Trance & Meditation

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Trance & Meditation
Post # 1
How do you feel about trance work? I feel there is incredible potential in subconscious energy available in detailed breath work, visualizations, and reciting certain audible vocalizations. By what means can we discern habits and pathways establishing a greater order? Is entraining a thought to a higher level accomplishing the feat of transposition? When are there limits and approximately what are the boundaries for higher planes? Where are diminishing returns occurring when one is investing in this type of meditation? I think it is established that this can be a means of finding inner peace and finding a sense of belonging.

Here is my spell for relaxation: Imagine a big blue lake, now match your breathing to the wind passing over the lake. A step further would be to vocalize sounds that come to mind, when your mind is in the right state, and remember them to bring about a calming sensation at a faster pace.
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Re: Trance & Meditation
Post # 2
I have actually been interested in this topic for a while now and have a post similar in "Other Spells Discussion" which shows me using those kinds of trance states and entraining in magic. I'm currently doing the "gateway process" right now but am still around focus 3 so I can't say much about the more supernatural levels to it. However many confirm they could telepathically communicate, have OBEs, see into the future, heal their bodies, etc etc. I suggest reading the entire document which details the many abilities upon amplifying your brain's energy to higher and higher levels.
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Re: Trance & Meditation
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Trance meditation is indeed a powerful tool. However one should be mindful of keeping their feet on the ground even while sending their head to the clouds. Just as with any other practice it is an easy thing to blur the lines between the physical and non so much that reality and fantasy can become confused. Never neglect your grounding work before and after trance work.

Think of it like warm-ups and cool-downs around an exercise routine.

Personally, I find the act of mindfulness to be the biggest key to this. Active observation of your thoughts and actions. And not only during your practice but during daily life as well. Every once and a while during a day, pause and take stock of yourself. Your thoughts and emotions. Your state of being. Ask yourself if you are being active within your choices in life, or are you simply reacting to what you encounter? Someone cuts you off in traffic- Do you think about why you are honking and flipping them the bird... or are you just doing it? You see someone on the sidewalk behaving strangely- do you think about why you react in disgust or fear, or do you consider if the person might need help?

Regardless of your actions during such moments, what matters is practicing being consciously aware of them. That is what leads you away from knee-jerking through life and towards active choice and awareness. Master that, and it helps greatly in being able to separate out whimsical dream from transcendental revelation. It makes awareness and evaluation a habit.
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