could go one way or another. but all webs are not resticted to just one strand with other strands leading outwards. some are on the complete opposite side of the web. knowing this, I've figured that as many choices and decisions we have to make, there can't be just one of us living in this strange thing we call life. basically what I'm trying to say is that as there are many choices we have to make, there must be other worlds where we choose different from what we choose here. and as you can see from the picture above, they all start from one place, just like an explosion would. clearly meaning, the big bang. from that point on we've just kept on making the web bigger by having families, or simply having a child for those who have not been wedded yet.
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