Ward Demons From This Place

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SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Ward Demons From This Place
This spell will ward off any demons from your location.

Casting Instructions for 'Ward Demons From This Place'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • An item of importance to your deity.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • An item of importance to your deity.
First, hold the item of importance in your hand and kneel on one knee.

Next, begin to chant

Oh God, in all your splendor, cleanse this infected place of the devil's servants!
Note: You do not have to use the name God. I just used it because I am a catholic. Use whatever deity you want as long as it stands for good, not evil.


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This requires an edit. You can call on your deities for protection, but praying once will not be enough. You are trying to remove demons from your home, you will need more energy than saying ''hey God, mind helping?'' Look into protection herbs, sigils and crystals you could place around your home to cleanse and protect. Saying a prayer every day/week asking for protection could help. But if there is an actual demon in your home, saying ''God, send someone'' is not enough.

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