Any power you want

SpellsWeather  ► Power  ► Any power you want
this spell will give you any power you want. just do it right. this spell comes in english, latin and Gaelic. which ever one you wish to speak in.

Casting Instructions for 'Any power you want'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 green candle (for Earth to the North)
  • 1 red candle (for Fire to the South)
  • 1 yellow candle (for Air to the East)
  • 1 blue candle (for Water to the West)
  • 1 silver candle (for Moon in between North and West)
  • 1 gold candle (for Sun in between South and East)
  • 1 piece of Bloodroot
  • 1 small bundle of vervain
  • 1 burning bowl
  • a circle of Atlantic Sea Salt
  • 1 strand of hair for each power (from your own head)
  • a piece of paper with the name of the power(s) or picture of the person who has the power(s) you want
  • belief in yourself and Magick.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 green candle (for Earth to the North)
  • 1 red candle (for Fire to the South)
  • 1 yellow candle (for Air to the East)
  • 1 blue candle (for Water to the West)
  • 1 silver candle (for Moon in between North and West)
  • 1 gold candle (for Sun in between South and East)
  • 1 piece of Bloodroot
  • 1 small bundle of vervain
  • 1 burning bowl
  • a circle of Atlantic Sea Salt
  • 1 strand of hair for each power (from your own head)
  • a piece of paper with the name of the power(s) or picture of the person who has the power(s) you want
  • belief in yourself and Magick.

place the the candles accordingly within the salt circle, then place the burning bowl in the center with you. place the vervain, bloodroot, piece of paper/picture and hair strands into the burning bowl in that order. light the candles in a clockwise manner starting with green, then yellow, ten gold, then red, etc.. after that, return to the center with the burning bowl i your hands and before you light the ingredients inside the burning bowl speak this spell:


"I call upon the divine energies, I call upon the Gods, Goddesses and Spirits of reality. I call upon you to grant this/these great power(s)/this person's power(s) unto me. Let me be gifted with this/these power(s) in this reality. This is what I ask of thee. So blessed be, so mote it be, so shall it be, so let it be."


« Divinas vires invoco, Deos, Deas ac spiritus rerum invoco. Te obtestor ut hanc mihi tantam tribuas potestatem, huius personae potestatem. Fac me hac donari. /Haec potestas in hac re. Hoc est quod peto a te. Sic benedictum esto, fiat festuca, sic erit, sic esto".


'Bidh mi a' gairm air lùths dhiadhaidh, bidh mi a 'gairm air na diathan, ban-diathan agus spioradan fìrinn. Bidh mi a 'gairm ort gus seo a bhuileachadh / an cumhachd (ean) sgoinneil / cumhachd (ean) an neach seo dhòmhsa. Leig leam a bhith air a thìoladh leis an cumhachd seo / seo san fhìrinn seo. Is e seo a dh 'iarras mi ort. Cho beannaichte a bhith, mar sin mote leis, mar sin bidh, mar sin leig leis a bhith. '

Then light the buring bowl.

the time length for manifestation of the power(s) will vary person to person.


Added to on Jun 07, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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