Please Help

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Please Help
Post # 1
I was in town with my friends the yesterday, when a gang of lets just say rough people started following us. One guy started asking my friend why he was pushing his cousin even though we never saw them before. We walked away but they kept following us and were going to beat us up, before they could do that we rang my friends dad and he collected us and told them to leave us alone, but when we were driving off in the car they said they would get us, by this they mean beat us really bad and belive me they won't forget and I'm really scared to go into town or go to school because some of them go to my school and they will get me and my two friends.
They point of this thread is to ask for help, could people please cast protective spells on me, like really powerful ones and if anybody who reads this is pyschic could they please predict what is going to happen.
Please please help I beg you.
Blessed Be
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Re: Please Help
Post # 2
if i were you i wouldent cast protective spells..i'd cast more like friendship spells or spells for that gang to lose their grudge for you or something better than a protective spell
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