A Spell to Help a Spirit Cross Over

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SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► A Spell to Help a Spirit Cross Over
This is a spell to help a spirit to cross over.

Casting Instructions for 'A Spell to Help a Spirit Cross Over'

You will need the following items for this spell:

You will need the following items for this spell:


Sometimes when a person dies, their spirit gets stuck in this plane for some reason.  They may sincerely want to leave for the afterlife, but fears, doubts and regrets weigh on them and keep them from entering into the other world.  Following is an incantation which will loosen their ties to this world and open their way to the afterlife.  This will only work if the spirit really wants to leave, and is not to be used to banish evil spirits.

A time for everything

and everything in its place,

May the Angel of Destiny guide you

beyond this impasse,

Traverse in peace on the other side of the veil,

My blessings,

So mote it be.

You don’t need to be a practising witch to use this incantation – anyone who has some sort of relationship with the spirit can recite it.

Many times, spirits don’t actually need help passing through the other side – sometimes they are just waiting to send a message to their loved ones or to make peace with their family. Other times, they just need some time to accept their death, and to ensure that their family and loved ones will be able to overcome their grief.  Once these things have happened, most spirits will be drawn to the light above, without needing the help of any magick.



Added to on Aug 23, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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correct, sometimes shamman see spirit stuck & visioned bad way, thin pale, hungry, rugged cloth, unkempt, and in bad case ''Hungry Ghost''. they maybe have something still to do & just cannot let go all their desires in earth. There's also person who sells his/her soul, after dead the soul is carried by buyer as slave ,but other hand there is children who selled by his/her parent as sacrifice for bad entities. also suicidal spirit who force to dead. As far i know, not like christian, they still wandering around after died for many days. this thing we need to Pray, Recite, Offer to gods/goddess to have pity, even ritual magic give food .Public problem that people just leave/blind to spirit, yet spirit stuck is actually very sorrow.

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