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Re: DeathSpell
Post # 41
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Re: DeathSpell
Post # 42
The only time it's acceptable to kill another is to save a life, or the lives of many. Many a dictator has been killed to save the people from suffering. However if you are talking about killing using magick, not a good idea. There is a different quality to killing with magick than there is killing with your own hands. Though killing is killing, be it with magic or a blade, there is a deeply personal connection created when using your own energy to perform anything through use of such subtle means. This deep connection can cause a backlash, meaning some or all of the intended effect can come back upon you. You could call this karma, but that would not be so accurate a term. Regardless, using magic can have consequences, best be sure they are good consequences, and not bad.
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Re: DeathSpell
Post # 43
I agree with you. Killing dont do it unless with hands to stop sufferin I mean people that are like guts on the out side
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Re: DeathSpell
Post # 44
Okay, I'm going to try to keep this as simple as possible. Tell me, do you love someone? I do. I love many people. My mom, my dad, my friends, my siblings. I assume you have at least on person you love. Now, imagine that love, being wretched from you. That love, droppling to the ground. That love, life-less, barren of their spiritual source. You will never speak to that person, never rely on that person, never hug that person...
That person you love was killed by a death spell, because SOMEONE out there wished ill-will on them. They were KiLLED because of a conflict that presumably, is petty. Now imagine yourself as the killer. You, are the man filled with hatred so overbearing that your common sense
has failed you. You, ...killed someone that was loved. Someone's mother, father, uncle,... friend. You see, in doing something as incredibly iggnorant as this, you DO NOT gain satisfaction. I promise you that.
You will be spiritually destroyed. Guilt will block every pleasant feeling. And you, will suffer the pain the person who lost the loved one. YOU will. Death is no simple answer. Killing is no simple answer. To participate in this would be like suicide; selfish and weak-minded. Now this is directed at no one in particular. But it is of the utmost importance that you understand what you are doing BEFORE you do it.
You know why Catholics can demean witchcraft? Youbknow what fuels the arguments that sent many of us, not returning, but running for our lives back into the "broom closet"? It's things like this. We can kill people. So can they, but that doesnt stop the manipulation.
Look... I cannot control what you do. That would be against my main principles. But I urge you to think. Karma was already mentioned several times. And hey, karma can be a mighty nasty thing. I want you to be clear in that I am not calling you a bad person. No. If you choose to do this, so be it. But if I was in your situation, I would be thankful for that person who forced me to rethink my vengeance. Because, this is permanent. For you and for them. I urge you to examine all angles first. :) -blessed be
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Re: DeathSpell
Post # 45
I had loved one die and belive some one took his life. And do u want people to get even with u over a spell.
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Re: DeathSpell
By: / Beginner
Post # 46
this is one of my favorites it's called Lucifer's touch,

Light 3 black candels at midnight and repeat the following 3 times. If you have a bell you should ring it 3 times at the beginning of this ritual........
I call to the mighty bringer of light,Lucifer...
"Spirits of the abyss, hear my call
all most powerful one and all
Lucifer my thoughts do sing
through the universe they now ring
Take thine enemy,take him smite
Break him,scorn him in the night
from the mighty depths of hell
cast your darkness on his shell
Oh Lucifer, oh shinning star
Touch him,burn him from afar
Revenge now will have its day
for thine enemy starts to fray"
So it be!
During the time spent doing this hex, you should be worked up into a frenzy of anger and thinking of the darkness about to descend upon your enemy. When you are done, exstinguish the candles.

for everyone who doesn't agree with me giving this hex out. I have children an if any man or god ever harms them i would bring down Lucifer's army upon them. may this help u in overcomeing ur problem
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Re: DeathSpell
Post # 47
I understand if some 1 hurt a child. But thats why there is self defence and no I do not agree. Karma HELLO. And God does judgement. And if some 1 hurt my child I would kill them my self not by a spell but it would be olny in self defence and belive what my mums ex did to me he will have his day KARMA
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